Chapter 23: First Day With You (Part 2)

Julia's POV

After they have breakfast, they decide to changing their daily clothes. It took them an hour because Cecilia needs to rub that Julia picked on her. Julia wants her to get eye surgery as soon as possible, but she promises to her to not use her gangster money.

The couple decide to take Mariano to the hospital. Julia and Cecilia followed the CEO to his room because she wanted to consult about Cecilia's sight. She wanted to talk about it with Cecilia, but she couldn't. She can't stand to looking Cecilia like this.

"This is my wife, Dr. Robert. Her name is Cecilia. Cecilia, this " Cecilia doesn't know how to speak to the doctor, nodding her head and give him a smile.

"It's okay, Mrs. Salvatore. I treated her like my daughter," he said as he pleased them to take a seat on his couch. Julia grabbed Cecilia's hand.

"I wanted to consolute something, Dr. Robert. Can my wife sees again?" Cecilia looks at her with a furrowed brow.

"What are you doing!?" she whispers. "We don't have money! How you could pay the bill?" Julia shrugged her shoulders.

Dr. Robert picked his pen and notebook as he looks at Cecilia. "What happened to you?" Cecilia stood up and stormed out of the room, followed by Julia.

"Babe, wait." Julia embracing her, but Cecilia tried to push her. Julia stroked her hair and took a deep breath. She let her wife calmed.

"Why you did not tell me?" She asked. Julia did not answer her question. She let go of her embrace and wiped her tears. They walked to the Mariano's room. Julia closed the door and embracing her again.

"I thought you were ready," she said. She bites her lip. Cecilia cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead.

"I know," she grabbed her hand. Mariano's chough make them stopped their activity. "Mariano, are you okay, dear?" Cecilia bites her lip.

"I'm okay, Cecilia. It's not your fault, you don't know my allergies," Julia relief that Mariano did not blame her, but what about her ma? Will she blame her? Julia shook her head because she saw her ma entered the room. Cecilia jolted.

Julia stands next to Cecilia and grips her waist. "Ma," Mariano said, "It's not their fault, I… ate cookies without their around," Julia's ma hugs Mariano and looks at them both.

"I-I'm sorry…" Julia's ma hugs Cecilia for a minute, then lets go of her hug.

"You don't need to be sorry about that, Cecilia. He admitted his fault," but still. It's Julia and her responsibility to monitor Mariano because he stays with them. She relief that Mariano was fine and admitted his fault. Julia is relieved because her ma gets along with Cecilia.

Julia even wondered to her dad. Why is he hurting an angel like her? Julia leaned her back on the wall and sighed. She misses him, but will he miss her? The chat stopped when they heard a knocking door and Julia opening the door.

It was Matthew, her capos. "Am I interrupting? Julia took a deep breath and dragged Matthew outside.

"You already found Rico?" He nods. Julia nods, but he held her hand.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Matthew's face turned into pale and a lot of sweat dripping from his body. "H-he joined Mazetti's family," Julia punched a wall near her. "One of their man spotted on our territory. We interrogated him and declared Mazetti and DiNozzo alliance." Julia took a deep breath and sighed. This is what she talked about. Mazetti broke their promises.

Julia took a deep breath, clenched her fist and closed her eyes. She did not answer Matthew's question and sighed. It's a thread for Salvatore. She needs to discuss it with Maria. "Doubled the security, and recruit more people. Do it secretly," she said.

Matthew nods and walked to carried out the task. Julia doesn't know how to tell to her wife and her ma. "Julia?" Julia looks on her back and approached her wife, "what's wrong?" Cecilia cupped her cheek and she can feel her over-sweating.

She will find out in the end. Julia grabbed her wife's hand and kissed her fingers. "DiNozzo and Mazetti declared their alliance," she said. Cecilia embracing her and rubbed her back. She tries to reassure Julia. Cecilia wants to ask about the shooting, but she didn't have the courage to ask her.

Julia closed her eyes and feel the warm embrace from her wife. She concern about her family's safety. It's not about who will kill first, but who will attack first. She let go of her embrace and everything surround her, spinning. "Julia, are you okay?" Cecilia tried to control her, but she doesn't know where is her wife.

"Julia!? Where are you?" Julia grabbed her hand, and she screaming her name.







Cecilia's POV

Cecilia walked approaching her with a bottle of mineral water in her hand and sat on the armchair. "Don't stressed too much, Julia! You almost made me a heart attack!" Julia sighed and grabbed her hand.

"It's about all of your safety, Cecilia. I don't want Rico or anyone to hurt you and your family again." She bites her lips. How can she be so dumb? She might be a mafioso, but will she hurt her? Cecilia gripped her dress, bite her lips. She wants to ask.

Cecilia gathered her courage. She as rights to know. "Why would you did not kill him?" Julia did not answer her questions and took a deep breath. Instead of an answer, she gave her wife a tender smiled.

Julia sat on the couch and pulled her to her embrace again, while Mariano taking a nap. They decide to take a day shift and Julia's capos will take a night shift. Cecilia waiting for her to answer her questions. She put her hand on Julia's cheek and rubbed it.

"It's because you were asking for it." Cecilia furrowed her brow. "I remembered how you complaining of your debt on the backseat of my car. It was raining." Cecilia covered her face with a pillow so she can't see her red face.

"T-that's when you drive me home?" Julia nods.

Since she drove her home, she constantly visits or even stays with her. "Do you mind tell me about what happened that night?" Cecilia did not answer her questions. Julia embrace her and stroke her hair and took a deep breath. "I will tell my story about my mom." Cecilia looks at her eyes and rubbed her face.