Have No Shame

The tribal drums took on a ceremonial tone. The flames of the torches surrounding the arena danced with every beat.

After the newly set sun, those participating were given plenty of time to acclimate after such a festive night. To prepare for the glorious battle that shall ensure the lineage of the Amazons.

The true festival now begins.

The crowd of women gathered around the arena to witness their sisters who volunteered to the task of motherhood. The question is, will their partner be able to best them to ensure the task's undertaking?

As much as the Amazon participants craved for a child, the crowd and Artemis' hunger for a satisfying battle must be met.

Sparing some opening words for the festival, Queen Ysbeil took to the center of the arena.

"Tonight, as our yearly festival of fertility commences, I hope that the battles our sisters will show this evening shall be splendid. May their daughters conceived from this night be blessed by Artemis and grow up to become outstanding warriors." The Queen paused, she needed to come up with an excuse. "As you may all know, Artemis decreed that only men and women should fight in this stage, but tonight marks an exception. As her champion, she revealed to me that it is her will for the union of these two to be allowed…"

Whispers started profligating in the sea of women, there are plenty of Amazons who would wish to participate with their fellow Amazons despite druidic magic being forbidden for them. But what can they do? It was Artemis' will as their Queen had mentioned.

"…Without further ado, Let the festival commence!"

The crowd roared while the beating of the drums intensified.


Surrounded by their party members and friends, the lovebirds shared a heartfelt kiss before.

After separating, Ellamir stared deep into Antani's eyes. Ellamir's words intended to evoke her lover, "Give it your all, I will defeat you at your best."

"Be careful with what you wish for, don't worry, I'll gladly be your partner again next year if you can't beat me this time." Antani teased.

With the crowd all heated up, Queen Zorla called for them on her way back, "It is time you two, head up to the stage."

They stood in front of the cheering crowd, the noise was blacked out by their focus intent only on the other.

Antani unsheathed her sword, "Are you just going to stare at me all evening?"

"I was wondering how will I take you later…" Ellamir's towering drider armor manifested, coating her in malice. For once Ellamir used the armor's ability to inspire dread, bearing malevolence towards her lover. Her voice muffled by her helmet as she spoke, "…Any suggestions?"

Antani couldn't lie, the magical aura emanated by Ellamir's armor made her tremble a bit. But only lesser warriors would surrender to fear. The maelstrom of love, excitement, and fear allowed Antani to tighten her grip on her sword and brave the dread.

"My suggestion is for you to get serious, don't think this will be an easy win because of your armor, otherwise the only thing you will take is a loss."

Ellamir chuckled, "We'll see about that."

Armored in darkness, all 8 legs of the colossal drider ran.

Ellamir's right fist slammed downwards only to hit nothing but air.

Since their relentless training, Ellamir had memorized Antani's moves, allowing her to predict Antani would strafe to the side, allowing Ellamir's powerful legs to jump sidewards and follow up with a left straight.

Rather than her straight forward ground pound approach, it was the first time Ellamir had shown a tendency to calculate Antani's moves. Ellamir's slyness allowed her to catch Antani by surprise. If Ellamir was lucky, she could end it all in one hit, she didn't want to hurt Antani more than necessary even if healers are on standby.

Antani's veteran reflexes still allowed her to deflect with her sword but the power behind Ellamir's blow made Antani fly backwards.

Antani impaled her sword to the ground, she slid as her sword stopped her momentum. Antani grinned, that was one hell of a punch, Ellamir truly wasn't holding back.

It was time Antani did the same and gave it her all.

Antani charged rained slashes upon slashes to Ellamir. But the towering drider didn't even flinch nor dodge.

Ellamir tried to lunge at Antani with both of her arms only to get kicked in the face, her helmet used as springboard for Antani's retreat.

The sword in her hand was as useless as a stick, even her mana infused blade cannot get through Ellamir's thick darkness. What can she do, she cannot bless the crowd with an exhilarating fight if she can't land a hit?

Just when all hope was lost for Antani, streaks of ice flew through the air.

Alara's regalia landed in front of her feet.

Wedging out, the weapon was unbelievably cold, Antani's hands were being bitten by the ice.

