Owed Apology

"Fuck that shit, I'm not going to apologize! Have you forgotten how 'warm' your sister received us when I met her the first time!? If she pulled that shit on Maessha I swear…"

"Hush, don't raise your voice, you'll wake Ellani up." Antani chided in a low tone, low enough so it won't rouse their daughter sleeping in between them.

Ellani's breathing, gentle as she laid between her two loving mothers.

"Remind me again who was it that kicked us out of our land so they can sell drugs? I hated Sister as much as you when you got knocked out by her punch, but I don't think Maessha would accompany her if she did that to her." Antani smirked, almost as if insinuating something. "In fact, they seem to be getting along rather well, don't you agree?"

What's even more infuriating than getting reminded of Alara breaking Ellamir's nose, was the implication of Antani about the two.

"No, no, no! I'm not going to apologize and I am most certainly NOT going to tolerate whatever it is you're insinuating in regards to my little sister being with that blue...!"

Upon noticing Antani staring daggers at her, Ellamir cut herself short.

"Go on, blue what."

Even though Ellamir was her lover, she wouldn't tolerate Alara's slander. Much like back then when Antani was prepared to break her sister's bones for breaking Ellamir's nose.

Ellamir, too, would not take it kindly if Antani spoke ill of her precious little sister. Realizing the error of her ways, Ellamir sighed.

"You're being unreasonable again, Antani!"

"You're right, perhaps it was pretty unreasonable to expect maturity from you."

The disappointed Antani chuckled wyrlly, shifting in the bed and turning her back on Ellamir, letting Ellamir experience a coldness colder than winter air.

The chill made Ellamir gulp, swallowing her pride.

"Fucking fine, those two are still awake, I'll go apologize right now!"


In the living room, the grandfather clock ticked. The time, now half-past 12, testimony to how fun the party had that only ended an hour ago.

"And so, I was caught between one of this Hydra's jaws, scorching me pointblank with a fire breath! Next, it..."

Alara recounted her hunting feats with glee to the eager Maessha listening while all smiles. The two of them sitting comfortably in the wooden sofas. Unlike other dark elves, she wasn't drawn to another's strength but this half-frost giant's bravado was pulling her in. Maessha had taken a fancy to this Amazoness. Alara boasts of her own might but not to the point that she belittles other's.

Maessha would even go far as to describe Alara kind, making her feel guilty about how her sister acted towards the giantess.

"Listen, Alara, I apologize for how my sister hounded you like that. Sister Ellamir, she has a strong personality but I can guarantee you that she's not as wicked as you would think."

Maessha even spun her apology in a way that Alara wouldn't plant hatred in her heart for Ellamir.

"Oh, I believe that. Otherwise Antani wouldn't be with her."

As if being the topic of the conversation summoned for Ellamir to appear, the dark elf in her satin sleepwear appeared before Alara and Maessha.

"Alara, I came here to ugh..." Ellamir couldn't even look Alara in the eyes, the pride she swallowed earlier prevented her apology from spewing out. "...to ugh...apo..."

What Ellamir tried to do put a smile on Maessha's eyes. For someone like Ellamir, a simple act like this required tremendous consideration on her part. This, a fact that Messha knew, allowing her bid the evening to Ellamir and Alara both as she headed for her own room upstairs.

Alara smirked. (Wow, my sister really has you whipped, huh?)

"Give it a rest, Ellamir, you don't have to apologize to me. We didn't exactly start on the best of terms so I understood your suspicion, but since you're with my sister now, I consider you family."

"Really!?" Ellamir wiped her brow. "But just to be safe, can you tell Antani that I did if she asked?"

"Sure, I'll tell her."

This is like a whole different side to the Alara that antagonized them during the Fertility festival. It surprised Ellamir.

The moment Ellamir was about to turn around, she glanced behind for one last time.

"Maessha, she did not participate in the campaign to take away your land. She is different from the rest of us who thrived in Cruelty in the underdark."

Although she couldn't say it outright, it was Ellamir's way of pleading for Alara to treat her sister right.

"I know Ellamir, I've observed it firsthand, Maessha has a tender heart that you could only dream of."

A haughty grin streaked on Alara's face. It was her own way of poking fun at the Dark-elf. A compliment at Ellamir's expense, one Ellamir could not deny.

"Quite bold of you to take a jab at me under my own roof, but I'll let it slide since we're talking about my dear sister."

With that, the two exchanged a laugh before Ellamir headed back into their bedroom.

Now alone at the living room, Alara relaxed her buff arms, laying them on either side of the wooden Sofa's railing.

Her thoughts drift to Maessha who sat beside her moments ago. Her smile, her obsidian skin that is warm and soft to the touch, Alara remembered their accidental embrace. The lithe Maessha in her embrace, almost as if that's where Maessha belonged.

These memories with Maessha replaying inside Alara's head, could it be?

No. It's probably just because she found Maessha pleasant to be around with. It is a budding friendship, nothing more. Alara convinced herself.

There is no way another Avago would fall in love with the bloodline of Lolth!

Although if it's Maessha, perhaps it would be...

Alara stood, the look of struggle marred her face. Did Antani endure this torment before she decided to be with Ellamir?


Ellamir slipped into the sheets of their bed, careful not to wake up their little princess.

"I apologized to Alara."

The coldness in the air vanished, replaced instead with the warmth of gladness. Antani immediately turned around, smiling from ear-to-ear.


Ellamir smirked, "Yes, now go on, give me a kiss as a reward. I think I deserve that much."

The tenderness of Antani's kiss grazed Ellamir's lips. Antani by her bedside and Ellani between them, Antani's kiss made Ellamir realized how blessed she was.