According to the strange thought-form, he was a thought-form that originated from planet Plutar. Jarrol asked what he was and he said he birthed the Multipath Quantum Tunneling. He could make bodies pass through barriers like walls and doors, without the barriers breaking apart.

The van drove through woods, forests, and some shallow lakes until it arrived at a wood with dense arrays of trees.

"The Sholin woods, we are here already," Casparn said. His voice sounded like a whisper.

"Do shut up, please. You wait till we get to them shield," Lastein said.

It seemed as though Lastein were in bad terms with every other thought-form. Casparn ignored him and kept shut. The van drove through some obscuring, drooping leaves and came out to a large, green field where a smooth, large rock that had patterns, drawings, and silvery bars on it loomed.

"The Infonix Shield," Casparn said to them as the door of the van opened.