6: Unusual Awakening

~ "Ruts them in the wild and leaves 'em where they lay…" (=o.o=) …that's what he just said…? What kind of–?! Monkey dung! I can't -believe- I -begged- him to let me -sssserve- him! ~

"Ah," she sounds with a calm acceptance, straining her features to remain aloof while keeping mortification at bay.

Chocolate, almond eyes wander beautifully bizarre surroundings as she shifts to face the gleaming cauldron radiating warmth which grants Sanemaru the back of her head.

"Mkay," staring beyond the supernatural glow of burning, green stones, she mouths an 'ooo' when large pieces of folded, fluffy cloth resting on a pale table at the garden's edge brings her feet to life.

Moving along cool stone, the stinging pain of scarred flesh throbbing enough to remind her of her injuries, she nearly drags her feet to get to the creatively carved wood holding a large, upright, metal disc.

Finding painted vines and pink water lilies outlined in gold, delicate curves glide seamlessly under filthy, calloused fingertips.

A rainbow of patterned, clay bottles wrapped in handwritten labels rest beside a bone comb.

With a tiny hint of sarcasm, "That's comforting..."

She sits on the matching, barrel stool before half-heartedly glancing up at her disheveled reflection in a shiny circle casting no flattering light.

~ Why'd he have to see me at my worst?! ~

Finding areas with filth and ugliness, she hangs her head to avoid another moment with what the world sees until insecurity fills the pit of her stomach; dirt, vomit and blood stain her fingers and cuticles, an unknown combination under her nails, tightens her jaw as she breathes deep to remain composed.

~ I'm pretty sure bringing me here -wasn't- part of his plan... But he did. And he didn't try anything like -that-. Was I -really- that convincing?... Or is this going to go real dark…real fast…? ~

"Hmm," his forehead wrinkles, "Since the incident around sixty or seventy years ago, he avoids humans like black boils," he pulls his tail around to pet it.

Fingering the waves as they slide through his hand and return to his backside, "Unless he's got a taste for…"

Crossing one arm in front of his chest and scratching his jaw with his free hand, "The-less-than-modest of your kind?..."

Sanemaru's hesitant words fall from pouty lips soon to be strummed by fingertips.

Pausing his taps to speak between spread fingers, "To have a few fun nights until he destroys 'em," snickering, the horse yokai fails to maintain the societal manners he was forcing himself to uphold in her presence.

Pulling his silky tail around to finger waves, "I don't think Lord Tsukiyomi would've brought you here if he was looking for a thank you gift then and there."

The edges of Sanemaru's pearl white teeth shine in amber light through the gap of a mischievous smirk, the shadow from tousling red hair shielding his eyes as he watches her.

~ Is this a real talk? …I'm not dreaming…? ~

"But to be completely honest, I've never helped him meet females," the humanoid steed tilts his head, mulling over his thoughts.

"So, who knows?" shrugging it off then turning his back to the girl monitoring his reflection, Umeko sees his palm rest on a large, pink boulder.

For the sake of her sanity, she absorbs the creature's information with a grain of salt; swallowing the gnawing sickness of her unexpected present as it is woven into the threads of a far more uncertain future, she processes her dilemma.

~ ...he takes coin-coochies home and destroys them. Does that mean what I think it means?! …he started with 'for a few, fun nights'. Seems fair: get my mind off all the bad with some long, hard fun then put me out of my misery so I don't have to relive it in my head every time I close my eyes. Things are startin' to look up, right? ~

Umeko slumps in despair, pushing away the disappointing facts about her master before it crushes her chest.

Sanemaru's ears perk and turn toward the quiet sniffling guiding him back to Umeko.

Quietly approaching, he covers the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand and leans in close to her ear, "I've never seen him -actually- eat a human like the rest of us, but, rumor has it," he pauses before glancing around, "He eats the women's -wombs- before they leave."

Umeko's jaw drops and her bottom lip quivers.

Jumping to her feet, Sanemaru cups her arms and forces her back down on the seat, "Don't worry, Ume! I'm sure those are just rumors!"

Standing tall and protectively after receiving a flabbergast, fearful face, he reassuringly pats the air with a 'there, there'.

~ EAT A HUMAN LIKE THE REST OF US?! o(O.O')o I'm gonna die here! ~

"If it makes you feel any better," he pats his chest with a triumphant smile, "I only eat plants now."

Kneeling to gather her hands, he stares in her eyes long enough to break the grief-stricken maiden from her creeping depression.

