"Oh, Mr. Kalu we already sensed your presence", she spoke in a shaky hushed voice. Her breadth smelt of musty Brandy, but Jide never cared, he smiled instead. He could faintly hear the live orchestra playing the Ave Maria from the event hall.

"I am Margaret Costner". She touched her chest.

"Nice to meet you ma'am", he said, but in few seconds, her name rang a bell in his ear.

"You are related to Harold Costner?", Jide asked in amusement.

"I am his elder sister", she spoke outrightly. Jide arched his brows. Then he suspected the President or one of his emissaries must be close by.

"And here is my daughter, Louise". She waved at him smiling, he waved back.

"And over there is Richard, my eldest son". Then she looked at Williams. "Actually, William's twin". She laughed. Richard waved and grinned, Jide waved as well.