Setting up Camp

Night gave way to day. As they all gathered before departing, seeing Ellamir and Antani made up was as normal as the sun rise that very morning. 

While Shatter sound remained apathetic as ever towards whatever situation the Dark elf might be involved in. In fact, she even wished for the worst for Ellamir. And if that hasn't come to pass, then she will bring it about herself. Shatter sound only needed one moment alone with the dark elf. 

Thus, Team Valhalla departed on their journey. 

Hours of traveling passed by, and the canopy above was starting to become orange in hue. It was the same time around yesterday that they had arrived at the small countryside town before. This time, however, no countryside abode would welcome them, only towering trees as they are finally getting deeper and deeper into the heart of the forest. 

No matter, they were prepared for the long journey ahead. What sort of adventurer would they be if they can't tackle the wilderness? 

Their stagecoach stopped. Prompting the party to set camp before it gets dark. 

As soon as they got off, Antani set her plan into motion. 

"Ellamir, Shatter sound, why don't the two of you go take a look around and see if there's anything to hunt?" 

The Amazon looked at Shatter sound with a smile, but when her gaze drifted to Ellamir, Antani's expression was succinct. It told Ellamir to 'Don't fuck this up.'

As the two left to hunt, Yulia helped Antani in setting up their camp. 

While Antani was setting up the tents, Yulia started to gather firewood for their campfire. 

"Where's Stefano and Gloria?" Antani asked.

"Went and scouted for any river that we can use."

Yulia tried not to stray too far as she gathered wood, so she can converse with Antani while doing they're respective tasks. 

"I hope they do find one. I really don't like how rehydrating potions taste." 

Yulia chuckled, "Me neither." 

Minutes later, three of the tents are now set up. Meanwhile, Yulia had also finished up on her end. Complete with logs to sit on, all she needed right now, is to set their bonfire alight. No match needed, Yulia happened to be an expert on the matter. 

The tiefling unsheathed her sword from her shield and pointed it towards the gathered wood. She concentrated, just a miniscule fire would do, the last thing that she would want is to obliterate it and start gathering all over again. Or worse, start a forest fire. 

Fire spewed from the tip of Yulia's sword, successfully igniting their gathering place for tonight. She heaved a sigh of relief. 

Yulia took a seat in one of the logs, Antani followed right after, taking Yulia's side. 

Curious as to how Ellamir was fairing, Yulia asked the dark elf's lover. 

"You think those two will turn out okay?" 

"They'll be fine. Ellamir gave me her word that she's going to apologize to Shatter sound. I trust her. In fact, they're relationship might have even improved by now."


Shatter sound's guardian form choke slammed Ellamir into a nearby tree. 

Ellamir coughed from the impact. (Bitch is indeed fast.) There was a blur, and the next thing that Ellamir knew, she was already being choked by massive wolf hands. 

"If you don't put me down, you're going to regret it."

The rage within Shatter sound boiled with Ellamir's threat, does the dark elf think that she's not capable of snapping her neck like a twig? Where is this scrawny woman pulling her courage from? She should be pissing her pants from fear by now! 

Shatter sound realized. Ellamir wasn't afraid of her because she has her lover by her side, Antani did seem to be a capable warrior. Ellamir was banking on Antani to jump to her rescue if she ever got harmed, isn't she? 

She wanted to strike fear into Ellamir for her callus remark about running with her tail behind her back. It hurt. Partly because there is truth in it. And she wanted to inflict the same kind of pain to the dark elf. 

Shatter sound let go of Ellamir. 

The wolf woman paid Ellamir no heed as she apparently started to walk back into their camp. 

"We still have no hunt to show for."  Ellamir called out. 

The werewolf's humongous figure started to shrink, they were reverting, into the form of a naked and voluptuous woman.

"Fuck the hunt." Since Shatter sound couldn't get a rise out of Ellamir, she opted to return to camp instead. But not before giving her warning. "You'll regret insulting a scarlet talon, dark elf. One of these days, you will get yours."

Ellamir chuckled, "And how are you going to do that? Gonna call your dead clan from the grave so they could all jump me?"

Shatter sound grinned ominously, "No. But tell your lover to watch out for her neck, a wolf might just sink its fangs into it." 

Shatter sound knew how low her threat was, after all, it was as low as Ellamir's remark about her strength. And Shatter sound would never harm the Amazon after how accommodating she had been for her. She merely said it to get into Ellamir's head. To get even. 

