The Sisters Reconcile

While on her throne, Queen Ysbeil crossed her legs as she examined a parchment in her hand, they were the list of the Amazon participants from the 7 tribes in the upcoming festival coming tomorrow.

6 from the Galgotians, 9 from the Earth splitters, 8 from the Dragon Warriors, 5 from their own, and the list goes on for a total tally of 48

The Queen closed the parchment, Ysbeil questioned, "How many men are on the shore?"

"They are reported to be around 89, my Queen." The kneeling guard reported.

The Queen's lips arc into a grin. The thirsty lot, thinking they could just flock into their land for a quick lay. No, they must earn that rite.

First, Ysbeil would need to weed out the undesirables, those who wouldn't last 10 seconds in the arena with her warriors. Unfortunate it might seem but they're going to be sent home if they don't possess a combatant's physique.

She wanted to check in on her daughter but since it was reported that Antani was already jovial enough to have breakfast with her party, Ysbeil decided it would be best to perform her duties as Queen and make sure the festival goes on smoothly. She has already broken Artemis' law last night, Ysbeil would ensure there nothing more would be added to her transgressions lest she faced a wrathful goddess.

The regal Queen stood.

"Come, it is time I meet these hopefuls."


When the sun rose, the dining area was already stripped clean. Devoid of any clues that Alara had a celebration just the night before.

While the rest of the women around are in a busy mood, constantly shuffling about to prepare for tomorrow's festivities, the palace help was still able to prepare a breakfast feast for their princess's friends.

Although Antani's heart was still a bit heavy from last night's loss, with Ellamir carrying some of the weight, she is now able to smile once more.

Right after they were done eating, Alara and her own circle arrived at the spacious table.

Alara avoided Ellamir's glance, like the dark elf wasn't even there.

"Antani, I'd like to have a word with you." Gone was the hostility in Alara's voice as she beckoned her head, hoping her little sister would follow.

Antani was a bit pensive on following but now that the opportunity to finally have a frank discussion with her sister had arisen, she needed to seize it.

"I'll be back in a bit." Antani pecked her lover's cheek before following her sister.

And as soon as Antani was gone, a loud clang echoed.

Zareli had just split the tray of baked eggs with her battle axe, its blade wedged in front of Ellamir.

"Hey, I was going to eat that!" Stefano smashed the table and stood up in protest. But a single fierce glance from the woman with dreadlocks was all it took for him to sit down again and rethink his aggression. "Like I said, I'm already full. You can smash the other plates if you like."

Zareli's gaze was as sharp as her axe, piercing Ellamir.

"How nice. The woman who drove the Amazons out of their land is now eating at their table. How does the food taste, invader?"

Could you imagine being brandished a battle axe in front of your face? Ellamir's temper was being tested to their utmost limits, if it wasn't for her promise to Antani she would have already snapped the impertinent woman in half. Still, Ellamir would give her a warning in hopes that she would be wise to leave her be.

"How about you fuck off before I shove that axe in your gut?"

Zareli laughed at the threat, the woman's got guts. Wonderful. Now, to issue her challenge.

"As you may know, we don't want you here, and we definitely don't want you ending up with our princess. Since I'm a better fit for Antani than you, how about you leave her to me and go crawl back to the underdark where you belong."

The last straw wasn't them hating her, they could do that for the rest of their lives for all Ellamir cared. It was the woman's comment regarding Antani.

Ellamir stood up, but before she could don her armor and wreak havoc, Yulia stood and flashed her a smile.

"Hold on, I got this." Since keeping public order was part of Yulia's job as a paladin, it would be bad if her friend trashed the dining place under her watch. Just thinking about a Queen Zorla 2.0 rampaging was enough to make Yulia quake in her metal boots.

As Ellamir remained seated, Yulia faced Zareli.

"Take it from me, the two are madly in love, try to tear them apart and you won't just have Ellamir's wrath to face, but your princess' as well. Are you sure you want that?" Yulia reasoned.

