Talk Amongst The Town

A crowd had gathered in the tavern of the starting city in Fallen. It was some no name little town and could hardly be called a city, but it remained the only safe place the players had at this point in the game. The tavern was called New Beginnings, and seemed fitting for a starter city in any new game.

Telsa, aka BeautifulDream, reclined in a chair looking at the sky with a sneer. Who was this DeathBringer? Why hasn't he been seen in the game at all? And how did he keep making these incredible accomplishments within the first twenty four hours of the games initial launch? She had to know, and not knowing was killing her.

This DeathBringer was the talk of the entire starting city. Most of it was jealousy and hate, but there were the few that were questioning how he did it, he had to have been cheating they'd say. It just didn't make sense to her. Even the thousand people who managed to get their hands on the deluxe edition we're leveling that quickly.

Telsa hadn't been so lucky, she had gotten to the gaming store a bit too late and had to buy the normal edition, leaving her to choose from the basic classes in the game, and naturally, she chose cleric. Somebody always needed a good cleric, and would pay handsomely for one. Her true purpose in these games was selling information of interest to the highest bidders in real life. Gamers and tech companies alike would pay very large sums of money for accurate in game information, and this DeathBringer was already getting in her way.

Well, it may be time to track down a meet this DeathBringer, Telsa thought to herself. I'm sure someone here has heard of him. Her eyes surveyed the tavern, taking in the usual suspects. Fallen itself had five main classes:

The Warrior excels in both offense and defense are able to use any armor or weapon in the game with the exceptions of Wands and Staffs.

The Spellcaster excels in offensive ability, boasting one of the highest attack stats in the entire game, though has a very weak defense.

The Thief has a decent balance of attack and defense, neither being too strong or too weak, but boasts an unnaturally high agility and amazing luck, as well as the ability to blend in with his surroundings.

The Cleric has incredible healing spells, making them a necessary part of any journey. Though weak in defense, their Resurrection and Self-Resurrection abilities balance that well

The Monk boast amazing attack and defense, though they can not use any weapon other than fist weapons and are limited to cloth and leather armor types. The Monk boasts a unique ability allowing to see things others cannot and track far better than others.

The tavern was teeming with all of the classes as well as a large handful of the three hidden classes that came with the deluxe edition. It was one of these hidden classes that had caught her eye. A Blood Knight by the name of TyrantsBlade was talking about someone attacking him the woods. Telsa got up from her chair and casually took a seat with the others surrounding the Blood Knight.

"I was walking down the trail, in full equipment. I even had a rare map I found as drop from one of the wolves in the forest. The next thing I knew a shadow flew from the shadows and I found myself back here in this blasted town. One hit was all it took I tell you," his face was red with rage and frustration, his gauntlet covered hands in tight fists.

"The worst part was I didn't even have time to see who it was that killed me before I was reborn."

"Sounds like a Spellblade to me," a voice came from the background. "They have an ability called Shadow Meld which makes them virtually invisible when within the shadows. It's a hidden class."

The young woman by the name of ShadowStalker said almost boredly.

Her simple cloth clothing and rough spun belt told Telsa everything she needed to know, this woman was of the Monk class. She could use a Monk on her side, though Monks had no use for a healer as they have a self healing spell they can channel instantly in battle.

"And where exactly did this happen?" Telsa spoke for the first time.

"Just around the bend where the forest becomes dense," replied TyrantsBlade.

"That's not the only thing around here that obviously dense," ShadowStalker's voice could be hear from the background causing an round of quick laughter.

"Bloody Whore," roared TyrantsBlade, his face turning purple with rage as he flipped the table he was sitting at, jumping to his feet.

Drinks flew everywhere, splashing on players and npcs alike, all of whom were visibly upset. People started shouting and drawing weapons, the npcs working in the tavern all ran and hid from the enraged players. Before long only the players were left and at each other's throats.

Telsa had taken her leave early during the chaos that ensued inside the tavern. She had the basic information she needed, and she wanted some prep time before heading out. She had reached level five and learned lesser self resurrection, so traveling would no longer hinder her as much, and self resurrection would also help in protecting her items. But she still needed to stock up on some essential potions.

"Hey wait up," a familiar voice said softly from behind her.

"To what do I owe the pleasure ShadowStalker? I see you somehow managed to escape the situation back there, and a situation you caused I might add."

"But beautifully played, if I do say so myself," ShadowStalker blushed while still glowing with satisfaction. "The reason I came here is I recognized a certain cunning in you back in the tavern, and I'd like it if we made a temporary alliance."

"And how long is this 'temporary alliance' supposed to last?" Telsa cocked an eyebrow at her, a slight smirk at the corner of her lips.

"At least until our goals no longer follow the same path. What Cleric couldn't use a good Monk? And extra heals are always welcomed."

This is becoming interesting, thought Telsa to herself. Very interesting indeed. "Your welcome to tag along for a while then Monk."

The two made their way off into the village to gather the supplies they needed to venture out and before long made their way to the gate leading out of town and down the road leading towards the forest.