The sensation of burning ice was palpable but pain is something she can handle if it means Antani can finally go toe to toe with her lover?

Since her hand will be too numb by the frost if the battle rages too long, Antani would expand all her mana at once and smash Ellamir's darkness with the help of her sister's ice.

The blue aura seeped from Antani's skin, bathing her in luminescent blue. For the five minutes that she could maintain her form, the five minutes is all it will take to win the battle.

Antani took a forward stance with the spear, although her mastery was with the sword, an Amazon does not move on to the sword until she had been fully trained with a spear.

Like a blazing comet, Antani blitzed towards Ellamir with blinding speed.

The Amazon's augmented agility and strength, amplified threefold, allowed her to counter Ellamir's punch with the tip of her spear.

The lovers are now dead even.

The sound of indomitable ice vs metallic darkness reverberated in the arena.

The two exchanged flurries of punches and thrusts, with smiles on their faces, each attack was an expression of their love.

Their intense clash, a poem that would be etched forever in Amazon history.

Antani slid deep and underneath Ellamir's range, transitioning into a devastating upward thrust that staggered Ellamir backwards.

The Amazon started to overwhelm Ellamir with the limited time she's got, but with Antani's overzealous use of her spear, Ellamir was able to sneak a shattering punch that broke Antani's ribs, making the Amazon fly once more.

Ellamir's helmet started to sport some crack while Antani stood in the distance, clutching her side.

Their lips curved from ear to ear, they basked in the moment reserved only for them, the crowd vanished as their focus was solely aimed at the person making their heart thrum.

The love birds rushed towards each other to finally claim victory.


5 minutes later.

While Ellamir's armor appeared shattered all over, Antani couldn't even grip her spear as she collapsed on her knees, her mana aura as exhausted as she is.

The crowd erupted into a cheer as the battle had reached its conclusion.

Casting off her darkness, Ellamir jumped down as rushed towards Antani's side.

Antani's overflowing joy allowed her to smile even in her battered state, "You did it, Ellamir, you won!"

Ellamir carried her lover by her shoulders, "No, we both won."

With a fine show of spearmanship, Antani showed that a normal human was able to crack even an armor gifted from the Gods. Ellamir felt that Antani was as much of a victor as her.

Dragging her from the stage and into the Queen's corner where the healers were, Antani was laid in a bed while a healer attended to her.

Bathed in a verdant light from the healer's outstretched hands, Antani's wounds and bruises were slowly being healed. Antani turned her head to her mother right next to the one attending to her.

"Did I do good, mother?"

Queen Ysbeil comely smiled, "Never have I been so proud, I'm sure Artemis feels the same. Enjoy the night with your lover, you both deserve it."

Both mother and child watched as not far from them, Ellamir was being teased by the rest of the party about finally having a daughter.

"This Ellamir, do you truly, love her?"

"With all of my heart, mother."

"For that answer and after your magnificent performance from earlier, all that's left is for you to bear the fruit of that love." Once the healer was done, Ysbeil hovered her hand above Antani's uterus, a green magic circle was extracted from it.

As Ysbeil closed her fist, the magic circle shattered, rendering 'The Blessing of Artemis' spell broken.

The side effect of breaking the spell triggered, making Antani feel an intense but pleasant rush down there.

There was no mistaking it, Antani could sense she was now fertile.

"Ellamir, Antani is ready." Queen Ysbeil called. Right as the dark elf went past her, Ysbeil stopped her, hidingly gifted 3 small vials below like some shady dealings and whispered into Ellamir's ear, "Take good care of my daughter."

Putting the vials into her pocket, Ellamir assured that…

"Expect nothing less, mother."

Ellamir's heart was now ready to jump out from her chest. This was it, the moment she was finally waiting for.

Antani tried to get up from the bed, only for Ellamir to scoop her up in a princess carry.

Even after the breathtaking performance, somehow, there was still shame as Antani was paraded by Ellamir since everyone gazing at them on their way to Antani's bedroom now knows they are going to do the deed.

Wading their way through the crowd of women, Antani dove into Ellamir's shoulder, trying to hide her beet red face from all her fellow Amazons cheering even as their arena fight was now over.

