A Wish To Be Whole

I must be whole.

The single desire that burned through Almina's incomplete soul. The rest of her, where is it?

The obedient doll wearing a maid's dress stood timidly in the corner of the dinner, her gaze fell onto her master, eating his food with disgust.

There it is. Her other half, the one who holds the key to her deepest desire. The brute that knew nothing other than to debase her entire existence. One who would play with his dolls until they broke, after all, he could simply remake them again.

Familiars and constructs are bound to their master , a doll like her was no exception. Must Almina accept in heart this desire for wholeness to become a passing whim?

The sound of plate crashing into the wall shattered Almina's musings.

"Too salty. You can't even cook an egg right, you idiot doll."

Izma stood from the dinner table and approached his doll with fury in his eyes. His hand grabbed the doll's slender neck and lifted her up, banging the terrified doll into the wall.

What had she done to deserve this? The other day he complained that it was not salty enough. Her directives were clear, she followed it. Why then was his master abusing her again?

"What do you have to say for yourself?" With a cruel smile, Izma asked.

"I...sorry..." Her speech impeded, a symptom of her incompleteness. Being a construct, she could summon strength far beyond her slender frame but why would she when she was soul bound to obey every command while never posing any harm to her maker? All her fellow dolls are.

The mortified and uncomfortable look on his doll's face made Izma rock hard. This beautiful creation of his was free to defile as he wished, even with simply a sliver of his soul, the anguish this doll radiated was so vivid, like she was a living person by herself! How exquisite!

"I...SoRrY..." Izma laughed while mocking his creation. Letting go of his chokehold, the doll maid fell onto her knees. "Why don't you show me how truly sorry you are?"

Izma undid his pants to free his member, waving the putrid thing in front of his doll.

Izma smirked, "Service me, my precious doll."

Even without fully understanding what sex is, the doll knew how vile this act is being inflicted upon her. The doll's face contorted into agony as she opened her mouth, all that's missing from her are tears.

Are all humans this vile? Almina lamented her fate as she pondered. If so then wouldn't the world he a far better place if they were gone.

Almina spit the white sticky liquid on the floor, if she had a stomach she would vomit. That is how putrid this act was to her.

Suddenly, a magic chime rung, letting the Izma know that a customer had arrived upstairs.

"At last, it must be custom made order, retrieve the special doll while I greet the patron upstairs." Izma commanded.

Almina headed towards Izma's work table to grab one of the two dolls fashioned to the likings of a small dog. Like a beagle with sheen skin to resemble brown fur and ball joints. Even Almina admired it, a cute creation for someone so wicked.

Soon, Almina had finished taking the inanimate doll on her hands upstairs.

With a command from Izma's hand the dog sprung up to life. With hyper active moments, the dog rand around the boy, barking as if it was no lesser than a real dog.

The boy's face lit up as he took the canine doll into his arms.

The mother accompanying the child was equally as amazed as her son, "It moves and barks just like a real dog. So amazing, how does it do that?"

Izma smiled, "I'm afraid it's a trade secret."

Satisfied on receiving an amazing dog that needed no feeding and no waste management, the mother paid the the agreed price in gold.

As soon as the woman and her son left, another expectant patron passed them by. Wearing a white dress fit for nobility, the blonde woman introduced herself to as soon as she walked up the counter.

"Your dolls, they are very life-like." The blonde woman extended her gloved hand. "My name is Sophia."

Opting not for a handshake, Izma grabbed the woman's hand and kisses the back of it.

"That makes us even, a fine damsel such as you have sparked my intrigue."

As the two exchanged a giggle, Sophia's eyes went to the beautiful doll behind the man.

"She is gorgeous. Do you have another like her for sale?"

"Oh, her. Apologies but she is a bit special. One of her kind, I might say. You can peruse our other models if you like, I'm sure you'll find others to your liking. Come, let me show you around!"

If only she could, Almina would have tipped off the woman with the fate that awaited her simply to ruin her master's plans.


While her master flirted with that woman upstairs, Almina's next task was one she enjoyed the most.

Cleaning her fellow dolls.

In a desolate room, hundreds of female dolls were seated upon a chair. Lifeless but lifelike, from afar, they simply looked asleep.

The fact that they were all women was a strange obsession of his master to the female form, the male one are simply stacked on top of each other in a seperate bunker, left to accumulate dust. A biased treatment from her master that Almina understood. If only she could put her master in that bunker too where he would rot.

Like her, these dolls are special. They are combat ready and can even use mana. For what purpose? Almina did not pry.

Using a clean cloth, Almina lifted one of the seated dolls arms, making sure that no filth would taint their pale and smooth skin.

If there is one thing that their master got right about them, it's that they are perfect. Ageless, beautiful. Unshackled by flesh's decay.

Almina smiled.

How nice it would be to live with just these dolls by her side, away from all these vile humans.

One day, Almina wishes to do so. One day, Almina will be whole.