From beneath the bed, Trevor began to ponder on what the Helios-hub really meant and why it occurred. 

He thought the danger associated with it was the overhead movement of Helios, but hearing of goblins made him muse over the connection between the Sun God and goblins.

"I could remember the last time this thing happened, my sister lost her life. Those goblins aren't nice at all," Dummerbell said.

"And last night was really rough for us all. I unknowingly got into a fight with six of them, but they were too stubborn and buggy, goring my skin with their slime-smeared buckteeth," Mobis said, revealing the back of his neck to her.

She saw a very deep gore in it and shuddered at the sight.

"We had to run out of there and find another area within the woods, which I think must have been occupied by them as need to see their faces." Drucoli gnarred angrily.

Amberose stood akimbo, staring at them, with a mouth short of words.