Chapter 48: Third Wave (Part 1)

Julia's POV

Julia put on her uniforms, and she looks herself in the mirror. The meeting last night was a successful. She puts her disguise and took a deep breath. It's already been a week since her ma leaving Salvatore's mansion and start from the bottom.

Julia's ma opened the candy shops next to their coffee shop. Julia secretly use her power to combine and built their place without her Nonna knowing.

Maria and Melania left the building and move to their place. Cecilia starts her business again through a blog called Astrology Master.

She walked to the kitchen and saw Cecilia cooked a breakfast for them. "Morning, babe." Julia greets her wife with a morning kiss. Today, Julia will host a child's birthday at her workplace.

Julia took over the cooking while Cecilia take her cereal. "Morning too," Julia helps her put the sunny egg on her plate and put the plate on the table.

Julia helps her wife to pour the cereal and the milk inside the bowl and she raised her brow. "Babe, we ran out of the milk." Julia put the empty bottle at the side of the sink.

Julia guides her to the dining table and pulled a chair for her. "Morning love bird!" Max barking at Melania and run towards her as he wiggling his tail.

Cecilia greets her Nonna, and she hugs her, "I miss you, Nonna," Julia picked a bread and brew another coffee.

Julia put another glass, and she sighed. She ran out of the capsule, and now she should make an order. She picked her phone and she order as she walked to the fridge.

"Babe, your Nonna can have my coffee. I will take my orange juice." Julia pours the orange juice into another glass and she sniffs the juice.

Cecilia snatched the glass and the box, then she pours the juice on the sink. "Oh, I forgot to tell you that… our juice already expired two days ago," Julia sighed.

She picked yogurt. Julia hates yogurt because it will make stomach hurt all day. She sat between Cecilia and Melania and she signed the cross, preached, then closed her eyes.

""Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen." Julia opened her eyes, and she gave her wife bread.

"So, Julia." She took a glance at her Nonna, "do you have a plan to get rid of that bitch?" Julia shook her head.

"No, we decide to 'teach' her a lesson, Nonna. I already got a promotion as their General Manager and today it's my first day assignment." Julia chewed her bacon and bite her bread.

Matthew's POV

Lizia put a mount of Jam on her bread and looked at her surrounding, "Matthew!" Matthew approached Lizia, and he took a deep breath.

Lizia looking at him. "Do you know where Julia and her stinky wife are living?" Matthew nods. He should inform his Don, no matter what.

Matthew straightened his body. "Do you want me to accompany you to go there?" Lizia shook her head.

"Not now," she took a glance at him. Lizia put the knife and fork next to her plate and stood up.

Matthew step back and he took a glance and Paulo. "How's the deal going?" Matthew nods.

"It was huge succes, Godmother," Matthew said as he opened her the door. She stared into Matthew's eyes.

"Julia wasn't there?" He shook his head. Lizia smiled and pat his shoulders. Matthew's body shivering, he choose to be loyal to Julia, but he should keep it secret until she founds how to send her back home.

Lizia smiled, and she gets inside the car. Matthew closed the door. "Have a delightful trip." He picked his phone and called his boss.

"That bitch will visit you. Be ready." Matthew walking to the Julia's study room and walked to her desk. He opened the bottom drawer, same as Julia instruct him.

Paulo gets in and he approached Matthew. "Don wants talked to me?" Matthew nods, and he handing Paulo the phone, then he opened the box. He took a deep breath and sighed.

"Dear Jesus, I owe her my life once, and I don't want to destroy my loyalty to her. Amen." He signed crossed and took the pill.

Paulo approached Matthew, and he patted his shoulder. "Are you okay?" Matthew sighed.

He closed the drawer, and they get out of her study room. "We're not okay," Matthew said. Matthew give a sign to Paulo to follow him.

They get inside to his bedroom and took a deep breath and turned the radio. He writes on the paper and showed to the Paulo. Paulo's eyes widen and his face pale.

Matthew ripped the paper, then burn it. He turned off the radio, and they walked outside the room and he shook his head. "Don't tell anybody, pal. Our boss knows what she's doing." Paulo nods.

Julia's POV

Julia walked to the kitchen, and she saw all the employees at their works stations. "Hey, Julia!" Julia rolled her eyes.

She tries her best to not punched his face because he tries to seduce her. She already married, but this guy in front of her annoyed her.

Julia saw Mazetti's guys entered the restaurant. She tapped one of her workers and she took a deep breath. "You seem tired," Julia said.

"Yeah, you right," she said, "I'm on the edge of the exam, and trying to pay my college debt." Julia massage her shoulders.

Julia exhales and smiles. "You can take a break." Her eyes shine and widen. "thank you!" Julia takes her position, and she pretends to log in to her account and she smiled.

"Hi, can I…" The man put his wallet on the counter, and he glares at her. "We want all the menu you have," Julia furrowed her brow.

"Excuse me, Gentleman," she said, "we…" he pulled Julia's work uniform. "We had a bad day! Don't mess up with us, or we kill you!?" He pushed Julia.

Julia wants to punch a man in front of her, and she took a deep breath. She took a deep breath and smiled drawned on her face.