If Shatter sound's anger was akin to boiling magma, its danger was apparent. Ellamir's was an icy cold avalanche. Calm but once triggered, those who are caught will be buried under.

"Are you threatening Antani?" Ellamir glared. 

Ah, Shatter sound finally got into Ellamir's skin. Now, it's time to make Ellamir realize how powerless she is before her. 

The satisfied Shatter sound smiled at Ellamir. 

"I am." Shatter sound transformed once again before Ellamir's very eye. The toothy grin that Shatter sound's snout sported made her seem like a jackal, laughing at her prey. A gesture that mocked Ellamir saying, 'What are you going to do about it?'

That very same grin, however, would be wiped off from Shatter sound's snout. 

Shadows exploded from her skin and swirled around Ellamir in an instant, the black mass rose high like a pillar, before dissipating to reveal something wicked. Something powerful. 

The black titan stood before Shatter sound. The werewolf couldn't believe it! Whatever Ellamir was right now, she was as tall as the grey freak that led her clan's massacre. 

Thus, two towering entities faced off against each, with one more menacing than the other. Shatter sound's guardian form might be brutal in its visage, but its main purpose was to become nature's protector. Ellamir's transformation was purely for wreaking havoc. A natural disaster on eight legs.

"Go on, attack me, mutt." Ellamir's muffled voice goaded. 

Although Shatter sound's bestial instinct warned her to not dare, that she should just flee. Shatter sound yanked the chains of fear coiling in her heart. She was done running. 

Shatter sound brandished her claws, whatever kind of armor Ellamir was wearing, her claws should rip right through. Shatter sound brandished them, swiping into Ellamir's thorax. Over and over. 

(What is that thing made of!? It's too fucking hard!) Shatter sound was astounded at her target's durability. 

If her claws won't work, then how about her powerful jaws?

With blinding speed, Shatter sound leapt over Ellamir and into her back. Straight into Ellamir's neck, Shatter sound's jaws snapped shut from behind.

"Cute." Ellamir grinned underneath her shadow helm.

While Shatter sound's jaw was trying its best to crush Ellamir's drider armor, Ellamir saw it as an opening and grabbed Shatter sound by her neck, slamming her down on the ground as revenge for threatening Antani.

Absolutely pinned, Shatter sound summoned all of her strength as she rose steadily, and just when she thought she was about to get free, an effortless push from Ellamir was all it took to crush her defiance along with her werewolf pride.

A powerful guardian of nature, bested by a spider abomination. Just when Shatter sound thought she couldn't hurt even more.

At that moment, Ellamir realized how easy it was to not only put Shatter sound on the edge, but to also push her over it. The hapless werewolf trapped underneath her would not be able to withstand the verbal lashings that would come from her. 

Ellamir lowered so she could loom in Shatter sound's ear.

"You want to know why I didn't want to help you? It's because of your eyes. So full of hatred. They reminded me of mine not too long ago. Just know, that hatred is a bile, it will consume you from within if you can't spew it on someone."

Shatter sound transformed back, No longer was Ellamir pinning down a massive werewolf, but a fragile human, crying her heart out.

"How dare you lecture me on hatred!? Are you telling me to stop seeking revenge!?"

Ellamir let out an amused chuckle, "Nothing of the sort. I want you to use that hatred, let the anger drive your strength to its limit. It will help you break it. But once your revenge is over, learn to let your hatred go. If not, it will devour you."

"I…I will keep that in mind. Is your lecture over? Unhand me now."

"One last thing, I know we got off on the wrong foot but I just want to say…" Ellamir paused, internally groaning. Why was apologizing to Antani so easy, but when it came to others it felt like she was being forced to puke her guts out? Still, she promised Antani that she would do it. She's not going to go back on her word now. "...I apologize for everything I said about you and your clan."

"That was the blandest apology I've ever heard." Shatter sound scoffed.

"That doesn't matter. You WILL accept it. If you do…" To put emphasis, Ellamir put a little force behind her hand that pinned the woman. "...this strength will aid you. It will tear in two those who slaughtered your clan."

Shameful no more, Shatter sound was ecstatic. Just imagining the carnage Ellamir would be able to let loose on her kinfolk put a grin on her face.

With Shatter sound free, Ellamir dispelled her drider armor, falling into the ground with grace.

Shatter sound expression towards Ellamir had now become somewhat amicable. Her lips even formed a smile as she instructed Ellamir.

"Follow me, I've been to this forest before. I know a place with plenty of game."