Red is the Warmest Color

Being invited into Magna's palatial home after she had gotten off from work, Yulia had noticed that it was far too commodious for someone living alone.  Her drapes and carpet both red, making the tiefling feel as if she would easily blend inside the succubus' dwelling. The thought made Yulia chuckle.

"What's so funny?"

The succubus walking right next to Yulia inquired.

"Lots of red. This household of yours makes me feel right at home."

The tieflling's smugness as she said it amused Magna, making her lips curl into a smile. 

"You'll know the reason for that soon enough."

And that reason came in the form of a large painting hanging by the center of Magna's living room wall. It was the portrait of a stunning horned succubus whose skin was the same hue as Yulia's. Her hair was also long and black while her eyes were as blue as the ocean. The woman in the portrait wore a hazel crinoline dress as she stood with a somewhat vainglorious smile that could be interpreted as  'That's right, keep staring.' But the thing that caught Yulia's eye the most, was the diamond dragon head necklace around her neck. 

As the two of them admired the painting, Magna spoke, "Beautiful, isn't she?"

"Definitely. Who is she?" 

With Yulia's inquiry, she turned her head to the succubus beside her. Magna's eyes conveyed some sort of sadness within them as she said…

"She's my mother."

"Where is she?" 

"She's dead."

"Oh…" Was all that came out from Yulia's mouth as she was caught off-guard by the revelation. "I…I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be, she had a good run. Now come, the dining room is this way."


Aside from the fine wooden cabinet containing expensive plates and utensils, some alcohol. Yulia couldn't help but admire the magnificent carved round table along with the chair she sat on. Not only was the table large enough to fit in ten people, but it also had a revolving tray in the middle. What's more, the varnish blended on the wood pretty well, giving it a dazzling finish. 


The succubus smiled at the question, "Treant. Age 50." 

"Ahh, that explains the shine. Well shit, this table is older than I am." 

Yulia was no expert on woods, but she did have knowledge on the two most sought out monsters when it came to furniture making. Although the two are bipedal tree monsters that can provide prim wood, treants edge out since their quality increases as they age. Nonetheless, both are expensive, leading Yulia to the conclusion that Magna was rich as fuck.

"So, what will you be having, coffee or tea?" Magna leaned on the table as she asked. 

"Coffee, please." 

A few minutes later, Magna emerged with two wooden cups and gave one to Yulia as she sat right next to her. 

"Do you mind if I grab a bit of your alcohol?" 

Magna's forehead knit in confusion, "I just gave you coffee, why would you want to drink alcohol?"

"I'm going to mix them, you see." 

With Yulia's answer, Magna's confusion remained, giving rise to another question. 

"That's dark, unsweetened coffee. You're telling me you're going to mix alcohol in it? You know what, knock yourself out."

Opening the wooden cabinet, Yulia gleefully grabbed the bottle with bourbon on it written in cursive. Pouring an ounce, Yulia returned Magna's curious stare with a smile.

Magna sipped her tea, "Are you sure you want to drink something alcoholic this early in the morning?"

"It must be 5 o'clock somewhere. Besides, it's not that strong, it might be stronger than your regular coffee because of the alcohol but I'm after the taste more than anything."

"And what does it taste like?"

"Believe it or not, it actually lessens the bitterness of the coffee, it even adds a bit of sweetness into it. Would you like some?"

Magna chuckled at the offer, "I'm content with my tea."

"Oh, then would you like bourbon in your tea? If it goes well with coffee, it might blend in with your tea, right?"

Although curious, Magna wasn't that keen to figure out what an unholy concoction might taste like, "What are you, some kind of mad alchemist? No thanks."

"Your loss." Yulia took a swig of the coffee, its rich flavor when combined with the bourbon made her do an audible 'ah'. As she put down the mug, her mind wandered to the woman on the portrait from before. "Your mother, she's an adventurer. Why didn't you follow her footsteps?"

A self-deriding smile plastered on Magna's lips. Yulia might not have asked it out loud, but her question could be interpreted as 'how did you end up working at a brothel?' 

"Because my current work allows me to feed while getting paid. Two birds with one stone, I say."

"It's not too late to jump professions. Even as an adventurer, I'm pretty sure you'll end up with plenty of willing participants to feed from." Yulia reasoned.

Magna's eyes took on a seductive glint, "Are you volunteering?" In truth, Magna invited the tiefling over for an innocent chat over coffee and tea. How the conversation took a turn to where it is now could be attributed to her nature as a succubus…or she truly does fancy the tiefling.

Not one to back down from such a salacious stare, Yulia smirked, "If you would have me, then yes I am."

"You're strong, I can tell. My instinct is telling me to suck all the mana out of you. I might kill you." Part bluff, part truth. Magna wanted to suck the tiefling dry for all she's worth, and though she's not an inexperienced succubus that would lose herself from feeding, the thrill of snacking on someone so strong might accidentally make her slip.

