"I fought my way back to you guys, so it was worth it. That's not the end of my story anyway, Sean. I still have a long way to go here and I'm going to tell you about it again now," Rose answered with a smile and told Sean to calm down as if it were a normal story.

But that's not the point of the story. She still wants to continue the story again.

A chase ensues between Rose and Kazuo's men. Even though Rose's ability to drive is above average, it's still inferior to Rick or her two other men.

Being in a chaotic situation and having to drive her car fast so as not to be caught by Kazuo's men, Rose also has to endure pain in her head and body.

But what can Rose only be a woman whose body can hurt too? Rose was unable to drive her car anymore due to extreme pain in her body so the car's speed was not balanced, and the car overturned causing Rose to have an accident.