I Caught Fire

Inside Moon World, Antani carefully examined the new necklace she was wearing. It was the proof that they are now adventurers. A platinum necklace with the head of a dragon, its glossy luster that reflected myriads of color gave it a glow differentiating it from silver. 

"Looks good on you." Ellamir, who was sitting right next to her, commented. 

Antani's lips formed a teasing smile, her eyes wandered to the same necklace that Ellamir was wearing, "Do you want me to return the compliment?"

It was a nonsensical question that she came up with on the spot just so she could mess with and throw Ellamir off guard.  

"What even…. it was genuine praise, you dumbass!" 

Ellamir was bewildered. Who even asks that?

"Genuine, all the more reason for me to return it. I'll do you one better though. It looks even better on you."

For a moment, Antani surmised that Ellamir would act all bashful, she even expected it so she could keep on teasing the dark elf. It was a complete reversal when Ellamir puffed up with pride as she took the Antani's compliment in stride. 

"Hmph. Naturally."

The couple giggled at their silly little exchange. 

Yulia watched how the two interacted and gazed at each other, her lovebirds moniker fits them really well. They could put newlyweds on a honeymoon to shame with how giddy they were for each other. 

"You know what I think? I think you both should get married." Yulia gives the couple a piece of her mind, swigging her ale after. 

"Oh, it's too early for that." / "That's a good point."

A single suggestion from the tiefling threatened to ruin the couple's victory celebration. 

Yulia could only make an 'uh oh' face, while Antani and Ellamir stared at each other straight in the eyes. 

Ellamir spoke first, "What did you mean by 'it's too early'?" 

"It means just that. I mean, we haven't even thought about it until Yulia mentioned it. We were doing just fine." Antani tried to placate Ellamir. 

"Well then you should consider it." 

Ellamir's possessiveness was showing itself again. Antani adored the fact that Ellamir was head over heels for her but this time was different. It was marriage that they were talking about, she was having none of it. 

"You don't get to decide whether I should consider it or not." Antani's tone was calm but it was one seeping with fierceness.  

Yulia sighed, she felt bad because it was her that shat out the situation in front of her, "Settle down, you two. It was supposed to be your victory celebration, remember?"

They both turned their heads away from each other.

Ellamir being Ellamir, just had to have the last word. "I never should have freed you."

Antani thought they were over that, that it was nothing more than a thing of the past for them. 

Her eyes narrowed in fury as she speared Ellamir a glare. "So you could control my every decision!? After everything, is that all our relationship is to you, about control!?"

(What the hell?) Yulia was dumbfounded by what she just heard, she wanted to learn more about the couple but not like this. 

Antani stood up, she couldn't bear to be right next to Ellamir right now. Thus, she walked away. 

"H-hey, where are you going!?" With panic in her eye, Ellamir asked. 

Making her way to the restroom, Antani didn't even look back. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

There was a bit of reprieve when Ellamir noticed where she was headed, at least she wasn't mad enough to storm out of the tavern. 

Ellamir took a sip of her ale,  (Why does she have to always be so unreasonable? It wasn't just about control, I just….wanted to make sure that she would never leave me. Is she planning on leaving me in the future, is that why she won't even consider it?) 

Ellamir's paranoia kicked in, she tried to rack her brain thinking of the reason why Antani might be considering leaving her. Sure they have fought every now and then since they arrived in Elaria but it wasn't as major as the one they are having right now. They always patched up. Always.

The thing about paranoia is that those afflicted with it will try to justify it. Like Ellamir being so sure that Antani was seriously considering leaving her. 

Why then would Antani want to leave her side? Ellamir tried to replay all of the issues they've had so far, was it because of her mother? That's not it. Their petty fights? It wasn't it either. There is one, one they haven't addressed yet. 

The realization came crashing into her like a boulder. 

Their first night together. It was a memory that Ellamir tried to bury. Antani only mentioned it once, remarking how 'rough' she was on that night. For Ellamir, it was more than rough, she practically revelled in defiling Antani. Her first time that was supposed to be special was devoid of pleasure whatsoever. 

Ellamir grimaced, it was like her heart was being ripped from her chest. Remembering the ecstasy she felt during Antani's violation filled her with disgust.  She wanted so badly to go back in the past and stab herself. 

"I know it's none of my business, but you should go and follow her." Yulia advised, feeling guilty for the situation that she caused. 

Doing just that, Ellamir followed Antani. 


Antani stared at herself in the mirror, she noticed the door creaking open. 

It was Ellamir. 

There was a click. The door wasn't locked until Ellamir did so. Antani had no intention of doing business, she only wanted a few minutes of peace by herself. 

(I never should have freed you.) Antani was hurt. She thought their relationship was going strong, but those words made her feel like their relationship was going nowhere. 

Antani avoided Ellamir's gaze. She might spoil Ellamir again if she sees her pouting face, she is mad and she wants to stay mad. No coddling this time. 

"Can't you just wait for me back at the table? I'm really not in the mood to deal with your shit right now."

Ellamir ignored what Antani had to say. She crept up behind the amazon, mimicking how Antani would disarm her anger. Ellamir wrapped her arms around Antani's waist, her head resting on Antani's shoulder. Ellamir's logic was simple, if it works on her then it should work on Antani as well.

