Good Girl

Ellamir finished reapplying Antani's bandages in total silence. Antani carefully moved her limbs to check on them. A weak smile forms on her lips, they're wrapped up good.

The silence between the two was deafening.  Antani didn't know how to handle an Ellamir that wasn't shouting verbal lashings at her. She could still sense her anger, but it's different, lurking. It was akin to what you would feel during the calm before the storm. 

What Antani knew is that Ellamir was actually the reasonable one this time, she got way too carried away in her fight with Yulia. 

"Look, I know I went overboard. I'm sorry."

The dark elf paid no heed to Antani's apology as she put the bandages back in her leather backpack. 

Antani watched her, waiting for a response. Soon Ellamir strapped the backpack on her shoulders without even taking a glance at the Amazon. 

The Amazon sighed when she noticed how good Ellamir was at the silent game.

Ellamir turned around and was about to head back when Antani grabbed her shoulder, forcing her to face her direction. 

"Come on! I already apologized! Can you please stop being so difficult!" Antani brashly confronted Ellamir. 

Anger flared up in Ellamir's eye,  "I'm being difficult!? Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me watching you flirt with that tiefling!" 

Antani was so bewildered a giggle escaped from her lips as she tried to figure out where Ellamir got the idea that they were flirting. 

"What the hell are you talking about, Ellamir? It was just a fight." Antani delivered her question calmly in order to pacify Ellamir. 

"I've seen how you looked at her mid fight!"

It was really nothing more than just a fight, not once did Antani entertain the thought of her relationship with the paladin extending to anything other than friendship. After all, she already has Ellamir. 

"It was just a friendly fight. Nothing more."

"There's no need to be friendly with that tiefling in the first place!"

Antani was dismayed, Ellamir's jealous antics turned into her being an overt asshole really fast. 

"Ellamir, why would you say that!? You've seen her necklace, she's a high ranking adventurer, she might be able to help us get into the guild!"

"We don't need her help! We only need each other!" Ellamir's shout lay naked what she truly felt.  

How stunned Antani was appeared on her face. What she heard was a bit disconcerting. Was it her possessive dark elf nature? Was she just being an asswipe?

If there was somebody out there qualified to tell Ellamir that what she said was wrong, it wasn't Amtani. Twisted as it is, there was a small part of her that liked hearing what Ellamir just said. The best course of action that she could think of is to let Ellamir see her perspective.

Antani closes in on Ellamir, she wraps her hands around her waist, pulling Ellamir in. 

The dark elf avoided looking at Antani's eyes. Antani's warmth, her hands wrapped around her - Ellamir hated it all, she hated how such a simple gesture managed to disarm her anger. 

"We need each other, yes. That doesn't mean we have to close ourselves to others. New encounters can be fun, I had fun fighting Yulia. But at the end of the day I'm still with you, not with her. Can you promise me you'll reconsider?"

Ellamir thought that it would be just her and Antani weathering through everything. No way in hell would she reconsider. Especially since she brought up Yulia again.

Antani cupped Ellamir's chin, gently turning her face towards her. Now eye to eye, Antani spoke again, "Hey, promise me, alright?"

Ellamir's stance was firm, at least she thought it was. She wants Antani all for herself, they need no one but each other. But when she looks into her eyes, she's reminded that she also wants to make Antani happy. Ellamir will try to see things from Antani's angle, if it doesn't work out….she'll cross that bridge when they get there.

"Ughh. Fine. I promise."

Antani smiled at Ellamir's pouting face. One of her hands that was resting on her waist went past the dark elf's pointy ear, brushing her hair. As her hand ran through her soft hair, this whole ordeal reminded her of how childish Ellamir can be at times.

 Antani's mean streak flared up again, her soft smile turned into a mischievous one. "Good girl."

Ellamir's already docile mood dissipated, she furiously glared at Antani and slapped away the hand that was touching her hair.

"Don't call me that!" Ellamir pushed Antani away, her arms crossed as she turned her back to the Amazon.

Antani tried to hide her laughter but some giggle escaped, she only hoped Ellamir didn't catch wind of it. Since she already hit her quota of getting into Ellamir's nerves for today, Antani slinked her arms into the backward facing Ellamir.

"I was only teasing, sorry if it made you upset."

Hesitant to reply, the words still echoed in Ellamir's mind. Good girl. It made her rage beyond words - yet there was a small tinge of delight that when she heard it, mixing anger and shame together. Most of it being anger.

"Just give me your word that you'll never call me that again."

