Troy smiled before getting up from his bed to approach Cheery. He looked at the work Cheery was doing on the laptop and understood what Cheery had been working on all night. Slowly, he took Cheery's laptop and turned it off.

"You've worked hard all day, Cheery. Now get some rest," Troy muttered while looking at Cheery's tired innocent face while sleeping.

Troy carried Cheery's body in a bride-style style slowly intending to move Cheery to her bed. After that Troy replaced the work that Cheery did on the laptop.

All night Troy worked because his eyes were awake. Sleeping all day made his body fresh again, until that late even his eyes were hard of closing.

"Ahhh, it's finally over. You're so crazy, Cheery. You can do a lot of work well. Even if you end up falling from exhaustion!" Troy said to Cheery who looked comfortable sleeping on the bed.