They looked around and saw a young lady in a black flowing gown with a spiky collar.

Fern stared at her in awe, he suspected that she must be the one he had read of, though he didn't know what she looked like.

Her stare and aura was as stern as the wolf's own. Her eyes were shadowy and dim.

"Over here girl," she said to the wolf. The wolf walked to where she stood. She bent to rub her chin on the wolf's skin.

"Uhm, excuse me ma'am, are you the lady that smells wolves?" Itsuki said.

"Now you see the reason why coming here with this guy was a hard decision for me," Trevor said.

"Come on, not like she'd kill us or something," Itsuki said.

The lady rose her head and looked at them. "Something must have brought you here, but definitely not my help."

They looked at each other, almost discouraged.

"Look, uhm, actually, we don't really need help, we just need a little assistance --" what am I even saying, Fern hit his head.

"You can leave now." She turned to go with her wolf.

"Please hear us out," Fern said, going after her.

The wolf turned around and gave him a life-threatening growl.

"Oh, jeez!" Fern lurched backwards.

They all watched the lady walk away with the wolf.

"Look guys, I think we need to follow her without her notice," Expresso said.

"We might follow her to her place, but getting words from her mouth is where the problem lies," Marie said.

"Look, people like this love people desperate for their help. Let's just do this before she disappears from sight," Expresso said.

They exchanged brief glances, then began following her.

They stealthily walked behind her, cornering around bends and trailing alleys, until they got to a modest house made of colorful woods and planks. They saw her walk up to her balcony and turned around.

"Welcome to my humble home strangers," she said with her hands spread out. "Now you can come out of your hiding places."

They exchanged glances and guiltily came out of the corners of two tall buildings where they respectively hid. They stood confused over how she knew she was being followed, but didn't bother.

"I knew from the onset that you were hard heads. Glowie here could have pounced on you all, but I restrained her from doing so," she said.

"So, you're going to help us?" Fern said.

"Come inside," she said to them and got into her house.

They exchanged the last glances and followed her in.

The interior of the house was made of leather coverings, and pictures of different kinds of moons hung on her walls.

"Have a seat." She gestured to the seats around and they sat down.

She sat on the floor and her wolf curled around her, with which she used to relax, like she was leaning on a soft brown cushion.

"Yes, I see what's happening out there, but I bother less about it. Humans brought this upon themselves, and they should suffer it too," she said.

"You talk like you're not human too," Itsuki said.

"Oh, yes I am, but not human as such. I don't see myself as human. I see myself as a descendant of a lunar civilization. I make myself believe I used to live on Titan," she said, pointing at a framed picture having a very large moon.

"Titan, the largest moon of Jupiter," Expresso said.

"I feel that's where I came from, and being a lunar being, I have the ability to sense the presence of wolves from afar, and that's what has saved me and people around me."

"Do you sense the hiona wolf?" Marie asked.

"I sense wolves doesn't mean I know the kind of wolf I sense," she said.

"Means this is going to be a difficult one," Fern said.

"But why do you seek the hiona wolf?" The lady asked.

"You know the extraction of the serum of the hiona wolf is what has caused the problems we face today," Expresso said.

"The hiona wolf is without the serum, and that's why I've not been able to smell it as a different kind of wolf," she said.

"We have the serum in here," Fern said and clicked the compartment of his gun open.

"Let me have it," she held out her hand and Fern gave it to her.

She sniffed it. "I have perceived something like this before, but it keeps fluctuating."

"Maybe you had no idea that it was the wolf serum you were perceiving," Six said.

"No idea at all, and I just perceive it and let it pass. Never knew there are people that want to get to the hiona wolf. So why do you want the hiona wolf?"

"We want to inject the serum back into it so that her descendants would stop attacking more humans," Fern said.

"I've also had the urge to save the humans from these things, but they're just too many, all I did was find me a pretty wolf and relax here in this lonely street."

"But why do you choose to live here?" Six asked.

"I used to live with my family in Gregor Street, but they see me as not one of them. I don't blame them though, I don't see myself as one of them either. They called me possessed and all sorts of names, they said I don't deserve to live amongst humans. I take things very literally, so I detached from humans," she said.

"So how do you survive here? How do you eat and live amidst the spooky things that tarry around here?" Trevor asked.

"There are a lot of abandoned shops around here. People fleed this place because this is the place where the first set of wolves came to. People fleed leaving their businesses behind, so I go to shops to get good things for myself," she smiled.

"You really are having a good time here," Kahil said.