A Pleasurable Massage

A simple massage can do wonders in easing a person's fatigue, both physical or mental.

In Althea's case it was the latter.

But she needn't worry, for her Gorgon companion was more than willing to alleviate her stress due to helping her father maintain order in the Guild.

If there was a cause for concern, it would most definitely be because...

"Is it really necessary to wear nothing but my undergarment?" Laying flat on her stomach, Althea questioned her attire, or lack thereof.

With a smirk, Yazmin admired curvy Althea's back, her supple ass covered by a clean cloth. If all goes well, and Yazmin was confident in her massaging skills that it will, they might have a redo of that night in Kazhan's home.

"What is there to worry about? It's not like I haven't seen you naked before, just relax and enjoy the satisfaction that my hands can give you."

Oh, she was alluding to the time when they did the dirty, making Althea raise her brow. It was the night that complicated things. It might have been a spur of the moment, but the only regret that Althea held was that she wasn't able to explain it to Yazmin that it was simply supposed to be a one night stand.

"Don't be coy with me, Yazmin. You know exactly what I'm worried about." Althea's tone was stern. She still had six days to decide whether it would be worth it to risk being with the Gorgon or not, Yazmin better not ruin her chances by being too pushy.

It wasn't like Althea didn't enjoy Yazmin's delightful dual surprise, her hard and bumpy dicks, making a mess if Althea's insides. Perhaps it would be okay to let Yazmin...

Althea purged the lascivious thoughts from her mind. She needed to or she might find herself wet and pining for the Gorgon.

"Relax, I'm not trying to sleep with you again...okay, I lied, I absolutely am but my desire to alleviate your stress is genuine. Trust me, we don't have to end this night tangled together if you don't want to."

Hearing Yazmin's plea, Althea sighed.

"I trust you. Let's get on to it since we have to rise early for tomorrow."

Inside of Althea's humble room where the spell blade laid, Yazmin's special pleasure inducing massage was about to begin.

Yazmin grabbed the mixture she had prepared for the occasion. In her hands as clay bottle, with snake carvings on it. After unscrewing the cover, Yazmin lathered her hands with what appeared to be greenish oil. To make the skin massage smoother, It was common practice for masseuse to coat their hand in standard oil, but what Yazmin was rubbing on her hands appeared to be anything but standard.

Yazmin opened up the massage by lathering Althea's back with extra oil. Once it was well applied, Althea heart sank in pleasure as both of Yazmin's warm oily hands started to apply pressure in her lumbar region, working all the way up to the base of her neck. The gentle pressure applied on Althea's back was enough for her to release a groan of delight.

Next, Yazmin's thumbs had Althea's spine in between them, Yazmin slowly slid her thumbs all the way down before it reached the buttocks.

Yazmin wasn't lying, the Gorgon's touch was skillful indeed, lulling Althea to close her eyes and simply relish Yazmin's service. Although Althea had suspected that the oil had a part in it. If Althea would put it to words, it was if the oil induced a minty chill but at the same time it also gave a fiery warmth. Strange, but damn pleasurable.

Althea felt strange sensation seeping deeper into her back muscles as Yazmin used her knuckled to knead up and down.

"Aaaah...so good!" Althea blurted out. "By the way, what kind of oil are you using?"

Continuing the movement of her hands, Yazmin nonchalantly answered, "It's my venom."

"Oh, I see..." Too dazed by how good the massage is, it took a couple of seconds for the answer to sink in. Her eyes went wide open at the realization. "... it's your fucking what!? Are you trying to kill me!?"

In a panic, Althea tried to rise from the makeshift table. Fortunately, Yazmin was able to calm Althea down.

"Easy now, it's not concentrated, it's diluted, it should have no harmful effect on you. In this oily form, it's nothing but a muscle relaxant!"

The diluted or not, the fact remained that Yazmin was still spreading Gorgon venom in her back! Then again, Althea did promise to trust the Gorgon and the mixture had done nothing more than pure ecstasy so far.

Althea remained laid, expressing her frustration while closing her eyelids once more, "Next time, warn me in advance if you're going to apply venom on my skin."

