Chapter 97

Throughout the school hours, Indra continued to be haunted by Ariel's short messages sent via chat messenger after his quarrel with Sandra was successfully resolved by Isaac.

[Get lost.]

He buried his face, completely not listening to the explanation from the Sociology teacher, Ms Claudia who replaced Ms Fiona (according to the explanation of one of the female students who he did not want to spend his precious time just to remember her name at all). Inside his mind, he kept continued to curse his stupidity for being carried away by his emotions and fighting with Sandra.

That must be why Ariel is angry with me, Indra muttered in his heart languidly. He let out a long, lethargic breath, still cursing the stupidity he had just committed. Even though the original plan was, he would be a transfer student who is still trying to adapt to his school environment. And the additional note that Ariel gave him was: he shouldn't be flashy.