It was this young and high-spirited nature that made the scientists banter with him at times, also a reason his wife and daughter ran away from him.

"Illinois wasn't so visitor friendly, I guess." Meinrad flashed his teeth before them, gripping the handle of the box.

"Illinois was a step to being visitor friendly," Alban said. "But pal here couldn't restrain himself from being a yokel back there, making fun of the food we were served at a hotel," he referred to Ali, speaking in his flippant tone.

"Buh the meals wa worth the fun Rad...ah swear." Ali laughed.

"Whatever the meal was." Meinrad waved his hand in the air. "What's good is all got back safely from Illinois." He nodded, then he chuckled. "You guys must have infiltrated Fermilab real good."

Camillas sighed. "We felt a wave of frustration when we didn't find the tube in his safe. They moved it."