Ellamir's Surrender

"There's no fucking way I'm wearing that, how much more depraved can you get!?"

Ellamir's eye narrowed at Antani, seething at her lover's suggestion of making her wear something so distasteful. 

"I just wanted to do something special before your dick disappears! It's not that bad, if you think about it." Antani argued as she sat on their bed, doing her best to explain to the now standing Ellamir that there was really no harm in wearing such clothing. 

"If it's not that bad then would you wear it?"

"Hey, I was the one who suggested this. Don't you turn this around on me."

"Answer the damn question, Antani."

Ellamir got her. Antani would never be caught dead wearing such clothing. Antani heaved a disappointed sigh. Here she thought that she could take advantage of Ellamir's love for her.

But love is a give and take. If Antani expected Ellamir to take then she should also be willing to give. 

"Fine. Here's the deal, if you wear this I would agree to do that thing you were always pestering me about. You know, the one you wanted to do in the forest?"

Consider Ellamir's interest piqued. 

The dark elf's brow shot up, "Down to the teeth?"

"Yes, down to the teeth."

To bargain such a deal, the respective kinks that they want to enact must be equally as shameful for the other, but with their agreement comes the trust and willingness as long as they get to explore such shame together. 

"Give me that!" Ellamir grabbed the clothes from Antani's hand. "You better keep your promise."

"Would I lie to you? Now hurry up so we can get started."

With her lascivious plan now in motion, Antani can't help but flash a coy smile at Ellamir as she stood up and exited their bedroom.

Ellamir gazed at the clothes in her hands with a mixture of annoyance and disgust.


Though temporary, Antani still appreciated their dingy apartment. Not only did it shelter the lovers, it also became their bastion of lewdness. Sanctuary for the sensual. Homestead for the horny. You get the point. 

As such, it was the only place Antani could make Ellamir agree to wear such clothing unbefitting of their stature as princess' would be inside the comfort of their momentary home.

Sitting at their sofa in front of their living room table, Antani crossed her arms and legs as she patiently awaited Ellamir.

Their bedroom door creaked open.

And from within came a dark elf wearing a frilly maid dress and fishnet stockings. The black and white outfit meshed exquisitely with Ellamir's slender figure. Her demeanor gave her the appearance of a pissed-off head maid about to chew on other maids for not doing their job diligently.

"There, are you happy now!?"

Antani found it adorable how Ellamir's facial expression couldn't decide if she wanted to be bashful or retain her headstrong personality and wear her clothes with pride.

"I am absolutely delighted but…"The Amazon retrieved a feather duster from underneath the living room table. Gesturing for Ellamir to take it while giving her a shit-eating grin. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Ellamir swiped the duster from antani, pointing it towards the Amazon, "I never forced you to call me master when you were my slave. You did that on your own!"

"And I'm not forcing you either. But don't you want to become closer to me by doing so? Feel what I have felt?"


Ellamir coughed, before doing the most miserable impersonation of a maid to ever grace the continent.

"M-master…that table is so dusty…here…let me clean it for you!"

Antani had put her hand on her mouth to put a lid on her laughter but some of it still spilled, turning Ellamir's mock annoyance into a real one. 

"I'm doing this to please you and you're just going to laugh at my face!?"

"Sorry, you are just so cute in that outfit! Don't break character now, I'm about to get into mine."

Ellamir calmed herself and slid back into her pretend meekness for her lover's sake. She continued wiping the already squeaky clean table with her duster. 

True to her word, Antani called Ellamir with a tone filled with acridness.

"Maid. If I recall correctly, you already have a lover, am I right?"

"You are right, master." 

"Tell me more about this lover of yours." Antani's voice along with her posture was authoritative, wanting to breathe life into her chosen role as the carnivorous mistress of a rich household. 

"She is an Amazon, although she is relentless in her teasing and would never pass up on the opportunity to get into my nerves, I still love her with all of my heart."

Antai held on to every ounce of her willpower. 

The sweetness contained within Ellamir's words almost made Antani pounce on her impromptu maid, ending their facade prematurely.

"Then why is it that despite that, I always notice trying to catch a glimpse of me when you think I am not looking?"

The maid pretended to be dumbfounded by what she just heard. "Whatever do you mean, master?"

Antani stood up, her gait overbearing as she tried to corner her obedient maid into a wall. 

With no more room to back up, Antani pinned her right hand right past her maid's face.

"You know exactly what I mean." 

Antani's eyes burned with lust, although they were just pretending, that gaze pierced Ellamir and made her weak in the knees. 

The Amazon's left hand traveled down into her maid's nether region, playing with what's under Ellamir's skirt. She then silenced her maid's protest with her lips. 

Their lips locked until Antani broke free, teasing her maid once more. 

"You've been a very naughty maid, and as your master, It falls upon me to discipline you."

Antani turned Ellamir around, bending her as her hands planted on the wall. The maid's skirt was lifted, revealing her round behind ripe for the taking. 

"Any last words before I administer some much needed discipline into you?" 

Antani caressed her maid's luscious backside, baiting the clueless Ellamir. 

"Master I…" *slap* "Aah!"

Ellamir yelped as Antani's hand smacked into her bare bottom. The pain was stinging yet sweet. As soon as Antani's hand hit her ass, humiliation surged into Ellamir. She almost wanted to stop their roleplay then and there, with only one thing stopping her from doing so. 

Ellamir liked it.

Antani globed her maid's ass with care, as if she was trying to wash the pain away only for her to deliver another dose.


Antani wanted Ellamir to keep guessing, building anticipation if you will. 

Ellamir bit her lip as she shivered in delight, she had no idea when Antani's next strike would be. A second, two, maybe five? 

One moment she would feel Antani's hand tenderly rubbing her ass, only for her to experience a sharp yet delectable pain the next. 


A few more spankings later, Antani stopped. Judging it was time to impart a 'harder' form of discipline on her hapless maid. 

Ellamir gasped in delight as Antani entered her already wet sex. 

That gasp soon turned into a moan as Antani began railing her maid with gusto. The Amazon was thoroughly relishing the feeling of Ellamir's tightness on her soon to disappear meat stick. 

Antani yanked her lover's hair, pulling them like reins as if to tame the hardheaded Ellamir. 

"Maybe I should ask the guild master to keep this change permanent. After all, you seem to love it when I'm roughing you up like this."

Her very pride as a top being denied, panic arose from Ellamir's but it was inevitably drowned out by pleasure, as Antani shredded her resistance with every thrust. 

For a moment it crossed Ellamir's mind. Would it be truly so bad? To surrender herself to the Amazon's roughness? 

"I'm just kidding, I know how much you're attached to this equipment of yours. And truth be told, I only humored keeping it so I could tease you with it."

There was no reply from Ellamir, just moans as Antani's member hit her pleasure spot with every sway of her hips.

Soon the pleasure peaked for them both as Antani gripped Ellamir's waist while she deposited her warm and thick spunk inside of her maid. 

As soon as Antani pulled out, the dejected Ellamir spoke. 

"I am ruined, you've thoroughly shamed me. I'm going back to the underdark this instant."

Antani laughed as her arms coiled around Ellamir's waist.

"Don't lie to me, you enjoyed it."

Ellamir did. Her heart had completely surrendered as Antani spanked and banged the shit out of her. 

With whatever embers of dominance remained inside Ellamir's  chest, she held tightly as she planned her next sexual vendetta against her lover.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on their door followed by a shout.

"It's the city guard, open up! We are looking for a dark elf named Ellamir!"