A Craving for Human Flesh

You could probably guess. The four hour stagecoach ride was every bit as awkward it could get. With the lovebirds not talking to each other while Shatter sound would occasionally give Ellamir snide glances. Traveling with your friends was supposed to be an enjoyable experience, but Gloria and Stefano did not enjoy the combative air that the three exuded. And although they were sure that Ellamir and Antani would patch up eventually. Ellamir's low remark wounded Shatter sound's pride. A wound so deep that Shatter sound would have no qualms in ending Ellamir's life. And it was just the first day. 

The only one who was coasting through it all, was Yulia. Steering the two horses, as the refreshing winds breeze by, the tiefling had always found being at the helm relaxing, if not enjoyable.

Their first stop was your run-of-the-mill inn at a small town at the city outskirts. The place was not run down per se, but the age of the wood used to build the place was apparent at first glance. 

An old human lady manned the counter, her smiling demeanor brimmed with hospitality. Yulia approached her, with the party trailing behind. 

"6 rooms please." The tiefling requested with a grin on her face. 

To cut down on the cost, Yulia would have originally asked for 3 rooms. Having a lot of gold to throw around sure is convenient. 

"5 rooms." Ellamir brazenly cut in. 

It was no skin off Yulia's teeth, "Alright, 5 rooms it is then." 

The innkeeper grimaced, "Oh dear, I apologize but we only have 3 available at the moment." 

A bit disappointed that they can't splurge a bit for comfort. Yulia nonetheless agreed, 3 rooms are still better than no room, "It's fine we'll take the three rooms." 

Feeling extra generous for the evening, Yulia shouldered the cost, which was about 20 silvers per room. The tiefling handed 1 gold and 20 silver. The extra 10 silver was a gracious tip. 

"Oh, bless you, dear child!" The old lady handed the 3 keys with elation. 

Faster than any rogue, Ellamir snatched one of the keys, "Antani and I will take one room."

"Who told you I'm going to share a room with you tonight?" 

Although Antani's tone was nonchalant, Ellamir was quick to pick up on the obvious resentment undearth. 

"And where would you sleep?" Ellamir cockily grinned. Surely Antani wouldn't think of crashing into one of the other two rooms, right?

To further drive home how pissed off she was, Antani faked a smile, "Any room without you in it would be great." 

The look of hurt was apparent on Ellamir's face. It wasn't exactly a joyous occasion for Antani, she was equally as hurt when she saw her lover's pained reaction. That snide remark she made on Shatter sound was something Antani can't let go of.  Someone's gotta teach Ellamir a lesson, so she masked the pain with that continued fake smile of hers. 

"If that's how you want to play it, then I'll take the room for myself!" 

With that, Ellamir angrily stormed off upstairs.


Even though the party wasn't able to splurge on rooms, the tavern right across the inn was the perfect place for some extravagant dinner and ale afterwards. 

Before heading out, Antani asked the nice old lady a favor. To let their dark elf companion know where they are once she was done moping in her room. 

The tavern was in a similar vein to the inn. Its age was obvious, but that only served to give it some kind of charm. What's more, there are only a few other patrons beside them, giving the place a serene atmosphere. A stark contrast to Moon world's rowdy night scene. 

An orc waitress carried two large trays with each of her arms, she then laid it down on the party's table with grace. Their order? A cockatirice glazed with soy sauce and honey along with one whole grilled swordfish. 

With Ellamir not at the table, Shatter sound didn't hesitate to join the party's feast. Although she was still reserved and hardly spoke unless spoken to. 

Stefano intriguingly watched as the jovial mermaid ate the strips of swordfish on her plate. He questions those at the table, "Is it cannibalism for a mermaid to eat a fish?" 

Gloria paused, giving Stefano a 'What the fuck is wrong with you?' glare.

"I'm just asking. You know, I would consider it a form of cannibalism if a centaur ate horse meat."

Antani shared her thought, "Centaurs and horse meat, probably. But mermaids and fishes? I think that's a stretch. Now if a mermaid ate a human, then we might be onto something. " Antani took a bite of the fleshy but tender cockatrice. It was delicious. 

"Fish taste good, is human taste good?" 

Tilting her head, Gloria quizzically looked at Stefano. 

The cleric gulped, "Stop looking at me like that."

Yulia faintly laughed, "To be fair, you're the one who accused her of being a cannibal." 

"I wasn't accusing her! I was merely curious!" There was no way that his friend would consider eating his flesh from a harmless question, right? But just in case, it's better to be safe than sorry. "Look, if you're going to develop a craving for human flesh, Antani would be the perfect target, she's definitely more meaty than me!"

The Amazon laughed, "You're lucky Ellamir isn't here, or she would have given you shit simply for saying that." Antani's demeanor suddenly became sullen as the reality hit her, (Ellamir isn't here.) Whatever the case, she hasn't eaten yet, the dark elf has no other choice than to leave from that room of hers and join them.

For now, she wouldn't mind staying to unwind from traveling, joining her friends for a few after-dinner drinks.

Sipping her ale, Yulia decided to rope in Shatter sound on their nonsensical conversation, "What's your take on the whole mermaid cannibalism thing?"

"It's ridiculous. Like this group…"

Okay, Antani was now glad that Ellamir wasn't here. Knowing her lover, Ellamir would have definitely perceived that as an insult. In a way it is, but Yulia and Antani just thought nothing of it. They just took it as the werewolf lashing out at everything and everyone.

"...Although I have to give you all credit for not flinching when I transformed. Why is that?" 

Yulia smugly remarked, "Let's just say, you're not the only one around here who transforms." In light of what Shatter sound was going through, Yulia easily pieced that her pride in being a werewolf was immense. She's not going to take too kindly to the fact that the transformation of her new allies greatly outclassed her in terms of power. Ellamir's in pure strength, and Yulia's in fiery destruction. "Trust me, once you've seen us in action, it will all make sense why the guild master chose us." 

The tiefling's words did inspire confidence.  Perhaps it would be safe for Shatter sound to put a bit of faith in her new companions? 

A couple of drinks later, and Antani was starting to feel the ale making her head fuzzy. That would be fine and dandy since she was surrounded by her friends, but the fact that her dumbass lover still hasn't eaten yet pissed off Antani. Ellamir was the one in the wrong, the gall of her stage a hunger strike! 

"I guess that's it for me. See you all tomorrow." Antani announced, heading straight to the tavern keep to order a tray of food.