"Our relationship ended eight years ago, Vano. You don't have to wait for me to fill your heart again. I left you, didn't I?" Cheery said harshly even though her heart was also very hurt to say that to Vano.

"Really? Is there no me in your heart anymore?" Every time Vano got up from his seat and changed position next to Cheery.

"Look into my eyes, Cheery! Look there. There will only be your reflection there and feel this pounding in my chest. Here always only your name, I never fill it with another woman's name. I only love you all this time. You are my lover, forever still my lover! I always love you, Cheery!"

Cheery's tears welled up again when Vano's hand was still tightly gripped to keep it attached to his chest.

"I don't deserve you. I've left you. Don't turn to me again and continue your future, Vano. Why did you come again?" Cheery cried when she said that.