Zareli gazed once more at Ellamir, with venom in her words, Zareli answered, "What I want is for this dark elf to be gone from Antani's life. If you are truly a consort fit for the princess, then accept my challenge! If I win, you must leave forever from Antani's life!"

Ellamir chuckled for the woman was a fucking jester. Her folly was thinking that she could beat her, another was expecting Ellamir to be as dumb as her to wage their entire relationship on a duel. Still, Ellamir can't help but to see where the woman was going with her suggestion.

"I'll humor you, what's in it for me if I win?"

Like Ellamir, Zareli was confident in her victory that she didn't think another outcome would be possible. An Amazon warrior's bet, if Zareli was asking for what she wanted the most, then shouldn't it be fair for Ellamir to have the prize?

"Alright, if you win, then…we will accept you as one of us, we will not stand between you and our princess."

"Interesting proposition. Mind if I fight on your behalf?" Yulia asked, she had been itching for a fight since the pirates were barely a threat.

"Why are you butting in, who the hell are you even!?" Zareli had enough of the tiefling poking her nose where it didn't belong.

"Just a humble paladin, Yulia, but most importantly, their friend." After her introduction, Yulia kept on pestering Ellamir for her approval. "So, are you going to let me fight her? Come on, you know there's no chance I'd lose to her."

Granted that Yulia was able to go toe to toe with her mother, Ellamir respected Yulia's strength immensely. What's more, Ellamir owed her friend a few favors.

Ellamir grinned, "Granted, you have my permission to go kick her ass on my behalf."

"Yeeees! Finally, some action!" The paladin rose from her seat in celebration.

On the table, Zareli unwedged her fearsome battle axe that could cleave a skull in half and hoisted it up on her shoulder.

"Even with a substitute our agreement applies, remember that, dark elf."


In the Palace's veranda overlooking the gorgeous front garden filled with flowers and greenery, Alara leaned forward on the elderwood railing. Antani soon followed after.

An awkward silence hangs above the sisters, a consequence for both their actions. For Antani's sacrifice, and Alara 'trying' to kill her sister upon her return.

It was a spear throw Alara knew Antani could deflect. But what really dropped her deep seated ire for her little sister, was the zeal Alara felt during their fight for the throne, a zeal potent enough that she would have truly killed Antani for daring to stand in her way of becoming queen. A zeal that morphed into guilt after their fight.

Since their upbringing, they laughed, they shared their sorrow, they fought, for they were sisters.

"How's the life of an adventurer?" Alara opened up the conversation.

"It's…fun. Living from gold to gold might not be lucrative to some, but adventuring with your friends makes it worth it."

"That's good to hear."

"Mother is about to step down next year. If you want to try it out then now's your chance. I'm sure you can head straight into diamond rank."

"I'll think about it. Always wanted to try out being one."

Their conversation might be mundane but they acted as bridges for the two sisters to reconnect, to finally bury the hatchet.

And now that the awkward air had cleared, Alara wanted to tell what she had been meaning to since their fight was over.

"Stay with us, Antani, stay with your family and sisters."

A soft smile marked Antani's demeanor, she was touched by the sincerity of her sister's words. Antani explained, "I told you, sister, I'm planning to make my own family now with Ellamir. You are free to visit us in Elaria whenever."

"What if you won, were you planning to settle here with that dark elf?"

"Damn right I am. Ellamir's not that bad once you get to know her."

Alara was perplexed at how Antani seemed like she was in pixie dust whenever her decision would involve her dark elf lover. Her sister really had it bad for that woman.

"That's not what I meant…you know what, forget it." Alara grinned and simply let them be.

Alara still was against that dark elf ending up with her sister, but what can she do? Antani was an adult, they both are. Alara needed to respect her sister's decision.

"By the way, have you found out why dark elves wanted to invade our old home?"

A droplet of sweat appeared on Antani's forehead.

"No. I'm sorry, sister, I don't have a single clue."