Dance Inside

"She sinks in my mind as she sheds through her skin.

Touch sight tastes like fire.

Hands do now what eyes no longer defend.

Hands to fuel desire."

-Dance Inside by The All-American Rejects


"Your mother is a real nutcase."

Back at the Mansion, Ellamir watches as the Amazon who just finished cleaning her wounds is now trying to bandage herself, sitting cross legged on the living room floor.

Sitting by the sofa, The dark elf couldn't really refute what was just said. One moment the Queen was torturing the Amazon with glee and then next she fled all because she heard her sister's name.

Creases were starting to form at Ellamir's forehead. Antani was supposed to be a warrior, how come she's so bad at wrapping herself?

"Just be glad that she didn't off you as soon as she entered the arena. She may be a nutcase, but we're both alive right now because she's like that."

Antani paused. There was slight trepidation in her heart before she posed the question.

"Are you glad that I'm alive?"

(Of course I am, you idiot! I wouldn't know what I would have done if I lost you!)

"Tsk. Just finish bandaging so we could go to bed." Ellamir's words masked what she truly felt in her heart.

Antani's expression turned into a sullen one. Her already clumsy attempt at bandaging herself turned even worse due to her mood.

Was her display of strength not enough? Maybe they truly are fated to remain as master and slave forever. Was it foolish for her to aspire that they would be more than that?

When Ellamir noticed how some of the bandages on Antani's body were starting to loosen she reached her tipping point.

"Give me that! You're so shit at this you're going to bloody the sheets!" Ellamir grabbed the bandages from Antani's hands so she could apply it herself.

"Ow! Owowow…. Couldn't you do it a little more gently?"

Ellamir knew it was pretty uncharacteristic of her, but she actually knew how to handle bandages. She remembered how her own mother would beat her mercilessly just so her shadow armor would manifest. After their training session, she would be left alone to tend to her wounds.

Wasn't a fun memory to remember. Yet the person she was trying to help giggled while she was already feeling like shit.

"What's so damn funny?"

"Nothing, I'm not making fun of you, I swear. It's just that out of all the dark elf pricks I could have given myself to, I was glad it was you."

Every emotion that Ellamir put a lid on was on the verge of spilling after hearing what Antani just said. Or perhaps they already have.

Antani's eyes widened after the realization. Did she just confess? She reasoned that she was just trying to say what was on her mind.

Whatever the case maybe, it didn't matter now. As their gazes met, they both knew.

The next thing that Antani felt was softness. The softness of her master's lips. The Amazon closed her eyes to savor the moment, the moment that their lips first touched.

The kiss was fleeting - clumsy and chaste but also pure in its affection.

The sound of their heartbeat was too damn loud. Both had trouble differentiating whether it belonged to one or the other.

After separating, it took massive amounts of willpower for them to not go wild then and there on the floor. Both decided to continue their tryst in Ellamir's bedroom.

Ellamir tried to assist Antani as she was about to lay on the bed only for her to laugh as she rejected her help. "What the fuck. I'm only injured, I'm not dying."

"I was trying to be considerate of you, you dumb Amazon!"

Antani sinked on the soft bed. Ellamir's feigned anger didn't even faze her. The sexual tension between them was so thick even a sword would have trouble cutting through.

"I love it when you get mad at me." Antani sensually eyed the naked dark elf before her, parting her legs open as some sort of carnal invitation for Ellamir to take her.

It was all it took for the Dark elf to get rock hard. Right as she was about to enter the amazon she noticed her bandages, it didn't make her any less sexy but she knew what she had to do.

She had to treat her with care.

Ellamir slowly entered her wet folds, eliciting a moan not only from her, but from the Amazon as well.

With a slow and steady rhythm she moved in and out of Antani. Their faces only a hair's breadth away from each other, Ellamir was elated with Antani's erotic gaze, the same goes for the lustful noises she was making.

Experiencing Antani's zeal was too much for the poor dark elf, finding herself on the precipice of release earlier than usual.

Soon after, the dark elf came. Blasting Antani's insides with her slimy seed.

"No! I'm not there yet!" With the Amazon's emotional battle finally over, you best bet she's going to get her just desserts.

Antani raising her voice caught the dark elf off-guard, without any resistance the amazon was able to turn Ellamir to her back while she hovered on top.

"Hey, you should take it easy. You're still injured!"

"You show consideration now? Have you forgotten how rough you were during our first night? I'm no frail Damsel, master."

