War Wolf

"You're awake, good. I want you to know that once we escape out of here I'm going to kill you myself."

Still groggy from effect of the sleeping potion, the Gorgon's threat bid Althea welcome.

"You go do that, but first, we need to get out of here." Althea casually dismissed the serpent's ultimatum. There is a much more pressing matter than in-fighting at the moment.

Althea's hands were still bound by chains, the same goes for the Gorgon had a chain wrapped not only around her wrist, but also around her mask.

"Don't think I fucking won't! Nobody told you to sacrifice yourself for me. You didn't help me, you besmirched my pride as an assassin!" Yazmin shouted in anger.

This is the thanks Althea gets for jeopardizing her life just so this Gorgon could live? Althea sighed. Maybe she should have let Yazmin's head roll if this was the case.

"We can argue all you want, but first, we need to get out of this place."

The high walls were spiked with sharp blades, deterring those who would even dare escape by climbing.The scent of blood prevailed, the bones littered all around them forebode the fate that might await them if they failed to escape from their captivity.

From Althea's observation, they appeared to be in a massive pit, with gates of differing sizes by the walls. Althea could tell, that behind those gates are creatures eager to sink their claws and fangs into them.

"You wouldn't even be here if you just stayed out of my business!" Yazmin continued her tirade.

"Are we really doing this right now, Yazmin!? If I wasn't here we wouldn't be having this conversation. Know why!? 'cause you would have been dead! We had a deal, what the hell spurred you to charge in here all alone!?"

"I..." The Gorgon paused. It was a question that Yazmin could not answer. Was she supposed to tell the truth that she felt guilty for roping Althea in? That she suddenly grew a conscience when Althea bared her dilemma, thinking that it would be her fault if the spell blade would succumb to her illness? "... It's none of your damn business, it's my contract, it's my kill!"

From up high, Melsa's voice reached those down below, "I'd save the bickering for later. If later would come for the both of you, that is."

Suddenly, Vicious who was spectating beside Melsa dropped their gear. Althea's katana and Yazmin's knife-filled vest were flung back into their owners. Now that their entire arsenal once again available to them, the two wasted no time in undoing their bindings.

Sheathing her blade in her waist, Althea gazed above at the smug alchemist.

"What game are you playing, Melsa?"

What the hell was she thinking by giving them their weapons?

"A game!?" Amused, Melsa laughed. "I guess you could call it that. Let's name it, 'Diamond adventurers versus my splendid creations!', doesn't it sound fun!? For now, let's start with a warm-up."

With the single push of a button, two of the gates opened. Althea and Yazmin who were bickering aggressively found themselves with their backs against each in solidarity, all so they can ensure that the other would escape from this predicament alive.

The two creatures stepped out of their cages.

A monstrosity with two heads, one of a red wyvern, the other belonged to a lion. With the body of a lion and the wings of a wyvern, their unnatural union was brought about by Melsa's alchemy.

With its wings outstretched, one of the chimeras leapt high into the air before diving in between the two, forcing them to separate.

Quick as lightning, Althea supercharged her sheathe with electricity, retaliating and splitting the chimera in half with one quickdraw.

Not to be outdone, Yazmin's immaculate precision made her daggers fly true, thrown with both hands, the twin blades were embedded into the oncoming Chimera's skull.

A slow clap reverberated from above them.

"Well done, but that was merely the opening act." Melsa congratulated. The data that these two adventurers are currently providing her would surely elevate her chimeras to heights never before reached by any familiar!

"This test of yours is insulting..." In the blink of an eye, Yazmin threw a dagger upwards, straight into Melsa's peering head.

Although Melsa wasn't fast enough to evade, the guardian by her side took the hit. Vicious' stoic expression remained as she pulled out the knife impaled into her hand that she used to defend Melsa, her wound healing instantaneously.

"...send your lapdog down here if you truly want to test our mettle. After all, I have an unfinished business with that pup."

"You want to play with a wolf? Then, I might just grant that request of yours." Heeding said request, Melsa pulled another lever.

The biggest, reinforced door opened, reinforced enough that you might think they are trying to contain a hydra. But what stepped outside was something far more deadly.

The floor trembled as it was freed from its captivity, making the the two adventurers step back, for they could sense the foul and dangerous aura that the creature emitted.

"Holy shit, what is that..." Stupefied, Yazmin couldn't believe her eyes.

"I-I don't know." Out of all the monsters that Althea faced, none repulsed her more than the gigantic creature in front of her. Although grotesque in its appearance, Althea couldn't ignore that the creature exuded strength and agility that paled both of theirs even if combined.

It was a titanic three-headed werewolf. Aside from the three major heads with jaws that can gobble them up in one fell bite, the evidence of mass manipulation was all over its body. Heads of regular sized werewolves adorned its body like sinister ornaments, some blinking, while the others are trying to howl in what could be no doubt agony.

A profane union brought about by Melsa's wicked talent in alchemy. In the alchemist's twisted eyes, it naught bore any repulsiveness, but a beauty that stemmed from its power.

Now, it was time to test its beauty against the highest calibre of adventurers.

"I call this one, War-wolf!" Melsa shouted in excitement.