Double Date, Double Disaster

The energy radiated by Magna managed to drown out the revelry inside of Moon world. There was simply something about how the succubus carried herself that gave off the feeling that she would be too much for one person to handle. It was like confidence melding with sex appeal. That may well be, Yulia had taken it upon herself to bear the full brunt of this succubus' enigmatic nature.

"Magna, this is Althea, a good friend of mine and the Guild's second in command. This is Yazmin, a new Warijan friend of ours." Per Yulia's introduction, the two shared a smile while the maksed Gorgon respectfully nodded. "Althea, Yazmin, this is lover."

An introduction that made the two lock eyes with a stare sweeter than honey. You would think that they were about to kiss next but the two knew better than to be showy in public, although their tails did found themselves tangled together behind the scene.

Once they broke their stare, Magna greeted the two other on the table, "It's a pleasure to meet the both you."

Fancy that. Her lover's color was on Althea. Wild and fiery red as Yulia's free spirit. There was no reason to be upset, for Yulia's color surrounding Althea like part of her aura was blurry, indicating Yulia's feelings for Althea, faded. A shorthand fling, perhaps?

Having the ability to tell if your lover had already fucked someone at first glance can be considered both a blessing and a curse.

In the mood to tease her lover, Magna smirked at the tiefling beside her, "You two must have been VERY close friends."

(Ah shit, I forgot about the color thing that Magna has! Fuck!) Yulia internally panicked. "Yeah, but it's all in the past now.

Magna giggled, "Calm down, dear. I was only teasing."

Yulia had no business informing Magna about all the women she had slept with, they can if they want, but just because they were lovers it doesn't mean they are under obligation to spill everything.

Yulia's sigh of relief was followed by Yazmin's heated question.

"All in the past, what the hell does that mean!?"

It would appear that the mischievous comment by Magna was able to clue in Yazmin on Althea and Yulia's past fling.

The past maybe the past, but Althea's feelings for Yulia was something she still hasn't fully buried. And not it's haunting her current prospect with Yazmin.

"I'll explain everything when we get home." Althea calmly said.

(I want you to explain it now!) Is what Yazmin would like to demand, but an assassin must always keep her cool. Further more, they were not together yet, an attempt in doing so would mark Yazmin as someone too possessive.

Yazmin merely clicked her tongue and looked away. Just like that, their double date was just beginning and it was already ruined.

Just when Yazmin thought the path to Althea's heart was clear before her, a major roadblock in the form of this tiefling came rolling down like a boulder, blocking her progress. Yazmin felt betrayed, hurt even.

After their food had been served, Yazmin mostly stuck to the wine, the whole debacle with Althea hiding her status with Yulia drained the Gorgon of her appetite.

"And then, I got matched against this Amazon tribal leader with a battle axe! Naturally, I would be the victor but it was great fight, I'm telling you." Over dinner, Yulia regaled Althea with the tales of her adventure at the Amazon island.

If only Althea hadn't beholden herself to the duties imposed by her father's carelessness.

Althea smiled, "I envy you. Marionne and Telmano may not be complaining, but I can sense that they want to go on adventures like that as well."

Wha- this tiefling is making Althea smile! They maybe friends as Althea claimed but Yazmin can see through her eyes that Althea was blooming with gladness at the tiefling's tales!

Yazmin was jealous.

Even so, she was here to woo. She wasn't going to give in and let her jealousy drag down her resolve to be with Althea.

"If it's adventure you are seeking then I would gladly accompany you wherever." Yazmin proudly blurted out.

"I'll count on that the next time the party takes a quest."

Yulia coughed, calling for all of their attention, "There's been rumors about you two, but they were mostly just that, I want to hear it from the source. Are you two dating now or what?"

"I...we..." Being asked by the woman you like if you're already dating another. It stings a bit, leaving her stuttering, but Althea quickly realized that Yulia already had a woman of her own.

"Not yet, but soon we will be."

"So confident, I like that in a woman." Yulia smiled. "But the question is, does Althea?"

It was a statement to let Yazmin knows that she approves of them, that Yulia wasn't a threat to the Gorgon's prospect in the first place.

Meanwhile Magna was starting to harbor some budding resentment for the spell blade. Althea was lathered by this green aura of fierceness, while Yazmin was surrounded by the color blue. Put two and two together, it was obvious that they are fucking. Why doesn't she simply settle with this Gorgon? Perhaps Althea was under the illusion that she still had a chance with Yulia? Magna grinned. The chances of a meteor falling from the heavens and leveling Dax's tavern to the ground would be much higher. Magna is never going to let go of her beloved tiefling.

Sipping her wine, Magna glared at Althea.

"Answer the question, Althea."

The upset Althea scrunched her forehead. Who the hell does this succubus think she is, giving her orders like that?

Firing back with her own glare, Althea snapped and said, "What if I don't want to answer the question, what then?"

"Do you not want to answer it because you are content with leading Yazmin on?"

Now that is where it gets personal. Althea did not appreciate being judged for contemplating if she would get into a relationship or not. After all, commitment is something not to be taken lightly.

"What the fuck do you care!? Don't act like you know me when we just met. Just because you're Yulia's lover it doesn't mean I'm letting you disrespect me like that."

If Yulia had a gold coin for every innocent question that she asked at Moon world which turned into a disaster, she'd have two. It pained her to end this double date early but things are starting to get out of hand.

"Alright, both of you, please settle down. I think we all had enough wine for the night. Althea, come with me upstairs, let us discuss about your father's dealings."