The Gift

Antani's clouded mind pushed her to the limit, her legs were already mid charge before she was even aware, it was her blinding anger that guided her every move.

In a terrifying stance, Antani held her obsidian sword up high, aiming for maximum power upon reaching the high elf, Antani would bring her sword down and slice the intruder from head to groin. A fitting punishment for her transgression.

Saheilla waved her hands towards her oncoming attack, and released a fearsome sonic blast spell that shouldn't only send Antani flying, but knock her out as well.

The savage stood no chance. After all, it was a spell that was able to hold someone like Althea at bay.

But to Saheilla's surprise, the sword that Antani possessed came crashing and cleaved right through the high elf's spell, the drider armor's magic resistance would translate to any slash that Antani would make.

The high elf's mind was quick on the uptake, she needed to stop the enraged woman or she would take Saheilla's life.

With fire in her left and ice in her right, Saheilla was planning to blast away Antani in a twofold attack, one from her deadly rays, two from the steam explosion of both elements combined.

Saheilla released the twin blasts capable of freezing and eviscerating its target both at the same time, which then exploded upon colliding Antani's sword.

Suddenly, a large scale steam explosion shook their entire room.

Did Saheilla finally get rid of the nuisance?

The steam cleared to reveal the answer to Saheilla's question, a roundhouse kick into Saheilla's stomach that sent her crashing into a wall and down face first into the floor.

The high elf clutched her belly that was burning with pain. Saheilla tried to get up, only for her to fail and gasp in agony.

Looming above Saheilla was Antani. Without a word, only a hateful gaze, Antani raised her downward facing sword above her chest as she was about to bury it into the high elf's skull.

"Antani, don't."

For whatever reason, Ellamir pleaded, but not only did Antani's anger blind, but also deafen.

Antani brought down her sword, only for its true owner to recall it, dissipating into black mana and seeping back into Ellamir.

Unable to deliver her verdict, Antani turned her ire towards her lover.

"Ellamir, why the fuck did you stop me!?"

Now that her innumerable strength is back in Ellamir's arsenal, she was able to easily rip apart the spell that bound her.

"Because she is nothing but a deluded fool, a victim of my mother." Ellamir replied, she then stood right next to Antani, her eye had this condescending pity to them as she looked down on Saheilla. "I have no interest in the sadistic ways of my kind anymore, if that is what you are after. Bother us once more, Saheilla, and you won't expect such mercy from me again."

The indignant Saheilla stormed out of their apartment.

"You're just going to let her go free after she was about to assault you?" Antani crossed her arms as she argued.

"And what do you suggest, that we kill her and have both of our adventurer ranks stripped? Besides, she's already had enough torment to last her a lifetime, my mother made sure of that."

Antani hated to admit it, but Ellamir was coming off as the mature one right now.

Antani sighed, "Fine. You win, I still think you should have let me punch her for trying to lay her hand on you!"

The jealousy that sparked in Antani's eyes caused Ellamir's lips to twist into a coy grin.

Ellamir pulled Antani into an embrace, the Amazon tried to look away so she could maintain her anger.

"Never mind her. What's important is that you're now back. So, what's this surprise that you have for me?"

Antani caved in, Antani's anger had vanished as quickly as Ellamir's Aeon earlier. Antani flashed Ellamir a smirk, she asked, "Before I show you my surprise, answer me first, did you miss me?"

"Like you wouldn't believe. Although your voice eased the loneliness, it was the entirety of you that I sought." Suddenly, Ellamir's arms went form embracing her lover's waist, into firmly grasping her lover's supple ass, eliciting a yelp from Antani. "And this, I definitely missed this too."

"I knew it, you're only after my body!" Antani teased, she knew the meaning of that touch and she was down for it. But before they did the deed, she would have to show Ellamir what the point of her adventure was for. Antani slid out from her lover's hold, giving her instruction.

"Close your eye…"

The expectant Ellamir did as she was told.

" open it."

Ellamir was in awe at the legendary artifact on top of Antani's hand. It was a synthetic eyeball overflowing with the arcane, its seemingly blue iris was in truth, an elaborate magic circle.

They could have easily gone to a druid, pay a hefty price to have Ellamir's eye replaced, but Antani went above and beyond.

It should speak volumes to how overwhelming Antani's guilt might have been, but Ellamir would rather focus on how tremendous Antani's love for her was.

"What do you think?" Antani's smile widened as she could see that her gift was appreciated.

"I think…you're the best lover a woman could ever hope for." Ellamir took the eye, lifted her eye patch and lined it in front of her unseeing one. It was her turn to ask the question, "Does the color blue suit me?"

The juxtaposition of red and blue, a beguiling heterochromia. It suited Ellamir wonderfully.

"It looks perfect on you." Antani answered.

As if the eye had a will of its own, with a blinding azure glow that filled the entire room, it revealed its true nature as something soaked deep in automaton magic, perhaps it had mistaken Ellamir to be its intended vessel of power? If so, then the body it must belong to must be truly fearsome.

The light died down to reveal the legendary artifact already embedded inside of her right eye. A miracle brought about by thaumaturgy.

