Let's Take It Slow, So Slow

Riding on one of the stole carriage, Almina left Elaria. Her army of dolls down to a handful of four, a part of Almina harbored regret in siccing them at the fleshbags, but she remembered it was all to send a message. A message that they are dangerous should not be trifled with if they value their lives.

A smile crept on Almina's face as she watched the greenery outside the carriage's window. Seeing the state of Elaria's market before she left, it was a message well delivered.

From the shackle of her abusive master, the utopia that she had dreamt of was a mere pipe dream no more. Almina cupped the chin of the tiefling sitting right next to her, making the two lock eyes, and soon, their lips. She would show these dolls the care that she was deprived of, and in return Almina would demand their undying gratitude. An eternity of perfection awaits.

Since Almina's soul was being pulled into Vanluc, she deemed it to be appropriate to base her operations there. From what Almina could decipher, the academy of Aeselis was where Izma was once normal. There he had friends, family, and what should have been a lover if he did not pursue his twisted passion of putting souls within dolls.

Aside from his last memory, every skill, every emotion, every knowledge that Izma possessed was now hers. And Almina was planning put her newfound powers to no good use.


Midnight struck at Althea's mansion. As her arms was supposed to engulf her lover, Althea's clasped nothing but the sheets.

Althea opened her eyes to the total darkness. Using a finger gun, Althea shot a ball of mana, as small as a spit towards the large illuminating crystal above the ceiling.

The illuminating crystal activated, bathing the room in natural luminescent light. With total clarity, she witnessed her lover missing from her bedside. Where could Yazmin be at this time of night?

Wearing a her blue nightgown, Althea walked the hallways littered with portraits of her and her father, taking the the stairs down to the living room where the Gorgon was sitting, wearing a lovely light green see through shirt as her choice of sleeping wear.

Although Yazmin noticed the approaching footsteps, she did not address them as her focus was on the worn out leather journal. Her focus broken in the loveliest of ways, by a kiss on her cheek and and arm around Yazmin's neck. Yazmin smiled.

"It's way too late for you to be reading that creepy journal, Yaz." Althea said to her lover wrapped in the warmth of her embrace. Creepy might have been underplaying it. What kind of perversion would push a person to sever a piece of their soul and abuse it? What even more, this Izma had the audacity to call it perfection.

"There's something about journal that's been gnawing at me. Didn't realize that my lack of my presence would render you unable to sleep, my love." Yazmin veiled her real intensions with a coy tone, swinging any suspicion that Althea might have had into flirtation. Yazmin can't deny, the book was indeed creepy, but it dealt with souls, and if a page would offer them enough clues on how to save Althea, she would gladly trudge through it all. Then again, it the aid would come from someone bastard enough to debase her own soul, Yazmin knew Althea would never hesitate to reject the notion. Yazmin would too if their options weren't non-existent.

The smugness of her Gorgon lover puts a smile to Althea's face, she confessed, "What if I admit I can't sleep without you, are you going to put that book down and join me back to bed?"

In a teasing timbre, Yazmin closed the book, "Pfft. What if." Yazmin rose, turning around to kiss her lover on the lips. Yazmin's heart went aflutter by the softness of her lover's lips. "Why don't we unwind a little after such a stressful day, what do you say?"

To further entice Althea, Yazmin's dove Althea's exposed neck, tenderly nibbling with her lips and fangs.

"We have a meeting with Captain Odjour early in the morning...aaah!" Althea cood. The sensation of her Yazmin's love bites were starting to get her in the mood, damping her undergarment down below. Her hands ruffled Yazmin's nest of a hair, its snakes entwined around her arms in a welcoming coil.

Yazmin paused, whispering softly into Althea's ears, "Come on, my love. Let me cater to you, you deserve it after today's battle." Yazmin followed it up by another nibble at Althea's neck, effectively sending shivers down her spine.

Screw it, that moustached geezer can wait, Althea will indulge her lover for a bit.

"Tsk, you win again! Let's make it quick so we can go back to sleep!"

"I always do, my love." Yazmin grinned.

Make it quick? Where was the fun in that? Yazmin told of her intention, it was to service Althea.

It was easy for Yazmin to undress, now completely naked, she helped her lover do the same.

Althea's back was laid cushioned on the couch, with seductive gazes locked onto each other, Yazmin slowly slid Althea's undergarment from her smooth legs, ending with Yazmin throwing it away with wild abandon. Yazmin's hands pryed open Althea's legs, exposing the wetness of Althea's pussy.

Althea winced in delight, biting her lip as one of Yazmin's impressive bumpy dick entered her folds, while the other was right above her clit. Her pussy and clit both basked in the warmth and hardness of Yazmin's twin rods. While it was splitting her apart from the inside, the other was about to rub her clit.

"Aaaah, FUCK...so...so good!" Althea couldn't help but whimper after taking her lover deep inside.

From pseudo standing, Yazmin adjusted and lowered herself on top of Althea. Now body to body, Yazmin's face hovered above of Althea while her hands embraced Althea's hair.

"Moaning already? Save some for when I start moving."

"Oh, just shut up and start pounding me!"

And so move Yazmin did.

True to her promise, Yazmin's rhythm this time lacked voracity, each sway of Yazmin's agile hips were tender and deliberate, making Althea savor every motion. Slowly, gently, Yazmin's twin dongs pistoned with love.

Althea could feel Yazmin's slit eyes on her like a snake would before it swallows its hunt. Fitting since she was already getting devoured by pleasure induced by her Gorgon lover.

Suddenly, Yazmin caressed Althea's hair, kissing Althea's forehead, Yazmin said, "Hmm, yesss. *Hissss* Juicy little prey, just lay still and let me fuck you good."

Althea's leg coiled around Yazmin hard, her toes curling from the pleasure as almost half an hour of tender pounding was now ready to bring Althea to her climax.

"Aaaaaaah!" With an erotic cry, Althea came.

Yazmin groaned, spilling her warm seed on top of Althea's stomach while her other dick pumped Althea's pussy with the same thick liquid.

Yazmin pulled out with a fleshy pop, making Althea whimper one last time.

Her heart now on the process of calming down from the overwhelming pleasure, Althea giggled, "Fucking hell, you made a mess on my stomach."

"And inside your pussy too, don't forget." Yazmin reminded. Yazmin grabbed her silk robe on top of the table and wiped the remnant of her love on Althea's stomach. Yazmin had plenty of extra night robes back in their room, the simple act of helping her lover clean up was more important than paltry laundry.

Using her snake agility, Yazmin did her best to fit beside Althea so the two could cuddle comfortably in the sofa.

Entwined in each other's embrace, Althea remembered something from her past fling...

"Yulia warned me once, she said the more you sleep with someone, the easier it becomes to fall in love with them. It was something we were trying to avoid back then."

Oddly enough, there was no jealousy that sprung inside of Yazmin. Why should she be jealous when it was Yazmin that is cuddling Althea right now and not that tiefling?

"And what about it?" Yazmin nonchalantly asked.

"I think I'm falling more and more in love with you."