Antani would have pushed her away, but she sensed that something was different about Ellamir. Gone was her usual confidence, it was replaced instead with fragility. Too fragile, like she was made out of glass. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said earlier, I'm sorry for how I treated you when I took your first time. I'm sorry for everything. I'm begging you, don't leave me." Ellamir pleaded, her voice shaky as if she was about to break into tears. 

Antani sighed, how could she stay mad at Ellamir after that? 

The Amazon turned around, returning Ellamir's hug, "It's okay, I forgive you." 

There was a weight lifted from Antani's chest, a weight that she didn't even know existed. She planned on burying that memory with the new ones she made daily with Ellamir, but with her apology they can finally both move past that memory. 

For Ellamir, hearing those words was akin to receiving manna from the heavens. It soothed her soul. 

Their gaze met, their lips soon followed. 

The leftover energy from their fight earlier was being converted into something else, something passionate. 

Antani found herself pinned face first into the wall, Ellamir trailed soft kisses from her shoulder up to her neck, listening to Antani as she breathed heavily with delight.

Both undid their lower garments. Antani laid her hands on the wall while Ellamir put hers on top of them, their fingers sensually interlinked. 

Ellamir's stiff member made its way past Antani's supple behind and into her tight wet hole. 

There was time and place for being rough, Ellamir knew what they needed right now, it was gentleness. 

With a steady rhythm, Ellamir moved in and out of Antani. The Amazon's lustful moans were sweet music to Ellamir's ears. 

Ellamir held Antani's hand tighter as she leaned in close to her ear to ask, "Does it feel good?"

"Y-yeah" in between moans, Antani managed to answer. 

Neither of them thought about their silly game. They both wanted to savor the moment. The heat of their skin. The scent of their flesh. The pulse of their beating heart.

Antani's climax was fast approaching, "I'm cumming, just a little more!"

Ellamir kept her steady thrusts, and for the first time, both of them climaxed at the same time. 

At that moment, they both felt divine, like they were truly one. 

The couple basked in the afterglow, still taking solace from their intertwined hands. 

Their make up sex had a purpose, for Ellamir it was the security of knowing that Antani wasn't going to leave her. For Antani it was the fact that their relationship was truly going somewhere. 


The couple opened the door to find an angry dwarf holding an axe arguing with Yulia. 

"If ya don't drag yer bloody friends out of there right now, I swear I'm going to bash that…."

Dax's eyes were glued to the couple holding hands as he menacingly pointed his axe towards them, "Ya both have any idea how many complaints I received from customers wanting to use that restroom!? Yer both lucky yer friends with Yulia or ya two would never be able to set foot in this bar again!" 

The couple stood silent, even the dwarf's accent was menacing. Dax soon walked away grumbling. 

As soon as Dax was out of sight, Yulia shared a laugh with the couple.

"That's Dax, a good friend of mine and the owner of this tavern. Don't let the axe fool you, he's a nice guy. Come, let's get back to our table." 

Yulia didn't even need to guess, she could tell that the two had already made up. 


Yulia watched as the two were once again teasing and dicking around with each other. As if they never had a nasty fight earlier. She takes a swig of her ale. (What a weird couple.)

"I'm just going to get straight to the point, you lovebirds down on forming a party with me?" Yulia questioned the couple. 

"Fine by me." The Amazon answered. 

Yulia and Antani stared at Ellamir. Truth be told, they were expecting Ellamir to be difficult but she was really shattering a lot of preconceived notions about her tonight. 

"No objections." 

Yulia and Antani heaved in relief. 

"You have a job in mind?" The Amazon asked Yulia as she drank from her mug. 

"Oh I do, and it's going to need 4 people."

"Who's the last person?" Ellamir questioned.

"It's either Marionne, or Telmano. I'm actually good friends with both of them."

"Pick Marionne or you can count me out of your group."

Before Yulia could respond to Ellamir, she felt a familiar set of hands covering her eyes.

Yulia smiled from ear to ear, "Do you even need me to guess?"

"You're no fun." Myrene smiled before kissing Yulia on the lips. 

"Wait a minute, you two are going out!?"

Antani exclaimed.

"Yep." It was Myrene who answered Antani as she sat next to Yulia. 

"Good thing you arrived, these two lovebirds were trying their hardest to make me feel like a third wheel." 

"I could have arrived earlier but there were a few paperworks I needed to go over before leaving."

Out of the blue another person made their way into their table, grabbing Yulia's mug and drinking from it. 

"Won't that affect your singing?" Yulia questioned her childhood friend, Shekina.

"I'll be fine. I'm about to go on stage, you want to request a song?" 

"I have one." Yulia whispered something in the bard's ear. 

"Ooh. Is that song for the lady next to you?"

"No, I actually dedicate it to these lovebirds."

Shekina briefly introduced herself to the couple and to Myrene before she went on stage. 

Ellamir and Antani listened to Shekina's angelic voice, the song's sweet acoustic melody egged them to hold each other's hand underneath the table.

♪♫You can stay and watch me fall

And of course, I'll ask for help

Just stay with me now

We could take our heads off, stay in bed

Just make love, that's all

Just stay with me now♪♫