A Frost Giant's Embrace

Come the next evening inside the privacy of Maessha's room, eager to demonstrate she isn't as clueless to romance as Alara thought her to be, Maessha invited Alara to cuddle, a cuddling that led into something more...

"Alara, it's...it's so big! I can't believe it!"

Maessha praised Alara's size. The Giantess' lips curved into a smirk.

"Of course it would be this big, half-blood I might be, I'm still a frost-giant."

Their intimate conversation enough to give Ellamir a heart attack, her little sister holding something this...huge.

That said, the two are not up to anything obscene...at least not yet. As Alara spooned Maessha in her arms as they laid on Maessha's bed, the two compared hand sizes, Alara eclipsed Maessha's. The Giantess' palm completely covered the dark elf's hand. Ah, but there is something amiss about this Giantess, her touch lacked warmth.

"Your touch, it's cold."

Indeed, to be as one with the raging blizzard of the the north, the frost-giants exuded no heat.

"Does the my coldness displease you?" Alara asked, her eyes set on one these elves defining features.

A chill suddenly grazed the pointy tip of Maessha's sensitive ear, sending a pleasurable tingle down her spine. Even Alara's breathing had this cold, gentle breeze!

Maessha giggled, followed by her coy chastisement, "Alara, no! They're sensitive! And that coldness of yours, I don't mind it. It's not scalding, I would even describe it as refreshing."

The knowledge that Alara acquired regarding elven ears only made her want to tease it more. If a simple blow of air got a giggle out of Maessha, what more would a nibble do?

"Is that so? Then won't you let me refresh that ear of yours?" Alara leaned in, contrasting her temperature, Alara's timbre sizzled as she tempted Maessha. "I promise to be gentle."

The thing about Elven ears is that they start as ticklish, but when you stimulate them too much that tickling sensation transforms into something deeply...erotic. Their ears become as sensitive as their clit.

"I've never had anyone play with my ears before, take it slow and don't bite hard, please."

Alara only chuckled, as if she would bite hard on something so delicate, something precious. Just a light nibble would do.

A whimper escaped from Maessha's lips, her eyes went wide at the tingling pleasure the simple act of her ear being nibbled imparted! Maessha's legs pressed together, as if Alara's tender biting resonated with her pussy below! Maessha covered her mouth, Ellamir allowed them to stay in their new home and this is how they would repay her dear sister, with debauchery!?

Alara's muscular arms gently wrapped around her, relaying to Maessha that she is safe and belonged in her arms. The frost giant halted her nibbling, tempting Maessha once more with her whisper.

"I want you to moan my name, go on Maessha, sing it with your pretty voice."

The commanding tone followed by a lick from the base to the tip has Maessha shrieking Alara's name just as the frost giant wished.


The sweet utterance of Alara's name awakened something deep inside her, a hunger for this dark elf within her arms, she wanted Maessha's all. First, Alara's's going to start with Maessha's ear.

Voracious in her nibbling but never forgetting to treat Maessha's pointy ear with care, Alara had Maessha screaming her name just as she wished.



Then, the Giantess ceased her nibbling.

It was never Alara's intention to pass the threshold of teasing Maessha's ear, but now, Maessha's heavy breathing and quevering told Alara of what she needed to do. Maessha needed more of Alara's touch.

"That's my good little dark-elf." Alara commended for doing a great job of moaning her name.

'Good' and 'dark-elf' mix like water and oil. Hearing Alara use it to praise her made Maessha bite her lip, Maessha loved it and the embrassment that came with it!

The arms that held Maessha repositioned them with ease, Maessha now sat but still within Alara's embrace.

Of course, Alara had this internal promise to take it slow. Thus, she asked...

"Do you still want to continue?"

Alara's huge but slender hand pressed between her parted legs. They are on a deadline, now they can indulge each other, but their future remains uncertain after the Festival of Glory. If these few weeks together is all they would have, then Maessha would indulge Alara, making memories with the Giantess to last a lifetime.

"Alara, please, fuck me." Maessha pleaded. Her voice craved for the blue woman and the pleasure that her chilling touch could bring.

"With pleasure."


After a few ruffling, Maessha's bottom half had been laid bare. Her gorgeous, obsidian slit rubbed by Alara's thick finger. Salacious coldness reigned all over Maessha as Alara's middle finger slid, teasing Maessha's clit.

"Aaaaah!" Maessha whimpered, her hips bucking forward as if to press her pussy even more on Alara's finger.

Of course, Alara enjoyed how this dark-elf quivered by her touch, how submissive Maessha is.

The blue thickness of Alara's middle finger sunk into Maessha. The Dark elf almost shrieked but in her lucidity amidst being drowned in pleasure made her hand cover her lips.

"Maessha, look below. See how obscene that pussy of yours is? Swallowing my finger whole."

A melding of black and blue. Truly obscene, the dark elf's pristine pussy devoured Alara's middle finger, clutching round and refusing to let go. Maessha had been so embarrassed that she covered both her eyes.

"Alara! Haven't you teased me enough!?"

The poor dark elf sounded like she was ready to cry from the shame. Alara laughed.

"My bad, here, let me make it up to you."

Although clenched around her finger, Maessha's wetness allowed Alara to move with ease. Maessha whimpered at the sensation of Alara's finger pulling out from her pussy only for Alara to slam it back in again. A Frost giantess true, Alara's finger had girth with a gentle coldness that accompanied it instead of warmth.

While Alara fingered her lover, Maessha gazed up with longing, her lips demanding they be kissed. Alara descended to meet their demand. Amidst the lascivious sound of slushing from Alara's fingering, their tongues, languid and heavy, twisted together.

A wellspring of pleasure ready to erupt, Maessha pulled from their kiss, a debauched trail of saliva still connected their lips.

Maessha screamed her orgasm out loud, sinking the back of her head into Alara's bosoms. The coldness of Alara's finger thrust deep into her pussy as Maessha's toes curled from the climax!

Still basking from the afterglow of an intense orgasm, Maessha said...

"Alara, there's no need to return to your room, cuddle me to sleep."

"Are you sure? Our sisters would know, and Ellamir...she... let's just say I don't want to pick a fight with her, this is Antani and Ellamir's home. I would get more passionate now that you're my lover."

"That's the reason why I'm going to speak to my dear sister tomorrow. She's a bit hardheaded but she will understand."

Maessha smiled, relishing the Giantess' embrace, imagining how her sister will take to the news of another Dark elf royal falling for another Amazoness princess.