Fargos ran to them. "Look, It's Harrin inside this body. We need to leave here before Baraki and Master Brune returns."

"Leave to where exactly?" Launa asked with a worn-out voice.

"Our destination right now should be the region of macabre-forms. We need to reach the White Ribbons before anyone finds out," Hasla said, getting to his feet.

"Seems you found a solution for them," Harrin said to Hasla.

"We discussed it at my place," Hasla said.

"Then we reach there through the Infinity Apparatus. It's over there. Let's go." He pointed to the exterior.

Lastein got to his feet together with Jarrol, but the girls were still flatly laid on the floor.

"We should get them up," Lastein said to Hasla.

Hasla took Launa up and Lastein took Daisy up. Together with Rhoze and other ghost-forms, they went to the other side of the Latter Home, where the apparatus was situated.