In Private

The evening walk towards their destination was engulfed in silence. Although Yazmin slithered in stride, Althea erupted, unable to keep inside the shame.

"What the fuck were you thinking straddling my lap like that!?"

Althea waded through the dark bushes, seething with anger as the Gorgon followed close behind.

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it? I could see it in your eyes how much you wanted it." Yazmin chuckled.

Turning around, Althea's sheathe cackled with electricity. Her heart racked not only with anger, bit with confusion. She was usually composed, it was a simple lap dance, why was this matter bothering her so much?

"Funny, because something's telling me I'm going to enjoy slicing you in half right now!"

Yazmin merely laughed at Althea's threat. The Gorgon couldn't take her seriously when she's blushing redder than a tomato.

"If you keep being this adorable, I might end up falling for you." Yazmin's timbre was coy. After her dance, she began seeing the spell blade in a new light.

"Aaaaaah!" With a defeated scream, Althea resumed their march.The serpent was mistaken, there was no fucking way that the future Guild Master of Elaria would develop feelings for an assassin.

'No fucking way.' Althea internally repeated like a mantra as they both made their way to their target.

Melsa's mansion.


It felt odd for Althea to hide in the bushes alongside the assassin, given that she was welcome to go in and out of the mansion whenever she pleased, there was a pang of guilt for spitting at the twin alchemist's generosity.

But if what the Gorgon was saying is true, that the twins are indeed members of the extremist First Fallen cult, then Althea will gladly burn her bridges with them.

Even if it means endangering her life.

A vigilant surveillance, the two were side by side under the cover of a bush as they tried to figure out their next step.

"So, did this client of yours specify where Melsa's hidden lab is?" Althea asked.

"Are you trying to probe more info on who hired me? I know nothing about their identity, I already told you that my contract was passed through a scroll. And no, it didn't specify, only said that her hidden lab is somewhere underneath."

"What a lousy contractor, would you mind letting me see this contract of yours?"

Yazmin recognized Althea's question for what it is. A test of trust. Even so, Yazmin had no business showing her contract to a person that can foil her plans. Especially when their alliance is only a temporary one.

"Here, have a look."

Hidden from her skirt, Yazmin handed the scroll parchment to Althea.

"Oh, wow." Althea was amazed. "1000 gold, I can see now why you took this. But this handwriting, it looks, it can't be."

Althea handed the scroll right back. Yazmin passed her test of faith with flying colors.

"It can't be what?"

A simple inquiry that Althea can easily evade, but, since Yazmin had the courage to hand her contract over -knowing that if Althea found a single lie within it, she would have gone for Yazmin's throat once more - Althea deemed it fair to reveal her cards.

"This handwriting, it's similar to my father's."

A revelation that made made Yazmin hiss in surprise. Does this mean that the Guild Master of one of the most powerful guilds are in-the-know of who's a member of the infamous cult? Or is he a member tidying up matters within the cult?

"Maybe it is simply a coincidence."

"Too much of a coincidence if you ask me. The twins and my father have ties through me."

"Through you, what do mean by that?"

While it is true that their exercise in trust slowly bridged the rift between them, having a genetic illness is something that Althea was not willing to divulge. She wasn't sure what would happen if Selma stopped her treatment, but she reckoned it's not going to be pretty.

"You'll learn in time if your contractor's information is true." Althea confidently declared.

"I see. If there is nothing else then shall we get to work?"


Not even a single guard was stationed around the mansion's perimeters. Solidifying Melsa's act that she was nothing more than a harmless alchemist.

The two split looking around the mansion, searching for any contraption that might reveal any hidden path underneath.

After an hour of their combined effort yielding nothing. The next course of action would be to search the mansion's insides.

Both of Althea's hands laid on the massive front gate, was she really going to let inside the assassin that aimed to claim Melsa's head?

Althea's sense of justice was now turning against her.

"Yazmin, I think we should stop for today. Let me think things through first."

In a hushed but frustrated tone, Yazmin insisted, "After all the searching we did, you're going to back out now!? I refuse!"

"If there is indeed a hidden lab inside, Khazan would know about it. I suggest we consult with him first."

With a sternness that won't budge, Althea suggested. Yazmin hissed in vexation. After the trust she showed Althea, she still won't take the leap with her?

"I am disappointed in you, lightning blade. Out opportunity is right there, we must seize it!"

"You are disappointed that I am risking my life on a gamble!? Screw you!".

"Is the mighty lightning blade that afraid of a rogue werewolf? Together, we can easily take on Vicious!"

"Not, it's not Vicious, you wouldn't understand!"

"Then help me understand, fo

Before their fight could escalate further, the sound of footsteps from inside the mansion startled them both.

Without parting words, Yazmin slithered in a flash, disappearing into the bushes silently. The impressive feat of stealth, astonished Althea to say the least.

Vicious opened the front door to witness Althea standing alone. The towering woman questioned, "Althea, it's half-past midnight, what are you doing out so late?"

"I...ugh...I just met with Khazan at the usual tavern. I was just about to come in."

Vicious stepped to the side, "Then come on in."

As soon as Althea went past Vicious, the grey skinned woman's nose picked up a familiar scent.

The scent of a snake.


The spell blade halted as she heard Vicious call out.


"...I came down to check on the rustling I heard, have you spotted anything?"

Rustling!? Vicious' hearing was that sharp that she heard their movements deep inside the mansion!

Yet another evidence, pointing to Yazmin's claim.

"I didn't spot a thing. Must have been the wind."

Vicious' stoic mug broke into a grin, "The wind, huh? Then carry on."


Come next morning...

"You think a piece of bread and a mug of coffee will be enough to make up for your cowardice last night?" Yazmin hissed. Her lingering with disappointment.

Above the tavern where Yazmin was lodging, Althea let herself in as soon the Gorgon opened the door. The woodwork was aged, hinting how long the establishment had been standing.

"Quit your whining and eat, we have a long day ahead of us since Khazan's home is far from this city." Althea dropped the tray of food in the coffee table, taking a seat while waiting for her companion to get ready.

"Hmph. Just when I thought I was falling for you, now you have to charm me all over again."

"Charm yourself, you stupid Gorgon! Hurry up and eat so we can leave!" Althea scowled, turning beet reed. Was this Gorgon never going to stop?

Yazmin joined Althea at the table. Lifting her mask, so Yazmin could eat, Althea noticed her fangs followed the smirk on Yazmin's lips.

Althea's brow furrowed, "Why the hell are you smirking?"

"I think you know why. We both do. The real question, is who's going to make the first move?"

For all of Yazmin's teasing, Althea might have acted frustrated, but never once had she told Yazmin to stop.

"Make all the moves you want, you are going to be met with NOTHING but my cold rejection. Remember this." Althea declared.

Straight, Yazmin gulped the coffee. Slithering behind Althea right after.

"That's a damn shame..." Yazmin laid her lips close into Althea's ear, whispering in voice so tempting that it made Althea gulped. "... because I can show you a dance more 'intimate' than last night's. Just the two of us. In private."

The passionate memory of last night's dance made Althea's heart boom in her chest. Her hands on Yazmin's curvy hips, swaying with allure. Being wrapped in Yazmin's coil like a hapless prey. Yazmin's golden eyes paralyzing her.

Without a word, Althea stood and stormed out of the room.

"What, snake got your tongue?" Yazmin teased with a hiss.

Following close behind Althea, Yazmin's laughter was an impish one. The Elarian was about to give in, she could feel it.

And when Althea does, Yazmin has a twofold surprise waiting for Althea.