"There're other yokai here that are very hungry, and -very-, very dangerous. -Never- go anywhere alone, 'kay?"

He shakes his head, "even though our master is undoubtedly powerful, he can't be everywhere at once."

Raising a hand from hers to cup her cheek, he nods while mouthing 'okay' to make sure she understands.

~ This guy's a tough read. And so handsy! I could've lived without the 'rumors', sir. …he wouldn't tell me this unless he wanted to help keep me safe, right? ~

After an uncomfortably long silence, for the sake of getting rest quickly, she nods with him and mouths 'okay' once in return.

"There's only one way in so I'll guard the door," he points over his shoulder without taking his eyes off her.

"Use as much of anything you need to get yourself cleaned up," he points at the table with an upward bounce of his eyebrows as his extended, bulging arm.

~ Aww, that's nice. ~

"Seriously," he stands and places his hands on his hips, "Spare nothing."

She nods and smiles, waving him goodbye.

Turning away to face the door with a long whistle, "You need it."

~ (T_T) Too far. ~

Catching himself to look again at the girl, he points at her with a ferocious earnest, "Don't be afraid to take your time. Ume (oo-may) had a hard day."

~ Ain't that the truth… ~

Without another word, he blurs away until his solid form stops at the door. Seeing it slide shut behind him, Umeko finally feels comfortable enough to untie the knotted bow at her hip and drops the belt to the floor.

Removing filthy, shredded remnants of a dress from caramel skin and holding it out to the side, she stares it up and down.

~ This should be burned... (o.O') Am I supposed to put this back on after I'm clean?! *shudders* Stake that— I'd rather stay naked... ~

Flinging it away with a repulsed shiver, she peers over the colorful boulders containing steamy water.

Approaching stones low enough to the ground for her to safely climb over, she finds steps beneath the surface.

Excitement rises when she navigates the rocky edge, open wounds and fresh blisters colliding with soothing, penetrating warmth.

A pleasure-filled groan escapes her lips when beaten limbs sink into inviting, healing water rising to her chin and overpowering the pain in physical wounds.

Pink light surrounds her, following Umeko's every fleeing twist and turn.

~ …I hope that means something good... ~

Shuddering, she convinces herself to take a few deep breaths, let her guard down, and relax her worries away.


Sanemaru patiently stands guard outside the door; singing and dancing in place for a short while, he settles down with crossed arms and a fierce concentration.

"Sane! What're you doing here?"

A curvy woman dressed in purple, wrap-tie fabric to her knees makes her way down the hall. Eye to eye with Sanemaru, long legs bring her in front of him.

Peachy skin radiates under lantern light with interrogating, violet eyes. Dark, wavy brown hair is drawn in a loose bun with purple ribbon and perfect locks framing an irritable expression.

Layers of a black and purple belt across her belly secures her dress with a tufted bow extending beyond the small of her back.

"Mizu, I was just–," she shuts him down by pressing the side of her closed, wooden fan to his lips, "Don't bother."

Rolling her eyes, "Tsukiyomi-sama said he summoned you. It's rude to keep him waiting," the tug on Sanemaru's sleeve as she 'suggests' he hurries becomes a vice when she pulls him from his post.

"Mizu, I can't yet," he unsuccessfully plants his feet on opposite sides of the runner (narrow mat), squeaks coming from toes creeping along polished wood.

The bamboo mat under him bunches, catching onto fabric-covered, muscular calves.

Huffing, he slides to the floor while still in her grasp, trying to clutch the floor with his free hand and butt.

Defeated by her superior strength, he goes limp and allows her to drag him without remorse.

"He wouldn't have told me to get you if it wasn't important," looking down at him, his fingers stop working to pry hers open when she catches him and growls.

Black ears perk up at her warning before laying flat against his head in guilt.

A toothy grin stretches across mauve lips before she scoffs, "I honestly don't know what's gotten into you, Sane," she shakes him, the steed's hands falling from her vice-like grip and his ears laying low.

Sultrily, "Hm," her wooden, handheld fan snaps open in her free hand.

Covering her lips with decorated panels, "Who would've thought you stopped eating them so you could -really- taste them."

With a mocking giggle from the voluptuous woman, his cheeks grow hot and smoke seeps from his ears after her comment registers.

"It's no--!"

"I can smell the human on you, and I promise she can wait," Mizuki shakes her head.

Moving faster, Sanemaru struggles to get away from her without losing his clothes in the process.