A Vicious Smile

Yazmin held her restored hand as the memory of that day one year ago in the tavern came flooding back, humiliation washing over her.

The gorgon's golden eyes were locked onto Althea as she was about to enter the front garden's gate. Suddenly, Yazmin almost choked on her silently hissing tongue in surprise. A figure more dreadful than this lightning blade came into view, one who can foil Yazmin's mission better than the lightning blade.

A gray-skinned 8 foot tall woman welcomed the Elarian adventurer.

The Warijan guild's runaway, once considered as their strongest diamond adventurer. It is…

"Vicious! It has been a month, have you been well?"

Greeting the stoic woman with the cheerfulness reserved for an old friend, Althea's regards made Vicious' lips bend a bit into something resembling a smile.

"I have. A month has passed already since your last treatment? Time sure flies, come on in, Melsa is waiting."

Yazmin was but a silver adventurer when she heard tales of a silver werewolf making the rounds. Her cunning when it comes to stalking is matched only by her prowess when it came to combat.

Now that Althea went inside the mansion, Vicious lingered for a bit.

Yazmin knit her brow beneath her mask. With this fortress wall of a woman standing before Yazmin and her target, can she go through with her assassination?

Yazmin must. All she needed to do now was devise a plan that would let her approach Melsa without having to clash with Vicious. Yazmin would observe now matter how...wait...

From where Yazmin was hiding, fully camouflaged and almost invisible to the naked eye, Vicious suddenly turned her head towards her direction...

...and smiled.

Even her [Hide Presence] skill was able to dupe a Diamond adventurer like Althea, It was unable to mask Yazmin's scent that the were wolf's powerful nose picked up, Vicious' 'I know you're there' smile shook Yazmin.

With fast strides, Yazmin immediately fled her surveillance spot.

The bush from afar rattled, the intruder's scent was now becoming farther and farther.

Should Vicious give chase?

The city was close to where they are, even if Vicious caught up, she must not taint Melsa's image with the violence that she is planning to commit on the one that dared to harm Melsa's life.

The snake will come to them in time.

Her smile faded, returning into her usual stone faced expression as she walked balk to the mansion.

"A Gorgon huh, things are about to be interesting."


The dragonfly woman wore a maid dress bowing as she laid the soup on Althea's plate.

Althea did not know if the bug woman could smile with her mandibles, but ultimately decided to give her one for her service even without expecting one in return.

After engaging a spoonful, Althea remarked, "I don't think there's any need for me to be here, with Vicious by your side, I'm sure any assassin would think twice before making an attempt on Melsa's life."

"Please, It's only been a month since Selma treated you here, unlike your father, you are welcome to stay here at any time." Melsa said.

Melsa and her twin sister seemed like really nice people, as far as she could remember, Althea had been treated by Selma for her supposed genetic diseased, rendering her with an unstable body but a larger mana reserve in return.

Aside from being Alchemically treated once every year, her condition wasn't all that bad. Hell, Althea might even consider it a boon since the magic she could output was on par with a high elf's.

"Even so, I'm here on a legitimate quest. It's only proper I treat this as one."

With grace, Vicious wiped her mouth with the napkin as she just finished her soup, she implied, "That won't be necessary. I trust that you are aware how capable I am? Treat this as a vacation, Althea, don't be shy to visit your scholar friend like you always do."

As if on cue, a bipedal bee knocked on the dining room's window, carrying an ornate letter.

Now used to the eccentricities of the bug folks, Vicious simply opened the door and received the letter. Without a word, the insectoid courier flew away.

"Speaking of, it's for you..." Vicious handed the letter.

With a parchment like that, Althea already knew who sent the letter. The letter says...

(Althea, I've heard you are back in the city. It has been a month since your last visit but many has already happened, my wife's eggs have hatched, I am now a proud father of 9 young scarabs. Tomorrow night, let us share a drink at the usual tavern together with my Pelka. I would like to introduce you to a new acquaintance of mine who just arrived, a Gorgon, if she is as talented as a dancer that she claims to be then Nypero might have a job for her. Same time, same place. I shall see you.

Your friend, Khazan.)

Althea's eyes widened at the realization. A Gorgon, could it be!?

"What is it, Althea?" Melsa asked.

"An invitation from. On second thought, I'm planning on meeting with Khazan tomorrow evening."


Evening falls at the hive city.

"You are late." Khazan crossed his arms, his voice tainted with disappointment.

"Ssssory, I just had to check something out." Yazmin pointed out.

"No matter. Let us head inside, Nypero is waiting for you."

This Nypero's Tavern was the calmest tavern Yazmin had ever seen. Nobody was raising their voices as the insectoids calmly spoke to each other. The human bard on stage singing his ballad hardly turned heads to his direction.

If passion wasn't these insectoid's strongest suit, would they be able to appreciate Yazmin's dance? Such concerns plagued her even if she was doing it merely as a cover.

Both Yazmin and Khazan made their way to the tavern's end where a cicada on two legs greeted Khazan.

Khazan and the Cicada person engaged in fast insectoid dialogue with their mandibles, leaving Yazmin out of the loop. With a nod from Khazan, they seem to have both arrived to an agreement.

"Zisha, this is Nypero, the owner of this tavern."

Upon Khazan's introduction, Yazmin deemed it necessary to curtsy, her tail bent as she lowered herserlf to show respect.

"Zisha, a warijan dancer at your service."

Although he didn't understood a lick of what Yazmin said, Nybero nodded as if he did, even following it up with another statement alien to Yazmin.

Fortunately, Khazan was there to translate.

"He said you will go after the bard, if he is happy with your performance then you can start tomorrow."

"My gratitude, I assure you and your patrons will find my dance mesmerizing."

Khazan relayed what Yazmin said, the Cicada insectoid produced what appeared to be a low laugh. Was he happy to witness such enthusiasm from Yazmin or was he unconvinced? Yazmin found it hard to tell for reading an insectoid emotions based on their face was a like guessing how deep an ocean is based solely on the surface.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck, Zisha." Khazan motioned to leave.

"You are leaving?"

"I am. My wife is waiting for me back home. I shall check up on you tomorrow, and even if you did not pass, I've arranged for Nypero to let you stay for the night."

Although Yazmin wanted for Khazan to stay, the scarab had already done a lot for her.

"Then we shall meet again tomorrow." Yazmin hissed.

"Oh, and by the way. A friend of mine will drop by tomorrow, if you don't have anything better to do, then why don't you accompany us and share a few drinks?"

"That sounds sssplendid. I am in."

This, Yazmin agreed, unbeknowst to her that it will be a meeting that will forever alter the course of her life.