They found themselves in a garage amidst other weird looking cars and outdated time machines. Marie and Trevor put up an expression that made Fern tell them where they really were.

"This is the time garage friends. Same thing you'd see beside every other house around," Fern said.

They all came out of the garage to have a view of the futuristic Godzilla Street. They saw houses suspended several inches above the ground, same as the one beside the garage, which happened to be Fern's house.

"Wow," Marie marvelled, her eyes bumping from one house to another.

"That's the magnum-lift technology," Fern said, referring to the houses. "Originated in Singapore."

"Yeah. Used to protect houses from Earth quakes," Expresso added.

Marie and Trevor weren't done admiring the houses when they saw some boys riding on hovercrafts and cars gliding above the ground. Trevor found the cars really cool because he was a fan of cars.

Fern looked at them and saw their reluctance to go into the house. "We'd go around Godzilla Street soon to see more things. Let's go inside now."

They all went to the house and a staircase descended from the suspended building, on which they climbed to get to the doorpost.

Fern punched a bell beside the house and a pretty, slender girl of about twenty opened it.

"Went timsing again Fern," she said to him in a straight face.

Timesing was a time machine equivalent of a joy ride. Fern was fond of exploring time frames with his father's time machine.

"You can see I didn't just go timsing for nothing," he said to her.

"Hello," Six waved at her.

"Whom are these?" She gestured to Marie and Trevor.

"Oh, these are my friends from the past -- Marie and Trevor," Fern said, then he turned to them. "Meet Kaito, my younger sis."

"Hi," Marie waved.

"Hello," Trevor said.

She still stood still, staring at them.

"She's got some attitude," Trevor said.

"That's just how she is," Kahil said.

"Now please open the door so we can come in," Fern pushed the door open and she stepped aside.

They entered and saw an old woman on a wheel chair reading a newspaper.

"Momma," Fern said and kissed her.

"Like you don't know we've been worried about you," she dropped the newspaper saying.

"Come on." He sat on the couch. "Guys, this is my granny. Granny, Trevor and Marie from the past."

They both waved at her. She took down her glasses a bit to peek at them.

"They really seem to come from the past. Why did you bring them here?" She asked.

Fern explained everything to her, including where they came from and what they came to do.

"Hmm, what solution do people from the past have that we don't?" Kaito, Fern's sister said.

"They're with a solution, if you must know," Six said to her.

"Hmm, the Dalamos laboratory. They brought the chaos we face today," granny said. She looked up at a picture hung on the wall. It was a man that had the resemblance of Fern. "Oh my dear Jiro. They took you from me."

"Is he dead?" Marie whispered to Fern.

"Uhm, no. That's my father, Jiro. He's not dead. He now lives amongst the subjected werewolves in Chiba City," Fern said.

"That's where most of the Japanese subjected werewolves live, away from humans and the genetically transformed ones," Six added.

"That's quite sad. Are they so voracious?" Marie asked.

"Not really, but they act crazily periodically," Expresso said.

"Now you see what you guys caused. I really don't know how you guys would solve this," Kaito said.

"We will," Fern said. "For now, we just have to make them feel comfortable."

"Same as us," Kahil said and got up. "Hope the fridge has been stocked up."

"Go see for yourself," Kaito said to him.

He walked to the fridge and opened it, taking out a jar of jam.

"Who else is hungry?" Fern asked.

"I am," Six said. "If nothing is done Kahil could gobble up the whole fridge."

They all laughed.

Later in the evening they all went out to see some other sides of the street. Most of the houses looked alike. They kept coming across gliding cars too, though cars with tires still rode, but it seemed only the rich rode the gliding ones.

They walked and stopped at a basketball court where a group of tall guys were playing with energetic and beastly vibes. They were very fast and unpredictable.

They talked while they watched the players.

"Those are werewolves?" Marie asked.

"Obviously," Fern said.

"They look really cute and energetic," she said.

Trevor sighed.

One of the guys slowed down, looked at her and gave a killer wink.

She quickly looked away. "Don't tell me he heard that."

"Actually he did," Expresso said. "But it's alright."

"Seems the genetically transformed werewolves have a thing for female humans," Marie said.

"Same thing I noticed too. That one right there is all over Kaito," Six pointed to the one that winked at Marie.

"I hope he sticks to her then," Trevor said.

"Right now I'm all about preparing the pure serum," Expresso said.

"That wouldn't be a problem. The Tokyo Open Laboratory is there for us," Six said.

"Woah, woah, woah," a voice said behind Marie.

They looked to see the guy that winked at her.

"What's up with words I keep hearing, her's capturing my attention more." He winked again at her.

"I don't think it's something you should bother about," Fern said.

"Some humans from the past right?" He said. "Well, I'm Itsuki. The fearless and most daring of all genetically transformed werewolves."

"Hurray, now could you get back to what you were doing?" Kahil said.

"Not until I've gotten to know her better. Seeing people from the past gives me this nostalgic feel," he said.

"How did you know they're from the past?" Kahil asked.

"Everything about them speaks it," he said.

"Well, I guess you just love female humans, same way you had always wanted to know Kaito," Fern said.

"Oh, snap." He returned to Marie. "Once again, I'm Itsuki. You?"

"She's Marie, my, uhm... friend," Trevor said. "We came to the future on a serious mission."

Trevor's intonation made Itsuki silent for a moment.