Coiling Into You

Almost halfway into the bottle, Althea found Yazmin's company to be quite relaxing. Going even as far to share her aspiration to take her father's place as leader of Elaria's guild one day. Althea's moment of sorrow and uncertainty led her into an unexpected friendship with the Gorgon.

Ah, how Althea wished Yazmin didn't belong to a guild of murderers for hire. Perhaps their newfound friendship could have blossomed into something more if such wasn't the case.

Now, it was Yazmin's turn to regale Althea with tales about what it's like to be a Gorgon...

"Are you seriously telling me you only show your face to family? I thought you were wearing that mask to prevent activating your stone-turning power!"

Although Althea's question was spot on, in regards to Gorgon culture at least, it was only inexperienced Gorgons that cling to their mask to control Medusa's gift.

It does feel a little awkward that Yazmin would need to lift her mask a bit whenever she would take a shot of the sweet liquor, but the mask had been something she had gotten used to after all these years of wearing them.

Yazmin wiggled the cup in her hand, finding it highly amusing that Althea was curious about their culture...or was she simply curious about Yazmin?

"It's Gorgon culture. You sound like you want to witness my beauty underneath this mask?" Yazmin coyly asked.

With almost half of the alcohol gone, along with the trepidation she initially had around Yazmin. Althea was now ready to brave Yazmin's teasing.

"What if I am, will you show me?" Brimming with confidence, Althea returned the question.

Drinking alcohol, Yazmin had already went against her piety for the sake of Althea. Was she really going to break another one simply to satisfy Althea's curiosity?

"I could. But maybe I am simply lulling you in so I could turn you into stone. If you want to risk it, then come close, remove my mask for me."

The memory of their first encounter lingered. When Yazmin was hard-pressed on turning Althea into stone. Now, Yazmin was glad she failed, for they wouldn't share this moment of trust and vulnerability.

"Please, I don't think you will after all that flirting and straddling you did. Do you have it in you to turn the woman you like into a statue? Then again, you are an assassin. Let's find out then."

Althea stood, making her way right next to Yazmin.

Yazmin's golden eyes gazed at Althea from below, beckoning the spell blade to expose her beauty.

Slowly, both of Althea's hands reached for Yazmin's mask.

Althea's heart thumped at the danger, for Yazmin could simply be playing her. Removing Yazmin's mask could spell Althea's self-inflicted doom, turning Althea into marble the moment she does so.

Althea's heart thumped for she had faith. That the Gorgon's flirting weren't merely done to let Althea's guard down. That Yazmin truly was interested in her. Althea would risk it.

Now that her hands were laid on the mask, Althea heaved in relief the moment Yazmin's snakes nestled around her wrists with affection, betraying the Gorgon's true feelings.

"What in the - You stupid serpents! This doesn't mean anything, carry on!" Yazmin cursed the snakes on her head. Talk about a bad-hair day, her snakes had just ruined the moment, her test of trust for Althea.

With a smug tone, Althea replied, "I'm sure it doesn't."

The moment of truth arrived, Althea lifted Yazmin's mask. Revealing the visage of an absolutely stunning Gorgon. Her slit golden eyes paired with fangs that spilled from her lips accentuated Yazmin's fatale beauty.

Gazing upwards at the woman dazed by her beauty, with coyness Yazmin smirked, "Charmed?"

It was a smirk that Althea mirrored as she turned around, getting back on her seat.

If Yazmin was playing coy, then Althea would let her know that two can play at that game.

"Maybe." Althea answered, pouring more sweet liquor into her cup.

"You are, don't deny it."

"And what if I am, what will you do about it?"

With atmosphere around them inducing passion, it was no secret to them both where their conversation is heading towards.

"I've straddled you before and I can do it again. The real question is, will you be able to handle a Gorgon?"

Snakes can mate for as long as an entire day, this fact Althea knew. Was Yazmin worried about endurance? It was kinda off-putting to know that Yazmin already wanted to go that far for a casual encounter.

"For a casual one-night stand, you're demanding too much." Althea complained.

"Demanding? How so?"

