Fern was served a rich meal --grilled lobsters and coconut water. The meal made him drowsy, and he slept off, almost immediately after eating.

The next day, Fern requested to go out to find a way to get to his friends. Rhodera accompanied him outside the cave.

The sky was clear, and the sun smiled on them both. The area he saw was very different from what he saw during the cold rain. Looking far, he could see sloping meadows and green hills, he also saw the coconut trees which where shrouded in the haze which the rain came with. He looked to his right and saw the clouds above the deserted hamlet heavy. He began to wonder why the weather was rationed.

Rhodera started with a smile. "I look forward to having such company again."

"I too." He smiled back. "I got loads of information from you, both life saving ones."