We Won't Be Like Them

The lavishness of Arcana's outside matched the inside of its spacious rooms. Or maybe it was just Magna's room since she was the highest paid in the place?

Yulia wasn't sure and she had no intention of finding out, her focus was on Magna and Magna alone.

With the gaudy curtains and decors, one would think that the place was a royal chamber, and the regal beauty sitting on top of the deluxe bed could be mistaken for its Queen.

A Queen that was royally pissed when she saw who her customer was.

"What are you doing here?" Magna's tone was sharp, her expression irked. There was something about Yulia paying money to see her that rubbed her the wrong way.

It was a waste of 40 gold, Magna would have slept with the tiefling had Yulia waited until her shift finished.

Laid back as ever, Yulia countered Magna's ire with a smirk.

"You surprised me last night, didn't think you would actually stand me up like that. I'm just returning the favor." Yulia sat on the bed, right next to the succubus. "And judging by that look on your face, I guess it worked."

They glance at each, seconds after, Magna's expression softens before finally turning into a smile. She just couldn't find it in herself to stay mad at the tiefling. Also, she can't return Yulia's gold in full since the house takes 25% of what she earns.

Magna sighed before questioning Yulia.

"Since you're my customer now, do you have any special requests?"

"Just one. It's for you to tell me why you didn't show up at Moon World."

Magna chuckled, "You may have paid, but we're still in control if we're going to indulge our customer or not."

"Eh, Worth the shot." With an wyry grin, Yulia didn't press any further.

They were just fuck fuddies, Magna had no reason to mingle with Yulia's friends if she truly didn't want to.

"However, if you truly want to know…" Magna's lips twisted into a coy smirk. "...then how about we gamble for it?"

Another gamble? Looks like Magna already knew how to make Yulia dance to her tune.

"You're on. What are we playing? Don't tell me you keep a deck of cards even here?"

To answer Yulia's question, Magna stood. As easy as flipping an internal switch, her succubus persona had taken over.

Magna straddled Yulia with more finesse than a jockey. Magna cupped Yulia's chin, forcing the tiefling to gaze at Magna's eyes, twin orbs that are swirling with lust.

"We…are going to be playing with our bodies."

Magna's words dripped like honey, making the tiefling's heart thunder inside her chest. "I'm going to unleash my full drain on you. Last five minutes against me, and I will tell you what you want to hear. What do you say, Yulia, dear, will you gamble your life for one flimsy info?"

Yulia bit her lip in delight as she could feel the succubus' breathing. It was basically five minutes of continuous orgasm while being sucked dry of all her mana, with the added risk of her soul being ripped out from her body. Would she risk it? You bet she would.

"Sounds dangerous, I'm in."

With that as her cue, Magna assisted in taking off Yulia's blouse while shedding her own.

As Yulia felt herself sink into the soft bed, Magna pinned both of her arms using her hands. Distance was none existent as they were about to become one, it wasn't just their skin, their horns also touched while giving each other bedroom eyes.

Yulia's skin smelling like raspberry made it hard for Magna to contain herself, Magna just had to have a taste.

The succubus' long tongue laid on the base of

Yulia's neck, sliding sensuously all the way up to Yulia's chin, and ending her taste test with a kiss.

As expected, Yulia was scrumptious, sweeter than what her smell had led on.

Then, Yulia felt Magna's soft tail gently rubbing her love bud down below. Fuck, it was just foreplay and the pleasure that Magna's tail brought on her clit was already enough to make her cum.

The succubus wasn't the only one who can maneuver her tail with dexterity.

The sound of a slap was followed by Magna's cute yelp. Yulia just slapped Magna's ass with her own tail.

"Stop cheating, by the time you've put it in me, I might have already passed out." With a coy grin, Yulia chided.

"I was trying to get you wet, but since you insist…" Per her partner's request, Magna's tail lasciviously squirmed its way inside Yulia. "...I would gladly grant your request."