"Don't expect me to fuck you until sunrise, we have a mission tomorrow."

Suddenly, Yazmin's hearty laugh echoed in the room. Here it is, it's time to reveal her surprise.

"You misunderstand. While it is true that serpents can fuck for hours on end, the intent behind my question was to know if you can handle a Gorgon's dicks."

Althea's brow furrowed in confusion, "I think you added an extra 's' in there."

"No, I meant what I said." Yazmin haughtily confirmed.

When the realization hit Althea, her jaw almost hit the floor. There was no freaking way that...

"You have two penises!? You're shitting me!"

"Why so surprised? Unlike lamias, Gorgon females are hermaphrodites. Medusa's whim most likely."

Just when Althea thought she knew everything she knew about the snake race.

"Show it to me." Althea commanded, her words dripping with lascivious curiosity.

To which Yazmin giggled.

"Not so fast.You think I'm just going to flop both of them on this table like a pair of sausages? I have more class than that."

Suddenly, Yazmin slithered towards Althea. Her massive tail wrapping around Althea like that day in the tavern where she gave Althea a personal dance. The heated memories made Althea's nether burn with lust.

Passion. Constriction. Helplessness.

It all rushed back to Althea, making her chest ignite in excitement.

Yazmin forcefully used her hand to cup Althea's chin and make her stare into Yazmin's predatory eyes. No words were needed, the Gorgon's golden gaze fully communicated that Yazmin was going to devour Althea. Being coiled around Yazmin's powerful tail, she was now reduced to a serpent's prey.

Then, the Gorgon made her move. Lowering her fanged lips into Althea's own.

A chaste kiss sweeter than the wine they were drinking. As if time halted for them, they remained stationary to relish the meeting of their lips.

The tenderness was merely an opening act, after all, a python needed to time swallow its victim whole.

Prying Althea's mouth open with her thumb, Yazmin's long tongue was akin to miniature snake, invaded Althea's mouth in search of a hunt. Finding its target frightfully huddled in the corner, it struck.

Althea's demure kiss was broken by the salacity of Yazmin's freakishly long tongue, entwining itself over hers. Humans and other races settle with touch on touch, but a Gorgon's kiss was on another level. Althea's tongue surrendered as Yazmin's own completely wrapped around hers, making Althea lightheaded from Yazmin's taste and the vigor of her powerful to tongue, in full control of their sway.

After Yazmin had dined on Althea, Yazmin halted the union of their tounges, retracting hers and following it up with hiss to honor.

"A Gorgon's kiss is something, isn't it?" Yazmin asked while watching Althea steady her breathing.

The kiss was scrumptious. Never before had Althea experienced a kiss like that!

Althea grinned, "It's alright."

Naturally, Althea wasn't going to admit that it was the most intense kiss she had experienced. Althea was already putty in Yazmin's coils, the spell blade will not be reduced even further.

Yazmin's smile meant she was up for the challenge, to prove that her skills in bed are more than just 'alright'. And she has the perfect tools to do so.

Laxing her coils around Althea, Yazmin threw her skirt away without a care, preparing to whip out her cocks.

Althea's eyes was transfixed on a normal looking vagina albeit greenish like Yazmin's scale. Things took a turn for the bizarre when the hole stretched but instead of looking away, Althea's gaze remained glued, eager to witness if there was any truth to the claim of a Gorgon having dual dongs.

Lo and behold, two mighty cocks emerged from Yazmin's slit. Their shape was similar to human's phallus, but what wasn't similar was how skinless they appeared. It would have given them a smooth appearance if it wasn't for the bumps circling the head and littered all over the body.

Enjoying the stunned look in her partner's face, Yazmin giggled before urging, "Don't be shy now, you can touch it."

Accepting the invitation, Althea groped a single penis. Warm to the touch, for someone cold-blooded, Yazmin's meatstick was packing heat. If its smooth bumps were already tickling her hands, what more if Yazmin pounded her with this thing?

"Impressed, I take it?" Yazmin questioned.

"They're pretty big, I'll give you that. But as someone who has mastered the blade, we have a saying, It's not the size of the sword, it's how skilled you are with it."

