Fern bowed his head in pity. "It's really sad," he said, soberly. "But, I really want to know the names of these bullies. Could you write it down somewhere?"

She stared at him for few seconds, then she went to her table and took out a powdery limestone.

She got back to her seat with the limestone in her hand. "I can only write their names for you, but you dare not say it out." She stooped and wrote the names on the ground.

When she was done, he got up and stood behind the names, reading it in mind. The names were: 'Largon, Koranos, and Lieah.'

"The first to be created was...the first name you see; the first Ria. He wasn't created as a single being. There were, at least, twelve beings created by a black Elf called Hindison, who used exotic aids to do his work.