Maessha's Surprise

Tidy as one would expect from a princess, Maessha's room had her tomes of spells and invocations neatly organized in a desk.

As she sat on the edge of Maessha's bed. Already a formidable mage in Maessha's own right, Alara admired Maessha's thirst for the arcane. Although opposites in their discipline, the desire to be better than yesterday will be always commendable in Alara's eyes. Hence, her discipline to train daily with her spear much like how Antani trained with her blade.

But surely Maessha did not invite her inside her room just so Maessha can tutor Alara on how to shoot lightning out of her hands? Alara grinned, she would rather study what's under Maessha's clothes than these tomes.

"Maessha, how much longer are you planning to keep me waiting?"

The salacious answer to Alara's question arrived. Maessha leaned by the door, stripped from head-to-toe. Her lithe and sexy obsidian body bare for Alara. Maessha's figure is indeed alluring, but what caught Alara's smirk was the dark, towering meat between Maessha's legs. Oh, how spot-on Antani's guess became. Alara's eyes transfixed to the mighty cock of her lover. Her pristine pussy traded for this hung, piece of meat.

Although Maessha tried to hide her embrassment underneath a facade of daringness, this is a bold move that only someone like Ellamir could pull. Alara sould see past the cracks in Meassha's bravado, the Dark elf looking ready to breakdown in embarrassment.

"S-such a lovely surprise, don't you agree? I'll have you c-choking on it soon enough! Y-you'll be moaning my name all night, Amazoness slut!" Maessha stuttered, denting her confidence. This crude bedroom talk that Ellamir told her to say was the straw that broke the camel's back. Maessha was too much of a bleeding heart to talk to her partner in a demeaning manner.

The confident posture disapated, Maessha covered her face, hiding herself from the embarrassment.

Maessha whimpered, "I-I can't do this! This is utterly shameful!"

The last thing that Maessha needed right now was for her lover to laugh, even if Alara found Maessha's antics cute. If Maessha wanted for her to choke on her fat cock, Alara would gladly go down on her knees. Except she can't for disparity between their height made it impossible. Alara would need to think of a better position.

"No, my dear Maessha, you're doing great." So says Alara as she approached, prying open hands from her face.

Gazing upward, Maessha smiled, "Really?"

"Oh, yes."

If Maessha wanted to be on top, then Alara would let her. As a matter of fact, Alara would take her lover on top right now.

"Alara, what are you doing!? Wait...what the...*moans*!"

Before Maessha knew it, Alara effortlessly carried her, having her seat on the Giantess' shoulders as she gobbled up her cock in one deepthroat.

In a gurgling sound most erotic, Alara gagged from her lover's thickness, entrenching deep within her mouth her lover's tasty meat. She can endure tremendous amounts of pain, surely she can weather this urge to vomit and how Maessha's cock slacked her jaw to its limit. Alara gulped once more, resolved to give Maessha an exquisite head.

As Alara bobbed her head, Maessha's cute whimpers graced her ears. The dark elf scrambled to ruffle Alara's hair, her cock coated in a soft and wet coldness. The pleasure from her new rod's head most intense, it was like one big clit! Maessha shuddered at the pleasures of having a new cock brought!

Banking on her superior strength, Alara can hold Maessha on her shoulders for an entire day, but a few more seconds is all she needed before Maessha felt her release close!

"Alara, I am close, you can let go now...Alara!? I said I'm about to come, are you listening!? Fuck!"

Indeed, Alara listened, but there was no need for Maessha to pull out. Alara would shamelessly swallow Maessha's essence.

The hands supporting Maessha tightened, as if reassuring Maessha that it was okay to let it out inside Alara's throat.

"I-if you want to swallow it, then by all means." Maessha stuttered a bit, half-ashamed to make her lover swallow her spunk yet its kinkiness excited her even more, bringing Maessha to edge.

Suddenly, Maessha embraced Alara's head, she could feel this euphoria washing over her from head to toe as her dick spasmed in Maessha's mouth, spurting her hot and sticky load inside Alara's chilly throat.

"Alara!" Maessha called out her lover's name, closing her eyes from the intense pleasure of her dick being sucked dry as she climaxed.

Even if Maessha had the dick, it was her lover that still took the charge. Alara, a true power bottom, deriving pleasure from doing all the work just to keep her lover happy.

Alara laid the still pleasure-stricken Maessha to bed, her proud cock now turned placid, wet from the mix of her cum and Maessha's saliva, giving it this lascivious shine.

The Frost Giant stood proud, both hands on waist, she grinned at her recovering lover, the dark-elf looking like she had an encounter with a succubus.

"How was it? By how you moaned my name, I'm sure you enjoyed being on top, didn't ya?"

How she ended up being milked dry could hardly be called topping, and yet Maessha enjoyed it. Ah, perhaps she truly wasn't fit to lead in the bedroom?

Either way, Maessha smiled and nodded.


With Ellani now fast asleep in their bed. Antani and Ellamir snuck into their spacious bathroom to have an intimate moment of their own.

Body-on-body on the bath tub, the lovers engaged in one of their favorite past times. Bathing together after a long day.

Antani let out a relaxed sigh as she laid he back on Ellamir's soft bosoms, the cleansing and solution on the water had this rosy scent that filled the room. Closing her eyes, Antani relished in Ellamir's delicate fingers massaging her scalp.

"Love..." Antani called out.


"You took Maessha to the Druids earlier, right?"

Ellamir's hands halted their movement. How the hell did Antani knew!? Had her Goddess Artemis bless her with clairvoyance when Ellamir wasn't looking? Ellamir exhaled, it should be fine, she had no solid evidence. Ellamir should just play it cool.

"I do not know what you mean. Why the hell would I take Maessha to the Druids to get a cock of her own?"

Suddenly, Antani burst out in laughter. Her lover is indeed a dumbass. A lovable dumbass. Antani turned her head, smiling at Ellamir while flashing her a coy gaze, grinding her pussy lips upon Ellamir's erect cock.

"You truly are an idiot, love, kiss me."

First, the accusation, and then calling her an idiot. What was Antani's problem!? But still, how could she be mad at this Amazoness? Ellamir's heart beating the rhythm of lust and love and Antani's thigh straddled her cock underneath the waters.

"Tsk, accusing and insulting me out of nowhere, you're lucky I love you."

Feigning grumpiness, Ellamir heeded the call of Antani's soft lips, answering it with a kiss.