A pang of guilt assaulted Ellamir's chest, but before she could dwell on it further Antani impaled herself on her rod, making her gasp as her still sensitive member was swallowed by the Amazon.

Like the first of many they shared tonight, it was the Amazon's first time being on top. She figured being on top wasn't as complicated as alchemy, she just needed to move in the way that's pleasurable for her. As Antani began bucking her hips, she saw Ellamir's expression twitch into a mix of vexation and pleasure.

The amazon leered at the dark elf with a lascivious smile, she taunts Ellamir as she continues riding her. "Does it bother you, being under me like this?"

Antani knew that the dark elves prided themselves on being dominant. It's on par with the course since they're slavers. She wondered how Ellamir would react to her question.

"N-no, n-not in the slightest!"

"Aww, you're stammering." The Amazon continued the movement of her hips, she knew the dark elf was still sensitive but Antani could feel it coming, Ellamir would just have to bear it. Leaning in closer to Ellamir's ear, she whispered breathily, "If you want me to stop just order it, order me to stop and I will."

Antani's salacious eyes were locked on Ellamir, waiting if she would open her lips. As soon as she could feel that no order was coming she decided to tease her again. "Heh, thought so."

After minutes of riding Ellamir, the Amazon finally felt it approaching.

"Aaaahh!" Euphoria assaulted Antani's entire body, arching her back from the pleasure, she could still feel the dark elf's rock hard member deep inside of her while she orgasms.


The Amazon laid right next to Ellamir, watching the dark elf sleep peacefully.

Her attention drifted to Ellamir's scarred right eye, an eye devoid of vision. The eye that she robbed. She reached out to touch it, waking the dark elf. Or perhaps she was already awake to begin with.

"Why are you still awake?"

Not electing to answer, she posed her own question instead.

"Do you still hate me for taking your eye?"

"With every fiber of my being."

"I'm serious."

The dark elf opened her eye only to stare angrily at Antani. "You idiot. You think I would kiss you if I still hated you?"

"Prove it then. Kiss me…"

With an inkling to what the Amazon might say, Ellamir already took the ok initiative and laid her lips upon the Antani, shutting the Amazon up before she could finish saying 'again'."

"There, Happy now?"

Antani only giggled in response.

After caressing her eye, the Amazon moved on to Ellamir's pointed ear. Antani could not contain her smile, it was delightful how it twitched in her hand.

"They're sensitive, you know."

"All the more reason for me to touch them."

As Ellamir was feeling Antani's touch. She couldn't help but wonder where they are right now, where they are headed. She wanted Antani to be by her side forever, she has a feeling that if she wants to do that then there is something that she must do.

"Antani, I'm just letting you know that you're a pretty shitty slave, I'm giving you your freedom back. Starting today, I'm no longer your Master, you are no longer my slave."

"And you're a terrible master. I was about to wish for my freedom if your mother didn't interrupt the fight earlier."

They both wanted the same thing which pretty much seals the deal. Now it's time for Ellamir to clear out her remaining doubts.

"I'm pretty bad at this romance thing you know, affection is seen as weakness here in the Underdark. I'm afraid there might be times when you would find me lacking in certain emotional departments."

"We just started this relationship and you're already making excuses? Don't worry, I'm going to instill in you what romance is."

"We're going to fight a lot."

"Isn't that what we always do?"

"Also, I'm going to be the top." Ellamir declared.

"Hahaha. No. You've had your fun, it's time I take the reins."

Since Antani was no longer bound, it was high time she followed her Amazon nature and dominate Ellamir. The dark elf, however, had been raised to be the one always in control.

"We'll then I guess I'll just have to make you submit to me." Ellamir states her intention with a coy grin.

"See that's where you're wrong, cause you're going to submit to me first." Antani was stoked at the prospect of another battle.


As Ellamir felt her eyes getting weary, there was one last thing that she needed to discuss.

"Antani, run away with me. I'm planning on keeping Maesha safe. Also, I know my Mother, she will not rest until she's killed you."

"Where to?"

"To Elaria, you're strong enough to be a platinum adventurer and I gold. Mother won't be able to touch us there once we become part of the guild."

Going on adventures, fighting monsters, and meeting new companions. All of it was enticing for the Amazon, especially with Ellamir by her side.

Before she closed her tired eyes, Antani gave her response.

"Being an adventurer, I'd like that."