"I apologize, it wasn't my intention to withhold information. You're not an assassination target, like I said, this is already diluted with the use of alchemy, it had cannot harm at this state."

That was very reassuring to know. But Althea wondered, since Yazmin mentioned that this was one of the persona she assumed when persuing a target...

"But what if I was your target? How dead would I be right now?"

With a wicked sounding chuckle, Yazmin boasted, "You wouldn't be dead yet but I would use a different mixture. Let's just say that you will be paralyzed while suffering unimaginable agony, like the entire skin on your back was being flayed all while laying there...helpless."

The hellish situation that Yazmin was mentioned was in stark contrast to the heavenly euphoria Althea was experiencing with Yazmin's hands.

It was a bit unnerving how Yazmin answered with sadistic glee. Then again, it was her venom they were talking about, if somebody dare questioned Althea how deadly her lightning was, she might also boast a little.

After half an hour of intensive massage, not only was her body lighter than ever, her head was also swirling with an erotic haze.

"All done. You can get up now. How are you feeling?" Yazmin asked.

Althea's lustful daze quickly turned into minor irritation. How is she feeling!? The nerve of this Gorgon to ask that after giving her that mind blowing massage! To say that Althea was in the mood was an understatement, she was ready for get ravaged by the Gorgon's dual dong.

Much like the number of Yazmin's cocks, the imposed one night stand was about to turn into two...if that was even a thing.

After rising, Althea immediately lunged in for a kiss, surprising the poor Gorgon. But as an assassin, she quick to adapt to the situation and reciprocated Althea's kiss, wrapping Yazmin's hand around Althea's hair.

The two broke off with Yazmin wearing shit eating grin, "Maybe it's for the best if we hold off on sleeping together until I have proven my devotion to you."

"Oh screw you, this has been your plan all along! Now get naked and fuck me!"

Since they were already in Althea's bedroom, Althea found herself expectantly waiting atop her bed as Yazmin removed all articles of her clothing.

Even with the lower half of a snake, Yazmin's bare form oozed femininity with how slender her human upper body is and how alluring her bosom was.

Slithering into the bed, Yazmin's heart threatened to leap out of her chest, her weeks long desire to lay with Althea was now at hand.

Brushing Althea's hair, Yazmin kissed Althea's lips as she laid her to the bed.

After seeing Yazmin whip out the impressive Gorgon dicks she was hiding, Althea parted open her legs with delight, ready to receive Yazmin.

This time, Yazmin wanted to savor their union, she would take nice and slow as they settled in the missionary position.

"Remember what I told you last time." Althea bit her lip after telling.

"I know, I know. I'll use only one."

The temptation to use both holes was present in them but like the time before, Althea was ill prepared.

Yazmin positioned one of her dicks into Althea's already wet entrance, despite it its size, Yazmin was able to slide with ease.

A moan escaped from Althea's lips as she once again received Yazmin's meaty dick, spotted enough to tickle her insides in all the right places.

With a leisurely sway, Yazmin started moving her hips back and forth.

The girth inside of Althea and the way it scraped her walls filled Althea's heart with so much pleasure that she wanted to moan her hardest to match the Gorgon's rhythm, and so Althea did.

As the humping continued, Althea felt Yazmin's hands entwine with her own.

"Althea, look, your hands are a perfect fit for mine."

Althea glanced at them, appearing like twin puzzle pieces tailor made for one another. Then, Althea looked at Yazmin's golden eyes, lust was removed from them and in its place was affection. Yazmin smiled.

Who would have guessed that this Warijan assassin had this kind romantic side to her?

Was it time to forget Yulia? To consign herself to the fall?

Amidst her moaning, Althea blurted out, "It's not fair..."

"What is it?"

"No, it's nothing."

"If you say so."

It was an odd thing to say but Yazmin would rather focus on moving in and out of Althea.

Minutes later, Yazmin pulled out and sprayed the proof of her 'devotion' on Althea's stomach.

Althea grinned, maybe it is indeed time to forget. But her ultimatum on Yazmin was something she was going to see through until the end.