Ellamir was so happy that all she could think of was pulling Antani in for an earnest kiss, relaying how grateful and lucky Ellamir was to have her.

Everything was a haze for Antani, all she could remember was she was lifted by Ellamir while she was still savoring the union of their lips. Now, she was thrown on top of their bed by Ellamir who was already undressing.

With both of them finally as naked as they day they were born, Ellamir went on top of Antani, vivaciously stating what was previously in store for the Amazon.

"You were in line for some nasty punishment, but since your gift touched me to my core, I shall postpone it. To show my appreciation, let me turn my instrument of torment into my own brand of gift."

"Okay, I'll bite, what 'instrument of torment' are you talking about?" Antani bit her lip, it seemed like her lover was so distraught about being left behind that Ellamir started to scheme.

Ellamir grinned, from their bedside cupboard, she retrieved what appeared to be a small flask of red oily liquid. "This."

"The fuck is that? Another kind of vitality potion?" The confused Antani questioned.

"Fire slime essence, made by liquifying a fire slime's core into oil." As Ellamir explained its effect, she popped it open and lathered it, completely covering her erect dick. "On a cock, it's nothing but a glorified lubricant. Its real effect is how it heightens the pleasure that a pussy receives. Let me show you."

Ellamir positioned herself behind Antani and raised her leg, spooning the Amazon so she could freely play with her clit while watching Antani's reaction as she sinks into pleasure.

Ellamir aimed her meat stick at antani's hole, but before they commenced, she warned, "Brace yourself."

To which, Antani chuckled, Ellamir was really hyping up this fire slime essence.

"Pfft, please, it can't be THAT intense."

Antani's statement warranted no response, Ellamir's grin simply widened. With a single push, the lascivious slush of Ellamir's meaty rod entering Antani's pussy was heard by them both. The way Antani's eyes widened in surprise made Ellamir smug.

How wrong Antani was, it is THAT intense! The oily essence imparted into the inner walls of her pussy a one of a kind sensation, a fire of pleasure was the only way Antani could describe it. A soothing heat, warming her nethers and making the nerves in her pussy more receptive to the pleasure offered by Ellamir's exquisitely long and hard cock buried inside of her.

Suddenly, Ellamir started to tenderly pound Antani's pussy, making Antani instantly cry out in pleasure. Antani's eyes almost rolled at the back of her head while her nails dug into the sheets.

Antani shuddered at the thought, Ellamir could have had Antani reeling and gasping if she had decided to torment her with the fire slime's essence like she had planned. Antani wasn't even going to last five minutes as she felt herself already about to burst.

Ellamir watched in delight as her lover was swallowed whole by ecstasy, each sway of Ellamir's hips was for Antani's pleasure, to show her appreciation for her gift, to show Antani how much she loved her.

Antani's pussy clamped on Ellamir's cock, while the Amazon released a high pitched lustful cry. Antani came.

The both of them giggled.

Ellamir was about to pull out when Antani stopped her.

"You haven't come yet, don't worry, I can take it." Antani softly smiled, her hand brushed Ellamir's cheek.

Ellamir would be lying if she said she didn't want release. Ellamir took Antani up on her offer and pistoned once more, savoring the return of the tight place that her cock loved nestling into, and the only place it ever would.

Moments later, Ellamir could feel her 'discharge' approaching.

But something was wrong, Ellamir couldn't put her finger on it.

As Ellamir was almost at her climax, Antani noticed Ellamir's new eye burning bright blue. The magic circle that is its iris was now spinning, but it didn't stop at just that, Ellamir climax was forced to a halt as a different kind of 'discharge' was about to come from her.

Accompanying an intense emotion, the eye had mistaken Ellamir's physical need for discharge as a command to release its power, the magic circle in her eye was projected outside as it grew to the size of a tea plate.


At his dining table, Stefano poured 3 tablets of pure cacao into a warm cup of water. The Cacao then melted, blending into what could be considered a drink of pure chocolate. For good measure, the cleric added a teaspoon of sugar and some milk.

"What you making?" Gloria rolled into view with an innocent smile that signals she can't do any harm.

"The finest cacao tablets in the market!"

The mermaid then stretched out her hand, "Let me taste!"

Stefano failed to see why he shouldn't let the mermaid experience such a delectable drink.

Upon handing it to her, Gloria drank it. The bitterness of the cacao was overpowered by the milk and sugar yet still remained as the dominant flavor. Odd and delicious. So delicious that Gloria already finished half of the drink before she remembered that she was only supposed to taste it. Oops.

With a mischievous smile, she handed the mug back to Stefano and rolled away immediately like a criminal whose crime was about to be discovered.

"The fuck…Gloria you drank half of it!?" Stefano shouted at the fleeing mermaid.

The cleric sighed, there's still half more that he can enjoy. Better than nothing.

But before the mug could touch Stefano's lips, there was a boom as a ray of concentrated fire was shot from the wall and into his mug, making the hot cacao drink explode in his face.

The cleric was in total shock. What the fuck was that!? He was nearly assassinated by some sort of powerful spell! He traced where the beam of fire had come from to see his wall now had a large hole in it, and the both of the naked culprits awkwardly smiling at him.

Someday, those two are going to be the death of Stefano.