Chapter 33

Before Leonard managed to stop Ariel, the young woman had already walked away, leaving Indra and Leonard. Ariel was running as quick as she could towards the second floor using the stairs. Ariel's stomping seemed strong and steady, so the sound of her stomping echoed throughout the room.

Leonard was about to follow Ariel, trying to prevent Ariel from going upstairs for the reason that his best friend did not want the young woman to know about Fernando's current condition, in which he must have been fatally injured. 

Yet, instead of letting Leonard do that, Indra swiftly grabbed Leonard's shoulder, twisting Leonard's body forcibly to stop his best friend from moving.

"Let her do whatever she wants," Indra shook his head slowly. "Fernando deserves it, anyway."

"But, Fernando said--"

"That's Fernando's business, not mine," Indra replied nonchalantly. "He already dared to eat my food supply by himself, so I guess–"
