Bound and Drowned

"I like to bind, I like to be bound!" - The Golden God

Antani closed their bedroom door behind her. On the bed, Ellamir was still engrossed in the same book she'd been reading when she left. Not greeting Antani or even looking at her direction was a dead giveaway for Antani that Ellamir was still royally pissed about the whole mermaid ordeal.

Out of her usual jacket and pants, Ellamir wore a satin sling vest along with satin shorts. It is the couple's favorite homewear due to how breathable and comfy it is. 

Antani kicked her boots as she slinked onto Ellamir's side. She gave Ellamir's bare shoulder a soft kiss. "I already told you, we didn't kiss."

Antani then laid her head on Ellamir's shoulder, waiting for Ellamir to respond. 

In truth, Ellamir wasn't mad at Antani anymore. Ellamir trusts her. She just wanted Antani to coddle her. Ellamir closed her book, her chest feeling ever light due to the Amazon on her shoulder. "You should have told me from the start."

"You would have killed Gloria if I told you."

Ellamir grinned, "Oh, I definitely would have. No doubt about it."

"Have some empathy, you heard what the Guild Master told us. Can you imagine what it would feel like if you lost me?"

The dark elf grimaced for a split second. The question was like a dagger that went through her heart. 

"There's no need. I'm not going to lose you." Ellamir proudly declared. As if she would defy fate itself if it threatened to come between them. 

"Ellamir, you dumbass. I'm going to grow old and leave you someday, while you. You get to keep on living for…just a little bit longer." 

An elf's lifespan can stretch close to a millenia, a human would be considered lucky if they could live up to a century. Human lives are short. Because of this they set goals, they struggle, they love. All in order to burn their brightest before their sparks fade.

It was a fact that Ellamir never wanted to face but it was something that Antani had accepted entirely. 

"No! I…I will…" Ellamir's tone hinted anger and most of all, fear. How could Antani accept her mortality so easily? 

"You will what?" 

"I will break down if I lose you." The dark elf's voice mellowed. Antani was the first she had given her heart to, and there would be no other.  In order to withstand the test of time, an elf's attachment runs deeper than other races. You could say that they love twice as hard. Thus, a future without antani is something she couldn't fathom. 

Antani's answer was a simple caress to Ellamir's cheek. How was Antani supposed to assuage Ellamir when it is an undeniable fact that her life is fleeting when compared to Ellamir's?

The amazon felt guilty, today was the day they were supposed to continue their little game yet she dragged the mood of the conversation down to a bog. They were both in their early 20s and Antani wasn't terminally ill or something. They have plenty of time, Antani would make sure that she would give Ellamir enough memories to remember her for at least a couple of centuries.

Antani waited minutes for the gloomy mood to simmer down before rising to a sitting position.

"Enough with the sappiness. I wanted to continue our little game today, are you still in the mood for it?"

Ellamir feebly smiled, before rising up to meet antani. "You underestimate how quickly I can get in the mood for you."

Antani gave Ellamir a faint kiss on the lips followed by a lascivious stare. 

"I have a surprise for you." Antani's heart beats in excitement, her plan to one-up Ellamir is about to come into fruition.

"Oh, would you show it to me?" Ellamir knew Antani was up to something, but if she could surpass her vitality potion from last time then Ellamir would gladly receive what Antani has in store.

"I'd be right happy to."



The Amazon heard the naked Ellamir call out for her but it didn't register because Antani's focus was completely on tying up her partner using the thin bamboo ropes that she bought. 

With a devious grin Antani went over her plan in her head, she would bind Ellamir, relinquishing control over to Antani as Ellamir laid helpless. She would ride the bound Ellamir while whispering erotic lines in her ear. A sure fire way to make Ellamir submit. Her plan was great. 

"Antani, you idiot! What the hell are you doing!?" 

Ellamir's outburst snapped Antani back into reality. 

"Why?" Antani asked. 

"I mean, look at me!" 

Antani examined her bindings, it appears that she had made a miscalculation. Ellamir looked like she was in a cocoon made out of ropes. 

"Oh." Was all Antani could say. (How could this be? my plan was great!)

"You don't know how to properly bind, do you?" Ellamir, still bound, decided to question Antani if she was really up for the task. 

"I…" Antani was about lie and say I do but with her fuck up right in front of her would like to say otherwise.

Ellamir sighed. "Fine, untie me and I will show you how it's really done."

"No, don't ruin my moment!" Antani was a bit peeved that Ellamir was trying to claim the point that she thought long and hard of. 

"I am not, I will teach you how to properly bind and then you can go ahead and apply it to me."

The dark elf did her best to hide her grin and act neutral. 

She was lulling Antani into a trap.

