Ysbeil's Test

Testing the mettle of her Daughter, Ysbeil's legendary bow slammed into Alara's gut. The devastating thud of the Ysbeil's assault echoed in the entire Training garden.

Quick to retaliate, Alara's spear hit the Queen's arm with a force so tremendous, it sent Ysbeil flying in the garden's wall.

Testimony to her battle experience and agility, Ysbeil spun midair, landing with grace at the the wall and using it as a springboard, jumping high up in the air.

One notch, and an arrow of pure light manifested in its strings. A benediction by the Goddess of the Hunt, this arrow will seek its target true.

The arrow unleashed from up high, Alara scrambled to block with her spear but the force behind such strike broke Alara's spear!

Once a spear, now a rudimentaty two-handed weapon. Alara will have to make do, she will prove that she is ready to bring home the victory for their tribe.

As Ysbeil landed on ground, her legs kicked the ground, dashing in the blink of an eye to deliver a kick into her daughter's side.

Alara's reflexes quick block the strike, Ysbeil transitioned to use her bow as melee weapon.

Wielding it as one would a crescent blade.

The two exchanged a maelstrom of blows as Alara's sticks parried and countered Ysbeil's agressive bow strikes.

As a proud avatar of Artemis, the bow she granted will be the only weapon she would wield. Hunt or battle, be it eviscerating foes from afar, or bludgeoning them up close.

Both of Alara's sticks came crashing down, Ysbeil positioned her bow on high, ready to receive the blow.

They appear to be evenly matched, until Ysbeil's agility got the better of them, back flipping into a kick that hit the giantess straight in the jaw.

Disoriented, Alara had less then a second to recover, every passing moment in a fight is fatal!

The spectators all at awe at the mother and daughter going toe-to-toe.

An impressed whistle coming from Yulia, her blood boiled at the thought of taking on either one of them. Nine hells, she'll take on both of them at once if given the chance! In a fight a of course. Best not mention that thought out loud since Antani was just next to her.

"By the Nine hells, your mother can fight!" Yulia praised.

"Not to brag, but she is THE Warrior Queen of our tribe. Her skill is second to none. Sister might appear as her equal, but that's because Mother hasn't unleashed the power of her bow just yet."

Resting behind Gloria's wheelchair, a curious musing passed by Stefano. Should he ask it out loud? Well, why not? Should be no harm in asking.

"Yeah, but whose mother is stronger though?" At once, the rest of the party gazed at the cleric as if he asked something taboo. "What!? I was curious! Don't tell me you're not!?"

Adjusting her wheelchair, Gloria hit Stefano.

"Obviously mine." / "An easy question. My mother of course."

And thus, another storm brewed between the two lovers, due to but a single question.

Antani chuckled, "It's not to late to retract that, my love. Right before you is the proof."

"And the only thing that can harm Lolth's armor is another. We can all attest to this."

"Unlike your Mother's legendary artifact, the Bow of Artemis is simply not for decoration. Zorrla stands no chance."

"My mother maybe the biggest piece of shit in the Underdark. Scratch that, make it the entire continent. But you will find that only a few will be able to put a halt to her rampage. My garbage mother has this one in the bag!"

Their words, heated. A few more exchanges and they are bound to be descend into a full blown argument. All thanks to the single question posed by the cleric.

Luckily, the Paladin was there to mediate.

"You two know the drill, break it up. Gods, you two never change. I love it!"

For Yulia, their constant bickering was a sign that their relationship is as hale as when she first met the two by the forest. They can fight at the pettiest of things, they can also fall in love at the littlest things about the other.

And it just so happens that Ellamir's candidness was one of these little things that Antani adored. Thus, she wrapped her arms around Ellamir's.

"Just shut up and finish watching the fight with me."

Ellamir grinned, "With pleasure."

As Antani and Ellamir's mood now mended, Alara's shoulder broke from the impact of Ysbeil's light arrow. A flawless shot brimming with power that brought down the Giantess on her behind, dazed.

Her left arm moving still, Alara can continue the fight!

The same arrow of light shone its savage radiance right in front Alara's face. A shot up close like this will explode her face clean!

Silence engulfed everyone. Ysbeil's tone alone resounded.

"You are distracted. I sent you here ahead of time so you could prepare. With only days remaining before the tournament, are you fit to even represent us in your state?"

The light vanished, as Ysbeil relaxed her posture, Alara's agitation appeared.

"I am! Not exactly sitting my ass around here! I've been training with Antani!"

"Good, I expected just as much. Then pray tell, the reason why your head is out of it while we clashed? Come clean about what ails you."

Was Alara supposed to tell her mother outright that like her sister, she had fallen for one of those that drove them from their land? She was not ashamed of Maessha, but the circumstance.

Nay, even that circumstance was something Alara will overcome, move past as she and Maessha builds a future. She as the Warrior Queen and Maessha as her consort.

"There is...someone. My heart now beats for another." Standing proud, Alara declared so.

Ysbeil smiled. Her daughter should have been more forthcoming about this. Why would Ysbeil deny her something as wondrous?

"Then who is this woman? Surely you did not woo her brandishing your status as the future Queen? Allow m

me to meet this apple of your eye."

The rest of the party walked close enough to hear what Ysbeil had questioned. Yulia's grin said, 'This is going to be good.'

"Mother, sister will introduce planned to introduce her to you once she won the tournament, she wanted it to a surprise. Let's drop this matter for now."

Looking out for her sister, Antani surmised that Alara might need assistance in keeping this matter under wraps. For now, that is.

"Heh, some surprise this is going to be." Ellamir chuckled, followed by an groan as an elbow struck her side.

"No, Antani, I will not hide that which had ensnared my heart. Captivated by her beauty and the kindness of her soul."

With Alara pouring her emotions out, Ysbeil grew more excited to meet this woman. Her battle manic daughter acting like a lovesick maiden, who could have struck such a blow?

"My curiosity grows. I cannot wait for you to introduce me to this lucky lady." Said Ysbeil.

"You will meet her soon. As a matter of fact, we shall go head to head in the tournament."

"And a warrior no less! Give me a name, Alara."

"Maessha Eldeth. Princess of the Dark elves."

Did Ysbeil's ears deceive her? Another Eldeth!? By Artemis, surely it was her ears playing tricks on her!

"I'm sorry, daughter. Mind repeating her name once more? I must have heard it wrong."

"You heard it right, Mother. Another of your daughter has fallen for Lolth's child."

Ellamir chimed in, "Let's set the record straight, Maessha never was a true worshipper of the Dark goddess. And I have fallen out of her favor. Do not brand us as her child."

Even with Ellamir's explanation, the fact remained that they are Dark elves. Oh, the upheaval this will cause in the Amazoness council. Antani, Ysbeil can let freely follow her heart's whims but Alara was bound by duty to lead the tribe.

Without uttering a single word, Ysbeil turned her back from them all and walked away. The confusion and anger gripping her, now would not be time to make a decision. This tact, developed from her time spent as Queen. A skill she hoped to pass to Alara.

"Mother..." Alara called out.

"Let's discuss this when I am no longer livid."