Chapter 13: Inside The Cave

Zhao Shuman played with the fascinating butt for a long, long time before reluctantly parting. He has to admit that the author really didn't pull any punches when designing her. Her butt is simply a marvelous piece of art. Soft, plump, voluptuous and it smelt fragrant. Like a ripe fruit begging to be eaten.

He wanted to push her against the rocky walls and explore her depths but thinking that he could always do that later, he restrained. He can't keep Zhou Wuji waiting either. He understood how unreasonable the protagonist halo is, so he doesn't want to take any chances and eliminate him tonight effectively!

Thinking of this, he slowly released Meng Xia.

But, the moment he backed away, Meng Xia abruptly flipped around, her soft palms were balled into a fist as Qi exploded from them. She punched him with every trace of strength she could garner in this short while.

Rage and humiliation flowed through her veins at the moment. No matter how easygoing and amicable she looks, she was a proud and arrogant woman who stood at the peak of the younger generation. She had faced countless trials and competitions to stand at the peak! Her mental capacity was abnormally strong but right now, she had lost control of her emotions.

To think he dared touch her so wantonly! She hated his guts and his very being from her core.

Due to her sudden action, even Xin Zhuyan's grip on her wrist was broken.

Meng Xia swiftly took this chance to avenge herself.

'Just one attack would do!' She thought. Zhao Shuman was only in the Earthly Master Realm, while she was in the Heavenly Master Realm. Even her weak attacks were capable of maiming him!

Dreams are beautiful, however, the reality is cruel.

Before her attack could reach Zhao Shuman, her brain shook violently as a thunderclap of the highest degree exploded within, rendering her inert immediately.

"Ahh!" She screamed in pain, her pretty face twisted.

Right after, her soft body which didn't have a trace of strength fell down on top of Zhao Shuman, her face landed right against his chest. He was surprised, even a bit apprehensive at first but seeing her surprise attack fail miserably, he secretly wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. Even though he knew that she couldn't hurt him, his instinct still made him wary. But he didn't think it was a bad thing either. He can't forget that he's enslaving them against their will, so a little caution wouldn't be a bad thing.

Still, he was a bit angry in his heart. He embraced her slender waist tightly, causing Meng Xia to look at him viciously. Then under her widening eyes, he dipped his head and captured her succulent red lips.


Meng Xia's body stiffened as she smelt the unique body odor of Zhao Shuman filling her nostrils. She wanted to resist but his grip was too tight and her exiguous strength worthless.

'Is this it? Just like this, my first kiss is gone? Something I've preserved for more than twenty years? Just like that?' She thought in disbelief.

To Zhao Shuman, her petal tasted incredibly sweet, like a blooming summer flower, and the breath she exuded was as fragrant as roses. He was quickly immersed in the kiss and before long, Meng Xia too. Under his relentless attacks, her resistance had died down somewhere in middle.

After exploring her mouth for the next five minutes, he separated. Meng Xia released deep pantings, and her face blushed.

Of course, during this time Zhao Shuman's hands weren't idle, they were continuously groping her bubble butt into different shapes. Especially now that she laid on top of him, from his point of view, he could see the clear outline of her straight back and peach-like curvy butt.

He glanced at Xin Zhuyan. He repositioned Meng Xia and made her sit on his left thighs, and made Xin Zhuyan sit on his right. Seeing two peerless beauties sitting on his left and right, his ego was satisfied.

Then, he looked at Meng Xia with narrowed eyes. "You are really courageous. Daring to attack your master, it seems like I need to disciple you more than Xin Zhuyan."

Meng Xia bit her lips. She didn't know what to say or do. She wasn't able to threaten him with her background, she wasn't capable of killing him, nor did she have any method of escaping.

Remembering that moment when she attacked him, and the excruciating pain that followed, she trembled in fear. Is that why he said that she was his slave? Whenever she attacks him, that thing will happen? Is this how he subdued Xin Zhuyan. Is this why she is so obedient?

She felt sad and angry. Was it her fate to be played by this bastard? She wasn't reconciled!

"Humph! Got nothing to say? Let me tell you, not only can you never harm me but I even teleport you beside me at any moment I want."

"You are kidding!" Meng Xia was stupefied. That's impossible, right?

"Heh, you will know soon enough. Just know that you can't escape my grasp. It's better to accept your new identity and win my favor. When I have many slaves in the future, you may regret not putting effort earlier."

Zhao Shuman didn't give her a chance to reply after he finished speaking. Pulling her against him, he kissed her lips once more. She didn't resist, knowing that it's futile. After a minute, he separated. He then pulled Xin Zhuyan and kissed her lips. His tongue stretched out immediately as he began playing with her small tongue. His left hand clutched Meng Xia's breast.


Like this, he shifted from Xin Zhuyan to Meng Xia and played with their mouth and bodies to his heart's content.

Almost half an hour later, he finally let them go. By now, both of them were panting, their fair complexing infused with a deep shade of red.

"Hmm, this is an exciting situation, isn't it? The man you both love is waiting outside foolishly while here you are getting played by me."

Listening to him, both women lowered their heads in shame and cursed him viciously in their hearts. But it was true after all. The man they adore, Zhou Wuji had no idea that both the woman he liked were being played wantonly inside the very cave he was guarding.

Zhao Shuman lifted Meng Xia's chin and looked at her and smirked: "Look at you, although you are resisting, you are also enjoying it."

"I, I am not enjoying it!" Meng Xia swiftly denied it.

"Haha, say that after you stop embracing my neck." He said and Meng Xia's eyes flickered. She was surprised to find that she had unknowingly embraced him. She hurriedly let go of him.

"Alright, enough of this. Let's go meet Zhou Wuji." Zhao Shuman chuckled as he added casually, "Ah, I should also tell you, this will be your last meeting with him."

Hearing this, Meng Xia trembled while Xin Zhuyan bit her lips before sighing.

'As expected, he isn't going to let him live.' She thought sadly.

"You, you aren't going to kill him!" Meng Xia asked angrily. No matter what, she still loved Zhou Wuji.

As he saw this, Zhao Shuman was a bit upset. He sneered, took out a mysterious-looking card, and replied: "You will see."

Having said that, he didn't bother with her anymore and called out: 'System, use this Loyalty Enforcement Card on Meng Xia.'

[Ding! Loyalty Enforcement Card is used…]

[Ding! Slave Meng Xia's loyalty has been maxed out for an hour!]

Immediately, Zhao Shuman felt a very powerful control over Meng Xia. It was the same as Xin Zhuyan.

"Let's go." He commanded and turned around.

Meng Xia was thunderstruck seeing that her body move forward automatically under his command. She couldn't help but exclaim: 'Just what did he do?!'