Seeing that Antani was still a bit pensive, she decided to push some more. "Bindings or bondage is art unto itself, it can make you feel pleasures previously unknown. Your bindings make me feel as if I'm a bandit about to be handed to the authorities."

Art? New pleasure? Antani was intrigued. 

"Yeah yeah, but only the bare essentials, okay?" Antani was curious to find out what Ellamir meant by bondage as an 'art'. Little did she know that it was a decision that she would come to regret soon. 


With the now unbound Ellamir right behind Antani, the naked couple are now standing in front of a body mirror so Antani could better absorb Ellamir's lesson. 

"Pay attention. You start by finding the center of the rope and then…" Ellamir had begun.

Antani watched as the rope went around her neck like a necklace, then came the knots from sternum, stomach, and near her clit. Next the rope went over her breasts and into her back. Bit by bit, Antani watched as the ropes formed a beautiful pattern. 

"Tell me if it's too tight." Ellamir paused momentarily, as soon as she got an okay from Antani she resumed her work. 

Despite asking, Antani felt as if Ellamir didn't need to ask at all, that she only did out of consideration. The tightness of the ropes fastened on her skin were just right. Not too constricted that it hurts but just tight enough to make her feel that she is bound. 

Not long after, her hands were also bound behind her back and the full rope dress came into view, leaving Antani captivated by its design. While in awe of Ellamir's handiwork, it just occurred to her that she was so entranced by Ellamir weaving the ropes into an intricate design that she didn't retain any of Ellamir's instructions. 

"Now then, I've held my end of the bargain. It's time to undo these ropes." Ellamir was about to undo the ropes. 

Antani wanted to stop her but if she did it would be an admission of defeat, and she knows where it is headed the moment she does. 

Right as Ellamir was about to undo Antani's bindings, a mischievous smile forms on Ellamir's lips as she turns to face Antani in the mirror. "I have a better Idea, why don't you let me fuck you while you're bound like this?"

Antani narrowed her eyes, Ellamir played her like a fiddle. "This was your plan all along wasn't it?"

"Maybe. If you're unhappy with it then I will untie you right now." Ellamir's grin didn't fade, even if Antani called it off she would not be disappointed, she had already given Antani a taste of bondage - it was up to her to decide if she liked the flavor.

Right when Ellamir was about to untie her for real, Antani's voice called out.


Ellamir tilted her head in amusement, she knew she had her. "Wait for what?"

Antani glanced at the bed from the mirror, it was only a few distance away from them. Her mind conflicted, this was supposed to be her score. But being bound with care like that just felt…so good. A part of her wondered, could Ellamir take the exhilaration she is feeling even further beyond?

"Fine, you win. Let's get on the bed." Antani gave in.

Antani was about to head over to the bed when she found her feet suddenly leaving the floor. Ellamir used her shadow armor to sweep Antani off her feet into a princess carry. Never in Ellamir's entire life had she thought that she would one day use her armor this way but here we are.

"Hey!" was all antani could say. It wasn't a protest, she was just surprised, the gesture set her heart aflutter even more.

Antani was laid into the bed with tenderness that those who knew Ellamir might judge her incapable. It didn't matter to her, it was a side of her only meant for antani, after all.

"I have an idea, do you trust me?" Ellamir removed her entire armor so Antani could see her face as she asked.

Antani was puzzled, wasn't their set up already enough?

"I do, but why?"

"Just trust me."

Ellamir retrieved two pieces of cloth from the cupboard one would act as a blindfold while the other would serve as a gag. She told Antani that she would lecture her on their purpose in a bit as she applied the blindfold. Ellamir instructed Antani to bite on the cloth, acting as a gag. Everything was now set in place. "The bindings, the blindfold, the gag, they all exist to heighten your…." Ellamir laid right next to the restrained Antani and whispered into her ear. "...Pleasure."

Ellamir's sultry voice almost made Antani's heart leap out from her chest. Bound as she is, along With her sight and the ability to speak taken away, she could only focus on Ellamir's sweet voice. 

The dark elf gazed at her captive. She delighted at how the ropes meshed perfectly with the Amazon's toned and sexy body. The only downside to it all was that she can't hear Antani's erotic whimperings with that gag. No matter, Ellamir still had plenty to work with. 

"I'm going to start touching you now. Since you can't speak, shake your head left and right if it's too much. Nod twice if you understand." Ellamir's voice was commanding but still loaded with concern. 

Antani's nodded.

Two of Ellamir's fingers touched her clit, making Antani arch her back a bit. As someone who used to have one of it before, Ellamir knew how sensitive it could get. Slowly, Ellamir began massaging Antani's nub. 

Due to the shadow armor always covering her, Ellamir's fingers were soft to the touch compared to Antani's callus hands. 

