Back into Shape

In their favorite training spot away from the prying eyes of others, the forest right outside of the city gates, the lovers are able add a hint romanticism into their training.

Beads of sweat lingered all over Antani's skin as she laid on the grass while doing sit ups. Her arms, legs, and abs are now back to the toned physique she had before giving birth to Ellani.

The fit body that helped her achieve the pinnacle of swordplay. The fit body that stoked Ellamir's lust.

Speaking of, Ellamir held together Antani's knees. Everytime Antani would rise up, she would tease her dark elf lover, closing as if she would give Ellamir a kiss. Never the wiser, Ellamir would fall for it every time as she would try to catch Antani's lips with her own, only for Antani to rest her back on the grass.

"You are such a tease, I'm going to make you pay for this when we get home!"

Antani merely laughed at her lover's coy threat.

"I'm sure you will." Antani replied with the smugness that Ellamir loved.

Suddenly, Antani decided to put an end to her teasing and give in to the kiss that they both wanted. Antani rose from her sit up, this time, she beelined straight for Ellamir's lips, making the two lover's tumble into each other's embrace as they rolled in the grass.

No matter how many times they had tasted each other, the softness of their partner's lips was something neither would ever stop relishing. Their beating soft and loud, the two gazed into each other's eyes after their chaste kiss. They shared a giggle.

"Thank you, love. For all your sacrifice just so we can have our own house." From the bottom of Antani's heart, she flashed a smile showing how grateful she was.

Today would mark their last day at their rented love nest, tomorrow they would move into the house that Ellamir splurged all her savings into.

"Thanking me is not necessary, it's the least I could do for you and Ellani, for our family." Ellamir said.

The dark elf's words made Antani's heart skip a beat. Such kindness, the way Ellani had changed Ellamir for the better tugged on Antani's heartstrings.

Antani rose to sit by Ellamir's waist. The toned Amazonian princess straddled her, the way Antani's lovely pressed upon her, Ellamir's cock was starting to stand ready for the upcoming battle.

"Since you don't want verbal a 'thank you', how about I give a physical one?" Antani bit her lip as she eyed her dark elf lover beneath her.

"I thought you didn't want to do it in here, you said so yourself that others might walk in on us."

"What, I can't change my mind? Remember, the rogues are with Ellani, we might not have the chance to continue if we went back to the apartment."

"Drats, you're right! Then a quickie it is!" Ellamir agreed, scrambling to take off her black leather pants.

Antani assisted her lover in shedding her bottoms. Soon, Ellamir's mighty cock was in free, erect and ready for Antani's blissful impalement.

With a quick sway of her loincloth and the undergarment inside, her already wet pussy was in full view.

Even though time is of the essence, Antani leisurely went down on Ellamir. Antani mouth and pussy both gaped in pleasure the same as Ellamir's delicious, fat cock entered her pussy. Like a dish that Antani would never get tired of, Antani lost count of how many times she had tasted ecstasy with the help of Ellamir's meat.

Packing her pussy to the brim with Ellamir's rod, Antani's moan intensified as she rocked her hips in a fierce riding motion. Antani arms raised to clutch her hair from the pleasure their union imparted.

Ellamir had already proven that she would love Antani no matter what shape her body took, but at this sight of Antani's well toned physique in combination with her curves, it awakens something primal inside of Ellamir. Pure, unbridled lust that led her to grip Antani's waist as she savored her Amazon lover's movement while enveloped by her tightness.

"Fuck, Antani...aaaah!" Ellamir whimpered. The Amazoness being so gorgeous and tight, Ellamir was ready to spill her love inside Antani. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna come soon!"

"Just hang tight, love. I'm almost there!" Antani picked up the pace. Her hips swaying with more vigor than before, like a jockey in a race, aiming for first price.

Antani rode...

Rode some more...

She rode until their screams of lust entwined, the jockey and the horse reached their explosive finish. It was one hell of a prize that kept their toes curling from the pleasure as Antani fell onto Ellamir's shoulders.


"Come the fuck on, Gloria, can you please handle Ellani with care!" Sitting on the sofa, Stefano chastised the mermaid who was getting a little bit too wild with the baby.

Not that much of a baby anymore since little Ellani was already on her second summer but the cleric still regarded her as such.

The mermaid halted her wheelchair that had been blitzing through the compact living room, giving the joyous Ellani on Gloria's lap a ride to rival those that you would find in carnivals.

"Are your eyes working? Maybe you should heal them! Can't you see my hand holding her tummy!?"

"Hey, what's that remark for!? I'm only worried for the kid!"

As the voices were starting to raise, Yulia decided to step in even though it was just a spat among friends, she would like to enjoy her morning coffee in peace.

"Break it up you two, it's way too early for you both to start quarrelling. What are you, lovers or something?" Yulia smirked as she sipped from the bitter freshness in her cup. A bit of teasing should diffuse their anger and turn it to the tiefling, just as Yulia planned.

"No, we're not!"/ "Absolutely not!"

The two answered in sync. Making Naya laugh as she sat next to Yulia in the table, sharing a cup of coffee as well.

"You two have been fighting more so than our residential couple, is there something that you two would like to admit?" Naya teased. Her icy attitude now melted after warming up to the rest of the Rogues. Although she would still act reserved from time time, she would often join whenever they would poke fun at each other.

"Who's admitting what?" Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Antani.

"Mama!" Ellani's expression burst with childish glee. Jumping from the mermaids arm, she ran with her short legs in a cute kind of pace.

Unable to resist her adorable daughter, Antani briefly picked Ellani up by her underarm.

"Not now, baby, Mama needs to take a bath." Antani gestured to Ellamir to take their daughter. "Here, go to your other Mama."

Equally as delighted to be in Ellamir's arms, Ellani spread her arms for Ellamir to take. And take her daughter Ellamir did.

"Did you miss us, Ellani?" Ellamir asked, her smile beaming from ear to ear. A question that she already knew the answer to for Ellamir would ask everytime they would go out to train but hearing Ellani's answers every time would warm Ellamir's heart.

"Uh huh, I get sad when both Mama leave but auntie Gloria let me ride!" Ellani answered, wrapping her dainty arms around Ellamir's neck.

"By the way, Augustia is about to unveil her ring during the festival. Anybody want to go with me and take on her request as bodyguards?" Sipping her coffee, Yulia asked.

Ellamir kissed her little princess on the cheek, before answering the tiefling.

"I'll pass. Ask Antani, she's been itching for quests for a while now. "

Their roles now reversed, Ellamir would like to stay at home make up for the lost times she spent away from Ellani.