Never breaking eye contact, Magna revelled not only in the exquisite strength she was draining, but also in her partner's expression, morphing into one of absolute ecstasy.

In reflex, Yulia's back arched, as if failing to contain the orgasmic pleasure from just her pussy, making it course throughout her entire body in response.

When Magna's tail started moving, that was when Yulia began to lose it, both from pleasure and fatigue.

Magna wasn't kidding, her unregulated drain felt as if Yulia was a fallen angel devotee no longer, as if she was ready to ascend into heaven. Or whatever celestial realm Zariel fell from.

Yulia hoped that Magna was keeping count, because Yulia's brain was getting fried from the pleasure. All the tiefling could do was moan.

And Magna was indeed counting how many minutes had passed since the influx of top-notch mama into her.

4 minutes. 4 whole minutes of nonstop orgasm for Yulia. The tiefling truly felt as if she was now bound for the otherworld.

Fortunately, Yulia's ascension to heaven was halted as Magna's tail withdrew from the tiefling's crotch.

Yulia was about to speak, until she found herself unable to. Heck, she can't even move a finger. She was drained to the brim, any second longer and she truly would have died. How's that for thrills?

Magna was prepared for such situations. From one of the bedside cupboards, magna withdrew a vial filled with blue liquid.

Like a healer tending to the sick, Yulia was laid into the succubus' lap, while Magna poured some mana potion onto Yulia's mouth.

Magna then situated her properly on the bed while Yulia's mana was properly regenerating.

Succumbing to lethargy, Yulia fell unconscious.


Waking up, the first detail that came to Yulia upon regaining her strength, was that she lost.

Second was the sobbing.

Third was the tantalizing smell of smoke.

As soon as Magna noticed Yulia shifted, she immediately wiped away the tears in her eyes.

Yulia found it odd how Magna was afraid to express her vulnerability to her when Yulia's life was literally in the palm of Magna's hand just earlier. Then again, they were different kinds of vulnerability, what Yulia experienced was the sensual kind, what Magna was currently going through was an emotional one. And that vulnerability should be freely opened up, not pried.

"What are you smoking?" Yulia asked.

The enticing smell of chocolate wafted along the entire room. Last time Yulia checked, tobacco shouldn't smell that good.

Yulia traced its source and found it to be the long classy pipe in Magna's right hand. Like the classy courtesan that Magna is, the image of Magna smoking that pipe made Yulia's heart skip a beat for the succubus.

"Dark bat. It's a special tobacco imported by fairies." Magna answered.

Her eyes still red, Magna offered the pipe to Yulia.

Yulia inhaled, as the warm smoke traveled into her lungs, Yulia's eyes widened. There was none of that gruffness that the regular tobacco offered, only saccharinity. She exhaled. It was now the second time today that Magna blew her mind.

"Holy shit, even the smoke tastes like chocolate!"

While retrieving the pipe, Magna giggled at her partner's amusement.

The succubus' expression suddenly turned solemn as she took another hit from her pipe.

"My mother, she had a human lover once…" Magna was planning to tell it all. "...ever since they got together, it was the happiest I've ever seen her."

Yulia lost their gamble but she was grateful that Magna decided to tear down her walls for her.

"Always giddy whenever her woman would visit the house. Until one day, her visitor stopped coming. She couldn't even if she wanted to, she was already bed ridden from old age. Mother wept for days when she passed away."

The tears that Magna wiped from earlier returned, this time, she let them flow freely.

"My mother stopped feeding after that, she said whenever she would try, she would see her lover's face, smiling at her. I begged her repeatedly to feed, but she just wouldn't. Before she took her last breath, she told me, 'One day, Magna, you would understand'."

Yulia didn't know how to take in such a revelation, all that she knew was that she wanted to comfort Magna.

Thus, Yulia embraced Magna's head and rested it upon her bosom, a place where Magna can bawl her eyes out.

Yulia's words of reassurance were, "It's okay, we won't be like them."