"Then I shall leave this mortal plane a happy woman." Yulia beamed with boldness, confident that she could take whatever the succubus had to give…or suck.

Their eyes lock, both are in tacit understanding that it's about to happen. The question is, who's going to make the first move?

The question was answered by Magna as she lunged at the tiefling. The colors surrounding Yulia told the succubus her partner's preference, tender enough to make her forget everything but with a hint of wildness so she could lose herself in the moment. Magna was planning to deliver. 

Their lips meet for the first time and with it, Magna's tongue requested for entry, to which Yulia happily obliged.

Like their hands that couldn't get enough of each other, so too did their tongues as they coiled around each other like mating snakes, their heartbeats thunder in unison as their lust heightens with every sway. 

With their lust reaching its peak, Magna propped Yulia on the table, she assisted in taking off her blouse and pants. 

Pride coursed through Yulia as she saw the succubus bite her lip. The bared figure of a warrior that was hidden underneath that long sleeved blouse was a welcome surprise. The outline of abs and well defined arms, but still lithe enough for a curved figure was all thanks to how heavy her armor and shield are. 

"Are you just going to stare all morning, gorgeous?" With a smirk, Yulia wanted to get started on the action. 

Separated by only a hair's breadth, Magna teased, "Patience, honey. Let me attend to you first, touch you all over, make you cry out in pleasure. And when you can't handle it anymore, only then will I take you." 

Magna dove into Yulia's neck, the sweet smell of raspberry tickled Magna, inciting her to plant her kisses with gusto. The succubus' hand gently rubbed Yulia's nether region, making Yulia feel that her chest would erupt any moment from the luscious intensity of their foreplay. 

And yet, amidst the sexual tension, Yulia let out an amused giggle as she tried to avoid her partner's horns while savoring the hickeys at the same time. Prompting Magna to ask in between her kisses. 

"Are my kisses too ticklish?"

"No, they're perfect. I just realized that we're both…'horny' right now." 

Magna stopped so she could look Yulia dead in the eyes. 

"Do you have more of those puns, Yulia, honey? Because if you do I'm going to need you to lock them all up in a chest and throw them into the bottom of the ocean. Destroy the key for good measure." 

"I'm thinking of a few, I promise not to let you hear them if you fuck me right now."

Held hostage by such terrible threat, Magna had no choice but to acquiesce to the tiefling's demand. 

Magna swiftly parted legs open, her tail went in between her thighs, emerging as some sort of makeshift phallus. Thicker than two fingers combined, Yulia yelped in pleasure as Magna entered her wet folds. 

The mobility that Magana's tail provided meant moving her hips wasn't necessary as she can remotely thrust in and out of Yulia with whatever pace she desired. And what she desired was to pleasure the tiefling, bringing it about by slow and steady thrusts. 

Minutes later, ecstasy overtakes Yulia as she becomes lost in her moans. Her arms and legs locked around the succubus in erotic communion. Aside from the pleasure that Magna provided, she could feel her vitality being whisked away with every sway of the tail inside of her. 

Having such high mana capacity becomes a double edged sword for succubuses. As beings who can't generate mana on their own, they depend upon other's life force to sustain them. And in exchange, a succubus would provide you with extraordinary pleasure. Which was what Yulia was feeling right now as the sensation of lethargy masqueraded as mini-orgasms. 

Magna gorged on the high quality mana provided by the tiefling. It wasn't just her lust, she could feel her vigor rising by second as she continually drained Yulia. It would be no exaggeration to say that Yulia's life was now in Magna's hand. 

Magna paused as she noticed that Yulia's breathing was starting to become deeper. 

"Can you still go on? If it's starting to become too much, we can stop, I've had my fill anyway." Magna questioned with a hint of worry. 

"N-no. Sho close…almost there." Yulia's speech was starting to become slurred, a side effect of the fatigue taking her. Yet, she didn't want the pleasure to end. 

Yulia's arms and legs gave, for they no longer had the strength in them to coil around Magna, it was now the succubus' turn to support Yulia. Her wings unfurled, acting as some sort of rest to safely lean on while also covering Yulia in their warmth. Magna tried to lessen the drain, but she could never outright stop it. They are physiologically wired to take from their partner whenever they would engage in carnal acts. 

Not long after, Yulia's entire being quaked in euphoria as she finally orgasmed. Unable to handle exhaustion, Yulia collapsed with a smile on her face. 

As a testament to the strength Yulia imparted her with, Magna effortlessly carried Yulia in her arms. Even the succubus couldn't help but sport a smile of her own as she sees the stupidly satisfied look on Yulia's face as they were  headed into the master bedroom.