Chapter 62: Friends (Part 3)

Julia's POV

Julia get shake his hand and walked without a word to her car. "You did?" Julia opened the door for Cecilia and helps her to get in.

"I did," she said.

Julia took a deep breath and looked at her left. "You want to go home, or you want to go somewhere else?" Julia attached her seatbelt and looked at her.

Julia kneels while her wife twinkling her eyes. "Um…" Cecilia touched her chin. "What time is it?" Julia looked at her phone.

"03.08 AM," Julia informed.

Cecilia twinkling her eyes again leave Julia grimacing her fate. Julia knows it's already late. She walked to her seat and took a deep breath. "In mafia history, a wife should wait at home while I'm doing my thing." Julia opened the conversation.

Cecilia giggling and put her hands around her arms. "I want to be with you, Clyde." Cecilia leans her head on her shoulder.

Julia did not start the engine. She waits for her wife to decide where they should go. "I want to asking you a question, Julia." She straight her body. "What you do if you want to fix your friendship with someone? I mean…" she took a deep breath and exhale. Both Cecilia and Julia are unsure about her question.

Julia grabbed her hand and smiled. "Before I answer your question. Can I ask you a question?" Julia asked.

Cecilia lifts her head. "About what?" Cecilia blinked her eyes.

"How's your friendship destroyed?" Julia stared at her.

Cecilia bites her lips and hunched. "S-she betrayed me," Cecilia said in low tone.

Flashback on

Cecilia's POV

Cecilia strolled her way to her class with Mr. Whittaker as her guidance. "Are you sure you alright?" Cecilia smiled and nods.

"I have a friend, Mr. Whittaker. She probably misses me." Mr. Whittaker opened the door for her.

"Diandra is your best friend, right?" Cecilia nods.

Once she gets in to her class, Cecilia found her class was quiet and furrowed her brow. All the students there stared at her, but the bullies laughed at her. Mr. Whittaker walked to his desk and put Cecilia in front of the class to wait for him gave her seat. "Mr. Whittaker!" Diandra stands up.

"Yes, Ms. Harold?" Diandra squirms and wrings her hands.

Diandra's heart beating faster and sweat fall from her face. "I-I thought you were dead!" Cecilia furrowed her brow.

"What do you mean!?" Diandra gulped.

Daniella stood behind her back, then smirked at her. "When you were away, Diandra and Chester were already dating." She widen her eyes and gasped.

Bella and Cassandra approached their sister, and the triplets smirked. "All over the school knew that Chester was already dating with her," Bella added.

Cassandra nodded her head to give an approval from her. "I-is that true, Diandra!?" When Diandra was about to answer, Cassandra interrupted her.

"Do you need a proof?" She taunts her, "oops! You were already blind, so I am in doubt that you can see the picture." All of her classmates laughed. Mr. Whittaker tries to calm his student, but to no avail. The triplets launched their last action.

This time, Bella walked towards her and snatched her diary. "Oh, the blind's diary here," Cecilia groping the air to looking after her diary, but Cassandra tripped her.

"Oh, I'm sorry," all the classmates laughed at her.

Cecilia stood up and stormed out of the class. She ignores her homeroom teacher, Mr. Whittaker, calling her name.

Flashback off

Julia's POV

Julia hugged her wife and reassure her. "Since then, I dropped out of my school and search for my passions." She stroked her hair.

"You should forgive Diandra, Cecilia, but don't give her your kidney," Julia said.

Cecilia leans her head on her chest. "Why?" Julia keeps stroked her hair.

"Because she's a douche, jerk, licker, and…" she let go of her hug and looked at her eyes. "…I want to kill her," Cecilia slaps her shoulder.

"You said I should forgive her! Why you want to kill her so badly!?" She pouted her mouth.

Julia cupped her cheek. When she was about to kiss her, she brought her face close to her ear. "Diandra and people who involved that day, they didn't deserve you, babe. They should know that you are my wife." Cecilia shivers at her words.

Julia pushed her and grabbed her hand. "How I reject her? She the only friend I have, Julia." She hunched. Julia didn't want to see her wife hunch. She pecks her lips.

"I'm your wife and your best friend. So, let's move on. They lose you, let them regret." Julia said.

Cecilia hugged her like there's no tomorrow. She closed her eyes and fills her lung with her favorite scent. "Thank you," she lets her tears flows.

Julia replied to her hugged and kissed her cheek. "Let's we go through hell together, Bonnie." Julia wiped her tears and grabbed her hands.

Cecilia put her hand on her shoulder. "Why did you call me Bonnie?" She leaned her head on her shoulder.

Julia took a glance at her and drives her car. "You call me Clyde earlier." Julia steps on the brake and looked at her.

"I don't like it!" Cecilia said as she played with her fingers.

"What if we make it our nickname?" Cecilia raised her eyebrow. She lifts her head as if she can see her wife.

"Jullie and Cecil," they said in sync. They laughed, and their eyes meet. Julia stroked her hair and pulled her closer.

"The night sky is bright tonight." Cecilia did not respond.

Julia took a deep breath and turn left. They stopping by at a motel. "We already arrived?" Julia shook her head.

"I'm sleepy," she yawned.

Cecilia's POV

Cecilia rubbed her back, "then sleep. I'll wait." Julia blinked several times.

"Are you sure?" She nods. Cecilia holds her hand tight. For the first time, Cecilia can smile widely. "Okay," Julia moved to the back seat and lay on there.

"You should sleep too, babe." Cecilia shook her head.

"I'm not sleepy yet." She said.

Julia hummed and closed her eyes. "Good night, babe. Have a sweet dream." Cecilia whispered.

She took a deep breath and pondered. She can hear Julia's soft snore and sighed. Her thoughts about her past played inside her head like a movie.

She unattached her seatbelt and move to back and lay next to her. Julia changed her passenger seat into a bed. Cecilia groping slowly, but Julia opened her eyes.

"Do you need something?" She helps her.

"No," she said. Julia hugged her and Cecilia lay her head on her chest.

Julia closed her eyes. Cecilia stared at her face and rubbed with her thumb until her sight blurring and heavy.