Antani tardied her reply. She didn't want to. She picked up a pretty strong weapon against Ellamir and she was hesitant to part with it.

"Antani?" Ellamir called for her answer.

Ellamir made a concession, it was unfair if she didn't. Besides, it was high time to wrap up or Yulia might leave without them.

"Yeah yeah, I'll never call you that again."(Unless you want me to.)

Satisfied with Antani's answer. Ellamir heaved a heavy sigh, as if to expel any residual anger inside of her. She slowly twirled in Antani's arms so she and Antani would come face to face again.

Their eyes locked once more, the couple couldn't help but spring a coy smile on their faces at how ridiculous they both are, they always fight yet they always end up in each other's arms. 

Breaking the charm of Ellamir's beautiful smile, Antani lunged her lips on Ellamir's. 

The kiss ignited their passion, no longer content with stillness, their mouths opened giving way to a different kind of kiss. The one that's more salacious than chaste. 

Ellamir held the back of the Amazon's head as her tongue invaded Antani's mouth. Ellamir's tongue tried to look for its cohort but Antani's own already met its advances. Their languid tongues swathed against each other, escalating their lust.

Antani's hands that were innocently laying on Ellamir's waist found their way down to her ass, feeling them in her grasp.

The sounds of their mouth and tongue slopping filled their filled their mind with an erotic haze while their beating heart threatened to leap out of their chest. 

Ellamir freed herself from their sordid kiss, she had to. It was too stimulating, it felt like it was enough to give her an orgasm with how sensual it was. 

Staring into Antani's eyes as she gasps for breath, Ellamir said "I want you."


Antani's minimalist clothing was designed for ease of movement in battle, apparently it also makes it easier for her to fornicate as well. 

With her back resting on a tree, Antani parted her loincloth along with underwear, giving Ellamir entry. 

"Just stand still, no need for you to move, let me do all the work." The dark elf undid her  pants with gusto, springing her erection proud. Pinning the Amazon with her arms, she teased Antani's entrance by rubbing it between her thighs. 

"Make it quick or Yulia might come looking for us. And tell me when you're about to come, I don't want to travel with your slimy stuff inside of me."

Another one of Antani's concessions, she might not be getting the most of their quickie but at least Ellamir would. She cares about Ellamir that much. 

Both of them moaned in pleasure as Antani felt her partner's huge member enter her wet pussy, there was a momentary pause before Ellamir moved her hips. 

They tried to keep their moans in check, yet their lustful whimpers still filled the forest. 

Antani raised one of her legs to Ellamir's backside, urging her to go faster.

Soon Ellamir found herself on the verge of coming, alerting Antani. "I'm close!"

"Get off, I'll make you come with my hands."

Ellamir followed Antani's instruction, she laid her hands on the tree as Antani was positioned behind her, grasping her member that was close to the finish line. 

The dark elf waited but the hand enveloping her didn't move an inch. The answer as to why soon came as Antani whispered in her ear. 

"Remember that game we're playing about who's on top? I intend to one up you right now. Here's the deal, I'm not going to move my hand unless you say 'Please, make me come.' Sounds easy, right?"

"Fuck you! I swear if you don't finish me off right now I'm going to do it myself!" Ellamir's anger returned with a vengeance. It was downright cruel for her to be denied when she was already so close. 

Antani laughed it off, for her, a battle is a battle. It's not her fault if she catches her opponent with her….pants down. 

Antani whispered in Ellamir's ear again, this time more sensually. "You can, but would it be as satisfying? Doing it alone and all that. " 

"P-please make me come."

"See! It wasn't that hard!" After gloating about her victory, Antani delivered on what she promised. She made sure to wring Ellamir,  her release shortly came and her face contorted into that of pleasure and anger. 

Buckling her pants back up, Ellamir glared at the Amazon who was wearing a smug smile. 

"This isn't over. I'll get you back for this." 

Antani approached Ellamir, planting a soft kiss on her lips, "I'll be waiting."


When Ellamir returned with Antani, Yulia noticed that something changed about Ellamir. She's no longer staring at the Paladin as if she wants to gut her. 

"You ladies took awfully long, what the hell were you two up to? I was almost tempted to return to the caravan without you both. Hop on the back, we'll leave immediately."

 The Paladin was already in the driver's seat of the stolen caravan, holding the reins of the horses and ready to leave. 

"Not much, Ellamir just helped with my bandages."  Antani gave Yulia a warm smile, hoping that her answer would be enough to not rouse any suspicion. 

With absolute bluntness, Ellamir looked at Yulia in the eyes before speaking.

"We fucked."