Infolord Malacoid's smile returned. "Welcome so well, alfes." His eyes were on Launa, who was uncomfortable by his presence. "Hope you wouldn't be this nervous when we enter the Continuum Globe. It's quite difficult working with you new alfes," he said to Launa.

She moped at him.

"You two should tell her beforehand that a bit of nervousness could cause a disruption somewhere," he said.

Launa couldn't grasp what he meant, but she kept shut, hoping to see answers falling in place as time went. Infolord Malacoid turned to go in and they followed. They entered an empty class where chairs and ankara fabrics were piled high at the far end. The class had an exit door from which they entered an outlandish room, having plane mirrors kept at right angles to each other. They walked in and saw themselves in multitudes.