"Have no shame, after everything we've been through, we earned this moment." Ellamir softly smiled.

"That's easy for you to say, these are my people, Ellamir! I don't want them to think I'm some kind of giddy slut!"

"But you are MY giddy slut, aren't you?" Ellamir smirked.

The tables have been turned. Suddenly, the teaser was the one getting teased.

Antani lighty slammed her first into Ellamir's chest.

"Just shut up and carry me to the bedroom!"


After such an exhausting battle, the lovebirds deemed it would be necessary to engage in one of their favorite relaxing pastimes.

Taking a bath together.

"Antani, you idiot, don't make me blow my load in the bathtub!"

Antani laughed, here was the pissed off Ellamir she always found adorable. Their usual positions reversed, with Ellamir sitting in Antani's lap, the dark elf was now open to Antani's handy mischief.

"Why should I when I know you're enjoying this?" Antani lasciviously whispered into her lover's ear, her hand slowly knobbed the head of Ellamir's dick that poked out of the herbed waters. Antani then showered Ellamir's shoulder and neck with kisses.

"Because as much as I like your touch." Ellamir found the softness underneath her lover's warm callous hands. "When I cum tonight, I want it to be inside of you."

Respecting her lover's wish, Antani laid her hands off Ellamir's towering meatstick and settled for a soothing embrace.

"All right, all right. It's not like you can't cum again after waiting a bit."

"I'm not taking any chances of a misfire, ALL of my cum is going inside of you tonight, you are going to be stuffed, Antani. You shall be filled by my love, you shall overflow!"

The daring comment earned a teasing bite into Ellamir's ear, making Ellamir moan.


All freshened up, it was time for the second main event of the evening, one that only had a naked audience of two.

On the bed and faced before Ellamir's lithe body, Antani gazed at her huge, angry rod below, the instrument that would make her a mother.

Ellamir pushed Antani onto her back, same as always, the sight of Antani's toned figure drove Ellamir crazy.

Biting her lip, Antani flashed her bedroom eyes to the dark elf on top of her.

Ellamir parted both of Antani's legs, her massive schlong slowly entered Antani's wet walls.

Their hands clasped together as tight as Antani's walls, pleasurably clasping around on Ellamir's dick, the dark elf continued the moaning from where they left from the bathtub.

Antani whimpered softly as Ellamir's girth hit her love spot with every sway, making ecstasy course through her body as Ellamir's cock pounded her.

Antani's legs wrapped around Ellamir, forming a leg lock of passion, binding the two with their infinite lust for each other.

After minutes of Ellamir's ceaseless bucking of hips, Antani arched her back while her hand intertwined with Ellamir's clenched tighter. The Amazon princess lustfully cried out in ecstasy while her legs pressed her lover deeper into her, savoring Ellamir's pulsing girth buried in her cunt, deliciously splitting her walls as orgasm finally claimed Antani.

At the same time, Ellamir was finished by Antani's tightness, depositing her warm, sticky, load into the woman she loved. Squeezing every bit until there's nothing more that Ellamir could give.

Ellamir quickly rummaged her pants hung near the bed, drinking one the vial that the Queen had given her.

"What are you doing?" Antani asked, still lightheaded from the dicking she received.

"Your mother handed me these, if my suspicions are correct, they are…" Ellamir's dick stood in attention, ready to cum as if she didn't just a few moments prior. A smirk appeared in Ellamir's lips as she took to the bed once more, crawling on top of Antani. "...Vitality potions. Looks like mother wants to have a granddaughter that badly. Can you still go on?"

"All night, Ellamir."

The night went on and the two tried every position they could, from the shameful standing doggy where Ellamir usually spanked Antani's supple ass. To the Accordion where Antani was on top and milked Ellamir for all she's worth. To the standing missionary where Ellamir held up Antani by grasping her behind.

Finally exhausted, Ellamir ended up embracing Antani as they collapsed onto the bed.

Ellamir trailed her goodnight kisses from shoulder to neck, ending with a whisper before they both fell asleep…

"I'll make sure both you and our daughter happy, you'll see."