Antani quivered as her breathing was starting to get hard, all from the tender caress that Ellamir applied to her nether region, being bereft of sight forced her to focus on the sensation even more. If it wasn't for the gag Antani would have moaned her heart out. 

With a heady whisper, Ellamir closed in on Antani's ear. "Now do you see what I could offer you if you would just submit?" Ellamir's teasing pushed Antani further over the edge, her arousal was about to reach its limit. 

Antani could very much break free from the ropes if she so desired, they are both aware of this. But why would she? She was already drunk on the idea of submitting to Ellamir. 

Ceasing her ministrations, Ellamir decided that it was finally time. The dark elf positioned herself and spread her captive's legs into a V position, using her hands to hold antani's ankles. 

Ellamir entered Antani's cavern slowly, making sure that the amazon would be able to relish in her girth, splitting Antani at Ellamir's leisure.

"It amazes me how you're still this tight after the countless times I've ravished you." Ellamir felt so damn good as Antani enveloped her, if she had stayed idle long enough she would undoubtedly be finished off. But she wasn't planning on stopping until Antani felt the best that she could.

Ellamir began her assault, with a disjointed rhythm she pounded Antani's womanhood, again and again.

As an outlet for the overwhelming sensation, Antani bit her gag as hard as she could since her moans were muffled by it. The shameful pleasure offered by the ropes along with Ellamir's member tearing into her repeatedly was exquisite.

Ellamir felt Antani tighten, her moist walls clamped around her member. At long last they were on the brink of orgasm, with one deep push they both climaxed at the same time, painting Antani's inner walls white. Even with the gag and blindfold on Ellamir could still make out Antani's face as it contorts in rapture.

As she watches Antani in a lustful haze, The dark elf couldn't help but enjoy what they are. 

They are obsessed with each other. This knowledge is their greatest sin, it is the sweetest poison knowing that they indulge in the same depravity. It is a mire, one slip and that obsession could bring the worst out of the other, especially Ellamir. They know that they are each other's prisoners, yet not one of them even tries to escape. After all, they are accomplices to the same crime of passion.

Basking in the afterglow for a bit, Ellamir decided to lay beside Antani right after. Removing the gag, Ellamir tried to push her luck, "Do you want to go again? Imagine the positions we could do with you bound like that."

Antani swallowed her throat. She was once again conflicted, Antani was supposed to tie up Ellamir next, then she would try her hardest to get back at Ellamir. But the dark elf's offer sounded oh so enticing. With a single answer she had sealed her fate.


Ellamir smiled lasciviously, "Good, this time let's remove the gag, I want to hear you scream how much you want it."

They had both tried a multitude of positions after that. They were positions that they had done before but the spice that ropes added made them feel entirely fresh. The lewdness of the doggy style, the intimacy of the lotus position, and the vanilla missionary. For hours, they both drowned in each other. 

Soon, they both had their fill.

With solicitousness, Ellamir began undoing Antani's ropes. Now free, since they are of the same height, Antani adjusted so she could nestle on Ellamir's breast - Ellamir wrapped her in a gentle embrace.

Ellamir's lustful smile had now turned into a soft one, fitting the atmosphere of the aftercare. "You looked like you enjoyed yourself. I'm in the lead now, right?"

"I hate you. You never play fair."

Ellamir laughed, "Being a sore loser again? You're always welcome to try and even out the score."

"We're not done yet, I am so going to get you next time." Antani proudly declared that their little game had no victor yet.

Ellamir gently played with Antani's locks of hair. "I'll be waiting."


With his entire body aching, Stefano had returned to his apartment from his training with Yulia. Rotating his shoulder, he wondered if Garreth was that rough or Yulia was just being extra hard on him. 

He so wanted to take a bath right now, but how could he do it when there's a mermaid inside his bathroom? 

Maybe with hand gestures he could at least try to tell Gloria to stop splashing in the tub for one moment and just hang in the living room until he's done? Might as well try. 

Stefano opened the bathroom door, preparing to dole out the most understandable hand signs. 

Something was amiss, Gloria was nowhere to be found!

First and foremost, he prayed to Mithra that the mermaid is safe wherever she may be. He was about to storm off and ask his neighbor/party members when he noticed that the door to his bedroom was slightly ajar. 

Upon investigating further, panic struck Stefano as she found Gloria collapsed face first on the floor near the wall. 

(By Mithra, what happened!?) He quickly went to check on her but found himself stepping on some kind of puddle. 

Upon turning her over, he found that the mermaid was beet red and her breathing was ragged. 

Maybe the mermaid was dehydrated? Was the room temperature too hot? He doesn't know. 

Stefano decided to carry the mermaid back into his tub in hopes that it would alleviate whatever sudden illness had struck Gloria.

There goes his bath for the day.