Yazmin rolled her eyes, "Are we still playing the hard-to-impress-maiden game? Just admit to me that you want to get fucked hard and I'll gladly rearrange your insides."

The admonishment made Althea laugh. Yazmin had already shown her twin cocks, the least Althea could do is to drop the decorum of Elaria's future Guild Master.

After all, it's been a while since she got fucked good.

Althea's grip around the serpent's cock tightened, she taunted, "Then impress me. Put your gold where your mouth is, let's see you put these dicks of yours to good use."

Completely uncoiling herself from Althea, it allowed Althea to shed her armor and clothes.

Stripped to her skin, baring her slender and curvy figure, Althea put her hand on her waist and struck a pose for Yazmin.

With a domineering smile, Althea seductively flicked her index finger, gesturing for the Gorgon to come claim her prey.

In the blink of an eye, Althea's invitation was accepted. Yazmin's powerful tail, enough to crush a human's bones if she so willed it, now enveloped Althea's legs.

An unorthodox position that bent Althea over yet Yazmin's tail acted as a support that prevented Althea from tipping over. Now, Yazmin had unrestricted access to Althea's behind.

Yazmin's fingered teased the Althea's entrance, even as she merely rubbed outside, Althea's wetness dripped into the Gorgon's finger.

"Oh my, already soaked through? So eager for my cocks and it shows, you lightning slut."

"Congratulations, do you want me to reward you for such a breaking discovery? Spare me the bedroom talk and just fuck me already."

So feisty even when bent over, it made Yazmin want Althea even more. The Gorgon positioned her dick at Althea's entrance of Althea's pussy.

Althea's heart thrummed with excitement and nervousness as the biggest she had taken before was a tiefling's tail.

Gasping with delight, Althea shivered in ecstasy as Yazmin's lumpy dong entered her slowly. Its girth and length steadily filling her to the brim, making the bumps graze her inner walls for tickling sensation.

Like a sword burried down to the hilt, Yazmin was now deep inside the panting Althea. While her overflowed with Gorgon meat, Althea felt Yazmin's other Gorgon cock sandwiched between her ass.

"Before you begin humping, I suppose I don't need to warn you that my derriere is off limits."

"No using your backdoor, got it." Yazmin chuckled at the warning.

The temptation was there to ravish both of Althea's holes, not only would it be a messy affair since they failed to prepare the magic to sanitize, but with Yazmin's size, Althea would be in pain the whole time. Their current set up was great, Althea's tight pussy clenching one of Yazmin's cocks while the other was about to grind upon Althea's marvelous ass.

Althea's moan exploded as Yazmin's dick began to move inside of her. The ticklish bumps entwined with Yazmin's girth scraped her inside with every sway.

It had gotten to the point that Althea had to cover her own mouth in fear of waking up Khazan and his family.

Satisfied by the reaction she got, Yazmin savored the dual sensation brought about by Althea's walls gripping one of her cocks, while the other seesawed in the valley of Althea's supple ass.

Yazmin supposed there's not a time better than now to get back at Althea for cutting her hand. Without warning, Yazmin's right hand, the one that was once sliced clean, smacked Althea's ass so loud that it made Althea yelp in surprise whilst leaving a red hand print.

"That was for severing my hand..."

Relentless in her pounding from behind, Yazmin pulled in Althea close for an embrace, Yazmin turned Althea's head to face hers.

"...and this is for sparing my life."

Yazmin laid her lips on Althea's, sharing a kiss so tender and sweet. Juxtaposed by the debauched noise of flesh sloshing down below.

Deep in their kiss, Althea's orgasm washed over her making her close her eyes and savor the pleasurable sensation scorching her nerves.

It didn't take long for Yazmin to soon follow as she inevitably released her warm load inside of Althea...and on her back.

Recovering her breathing as Yazmin pulled out, the stickiness inside of her pussy and on top of her back made her aware that she forgot to made Yazmin pull out.

No matter. There are contraceptive spells she could use, alchemical medicine to prevent pregnancy are also aplenty.

Althea simply needed to remember taking one of either tomorrow.