
The standardness of the Guild's conference room was elevated by the intrepid air by those that have gathered in the round table. 

Indomitable. Powerful. Dauntless. 

These are the aura exuded by elites. 

These are the aura exuded by Elaria's strongest adventurers, those possessing the rank of diamond. 

A monthly occurrence, there are still a few vacant seats since those who are available would attend, discussing the current matters pertaining to the Guild. 

And it would seem that someone is already eager to discuss a certain matter regarding a dark elf.

"I have been gone only for a couple of months and upon my return, we have already accepted a dark elf in our ranks? What lunacy is this?" 

Wearing a blue mage garb, was Suheilla, a high elf whose complexion and hair were as pale as moonlight. Her eyes, as blue as the clear sky. Eyes that contained a certain judgement that have pervaded her kind. Racism.

While the humans from Alcune's racism are deeply rooted in their insecurity for having no boon, the high elves in Landuin stem from their belief that they are the most powerful race across the land. Beloved by mana, spells come to them naturally as breathing, which the other races had to painstakingly learn and cultivate over the years. Their longevity that spanned a couple of centuries empowered both their ego and arcane might.  

As the high elves look down on the other races with the same belittlement, there are none so despised in their eyes as Lolth's wicked spawns, the dark elves. Their corruption makes every high elves shudder to think that they are related. 

To combat Saheilla's obvious prejudice, the grey scaled lizard with dual battle axes on his back spoke.

 "We have already spoken about this before. Elaria welcomes all as long as they abide by the laws of this city." The Lizard berserker, Balaran, gave his take on the matter. 

A dwarven rogue, using his size as an advantage for his chosen profession as well as his natural gift as a smith to create his runeforged daggers that adorned his obsidian vest, also sided with the lizard. 

"Balaran is right. Ya can't judge the lass, for all we know she might be turning a new leaf, distancing herself from their wicked ways." With a thick dwarven accent, Novum argued. 

Althea, the one who was heading their assembly, sat at the table's helm. The spellblade chimed in, " You are not in Landuin, don't expect us to cater to your racism, Saheilla. "

Out of all that gave their input, It was Althea's statement that got a rise from Saheilla. 

"Cater to our racism? It is no racism if it is the truth. We  are simply superior to everyone due to our arcane knowledge, I can even take on all three of you combined. You should all be grateful for my counsel and heed it." Saheilla then stared at Althea. "You are the Guild Master's lapdog, are you not? Quickly, have that dark elf removed so we could cleanse ourselves of Lolth's blight."

"Call me a lapdog again, I dare you."

Poised to strike, Althea gripped her sheath, imbuing its inside with cackling electricity.

"Why take offense? Isn't that what you are? You are only in this rank because your so-called 'father' put you here."

What was the high elf insinuating about the Guild master? Whatever it was, Althea would not let pass such slander, even though the diamond rank she fought to attain her rank was currently back at his monastery, the spell blade would make the case herself and instill into the arrogant high elf that she belonged in the conference just like the other three.

Striking swiftly like a bolt of lightning, Althea jumped onto the table and lunged onto Saheilla with immaculate agility. Her quickdraw spell was about to behead the haughty.

But Althea was up against someone of her own caliber, if that was all it took to put the high elf down then she would consider herself to be a disgrace.

With a wave of both her hands, Saheilla released an arc of sonic wave, clashing against Althea's katana. The spell's major purpose is to disarm, but when it hits, the sonic wave can disorient the opponent similar to a mind-flayer's psychic blast.

Now that Althea's weapon is locked in place against Saheilla's sonic wave, the high elf was about to conjure another spell, taking her time as she is free from interruption. Meanwhile, Althea was about to amp up her voltage, cutting through the sonic wave and straight into the high elf. 

The lizard and the dwarf glanced at each other, knowing what they must do. It is the epitome of shame for the guild's most decorated adventurers to engage in such petty squabble. 

One of the Lizard's axe broke their stalemate, dispersing the Sonic blast and disarming Althea. And to ensure that no further fight would ensue, the dwarven rogue threw a smoke bomb between them, filling the entire room. 

As the smoke cleared, it had taken their agitation with it. Balaran spoke, "I suggest that our meeting be adjourned." 

"Seconded." Novum gave his agreement. 

Althea retrieved her sword. After sheathing her katana, Althea was about to leave without a word, that is until her head glanced sideways. 

"The dark elf will stay. That decision is final." 

With that as her final remark, Althea left. She was soon followed by the other two. 

Even though they have the same rank, this was the very reason why Saheilla considered them inferior, they couldn't even see the merit in purging the dark elf from their guild!

The frustrated Saheilla slammed the table. Soon, she stood up to leave as well. It looks like it's up to her to maintain the pristine image of Elaria's guild, ridding themselves of this dark elf. 


"Just tell me what this gift is, more importantly, how soon will you arrive?" The skittish Ellamir sat by their couch, speaking unto her ring. 

"You really are dying to see me, aren't you? I guess I'm going to have to keep my time of arrival and my gift both a surprise, all to keep you on the edge of your seat."

 And through that same ring, her lover spoke back. 

"That's not fair, Antani, you tease!" 

"That, I am. I'll see you soon." 

Their communication might have temporarily faded, but the smile on Ellamir's face remained as she dove back into her book. 

About half an hour later, there was a knock on their apartment door. The thrilled Ellamir didn't even ask who it was and immediately opened it.

"Antani, welcome back!" 

That thrill morphed into a different kind of surprise, the kind you get when you suddenly open a chest only for it to turn into a mimic. 

Perhaps, what's even more surprising was that description applied to them both. 

"I remember you…" 

These were Ellamir's last words as the shocking grasp spell from the high elf knocked her unconscious.