Chapter 9: How To Love You? (Part 2)

Julia's POV

Julia crossed her leg and glared at Rico. "You owe me, DiNozzo." Rico clenched his fist, "you too careless. No wonder your dad still treats you like an enforcer," Rico stood up and grabbed Julia's shirt collar. He dragged her and pinned her on the wall.

Maria and Giusto approaching them. "No bloodshed inside this neutral territory!" Julia pushed Rico. Rico walked to Maria, "she mocked me, Nonna! She…" She cuts Rico's word as she crossed her leg.

"No, you can't call me Nonna again after what you did to Cecilia, Rico! Go back to your territory, or I let Salvatore kicked your ass!" Rico clenched his jaw and fist as he glared at Julia. Julia crossed her arms and glared at Rico.

"You beat an innocent man over a girl? Dude, go back to your territory," Rico punched Julia's face.

Julia took her breath and closed her eyes. She wants to punch the man in front of her, but she won't do that because she watched by all of Cecilia's family member. Julia walks to the Cecilia's room, but she stopped by the locked door.

Cecilia locked herself inside her room after their arrival. Julia knocked on the door, "fuck off, Rico! I don't want to see your face!" Julia took a deep breath.

"Are you mad at me, too?" Cecilia ignores her. Julia sits on the floor as she leans her back on Cecilia's door and closed her eyes.

Cecilia's POV

Cecilia did not hear Julia's voice. She sits on the floor and leans her back on the door. Her swollen eyes and dry tears stained on her cheek.

"I know it sucks for you, but can I come in?" Cecilia hugged her knee, ignoring all the people behind that door. God works mysterious way. Cecilia Montella, once a cheerful despite being born from mixed family, she felt her life looks like an American Dream.

She has a lot of friends, loving parents with decent jobs, and a boyfriend who loved her, she promised by her school to get a full scholarship at Yale last year. Everything she had not last longer until a person called himself 'her dad' took it everything.

She doesn't know why Rico did it. What's her family do wrong to him and his family? Or is it because of money? Cecilia hugged her knee tight.

"Cecil, I know it's difficult for you to take, but please opened the door. I'm worried." There's nothing left for her.

"Fuck off!" She said.

Cecilia took a deep breath. "Dear God," she lifted her head, "Someone was crying in front of me, and I don't know why I feel her pain." Cecilia stood up as she narrowed her eyes. "I know it's sounds cliche, but please don't let her do it alone, please punish me." Cecilia looked at the door.

Julia POV

Julia put her hand on the door. "I will do everything for her. I only want her to smile like she used to. We don't want to she fighting alone. If…" Cecilia hugged her tight and cried as her embrace her.

"Why were you prayed like that!?" Julia ignores her. She cupped Cecilia's cheek and kissed her forehead.

"I have la stessa cosa tonight with the DiNozzo clan," Julia wiped her remaining tears.

"Don't die, please." Cecilia said. Julia holds her hand tight.

Maria took a peek and her face turned pale as she looks at her great granddaughter and Julia holding hand each other. "Ma, what's wrong?" Maria took a deep breath and shook her head.

Her feet felt cold, and she's sweating. She looks at Giusto, who wants to approach his boss. "Giusto?" Giusto approached Maria.

Julia looked at Cecilia's swollen eyes. "Panda," Cecilia beat her shoulder.

"Shut up!" Julia giggling, then she put her hand on Cecilia's shoulder.

"Punched me." Cecilia narrowed her eyes. "I'm ready to become your punch bag. Whenever you need it, I'll be there." Cecilia shook her head.

"You like to hurt yourself, don't you?" she asked. Giusto interrupted their moment. Julia cupped Cecilia's cheek and smiled at her.

"I will answer everything you asked for me after this business is done," Cecilia bite her lips as she rubbed her face.

"Argh…" she touched again Julia's cheek, "I will call you after the meeting is done," Julia said.

Cecilia's POV

Cecilia won't let Julia go to the meeting, not because she will die today, but she wants to spending more time with her. She wants her standing at her side whenever she wants, but Julia wasn't an ordinary person like her. She's a Don. The high-rank inside mafia. She has a job.

She almost controlled all over the Manhattan. Cecilia closed the door after she kissed her forehead and leaned her back on the door.

What is this feeling? She wants her so badly. Cecilia never felt so overwhelmed before, but this feeling makes her overwhelmed. She still in madly in love with her ex. Cecilia closed her eyes and hoping she found the answer.

"Cecilia? Are you alright, dear?" Cecilia opened her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Why you wouldn't tell me sooner!?" Maria let her great granddaughter finish her word. "Why everyone lying to me!? It's not fair, Nonna." She burst into tears again.

"Why people treat me like I'm…" Maria hugged her great granddaughter. "Why, Nonna?" She stroke Cecilia's hair gently.

"If we told you sooner, you wouldn't belief us, Cecilia." Her Nonno comes out with pasta in his hand. He puts the pasta on the table and took a deep breath. Cecilia stills cried on her Nonna's lap.

Julia's POV

Julia walked with a baseball bat in their hand to DiNozzo territory alone. "Excuse me…" without a doubt, Julia swing her baseball bat to their face. One-by-one she beat them all by herself. "So, you came!" She saw Rico pointing a gun at her.

Julia took a deep breath and put down her baseball bat. "Let's talked this, DiNozzo, where's your dad!?" Rico wants to shoot Julia, but he missed. A laser came to every spot where they were standing.

"Chop… Chop…" suddenly, a bullet came, followed by a massive explosion.

Julia picked her baseball bat. "Now, just you and me," Julia ran after Rico.

Rico tried to escape by firing his gun at Julia, but she had more experience than Rico. She could dodge a bullet without getting a single scratch.

"Come on Rico, you said you want to kill me." Rico shoot to Julia, but he was out of the bullet. He throws his gun and hiding.