Lover's Haven

YOUNG VILLA, Hiryuu Island


They said Hiryuu Island is a lover's haven.

Those couples who genuinely love each other and get married on the island will receive a blessing from heaven. It says they will never be apart but meet again in the next life.

It sounds crazy but her parents once received this so-called Magic of Love blessing when she was a fetus.

Although she witnessed how her parents were in love, she still doubted whether this so-called blessing was real. Probably because she felt nothing special upon stepping onto this island.

How would she believe it when she could not even sense this mysterious feeling they all talked about?

She had never fallen in love yet and so she could never relate to her friends who flaunted their lovelife wherever they went.

Having thought of that, Violet filled her lungs with fresh air and then released them violently.

Violet was standing by the railings near the infinity pool and appreciated the beautiful scenery the island offered her.

Many people testify that this island truly has a touch of magic, as long as your love is pure.

So even her friends believe in this magic of love and are waiting for their prince charming to arrive, which Violet could only roll her eyes and smirk at.

Well, as for her, she's not waiting for her Prince Charming but for the bathroom to be available.

What she wanted at this very moment was to wash her body after her arms got itchy from dipping in the pool.

The chlorinated water triggered her delicate skin. Violet hated why she was this sensitive, which completely ruined her fun.

Violet frowned after she let out a sigh. She turned around and rested her bottom on the railings. She was envious, looking at her friends, who had fun playing with beach balls inside the pool.

"Hey, Violet! Come, join us!"

Violet smiled bitterly and shook her head. "I'll pass."

"What's wrong?" Angela queried as she swam in Violet's direction.

Angela Cassandra Williams is one of the birthday celebrants today. She brought all her cousins and closest friends to the island for a three-day vacation.

The Williams owned half of the land where they built the Empire Dragon Solaris Hotel and Resort. Hiryuu is where you can find the famous forest where a couple cultivated the land and planted those trees, and it became the island's main attraction.

Angela was older than her for a few years, and they were close because their parents were good friends and business partners.

Also, Angela's younger brother, Carlisle Williams, was her classmate from preschool until high school, except for college, where he went overseas.

"I need to wash my body. My skin began itching." Violet squatted on the pavement as she made an excuse.

"Alright. You can use my shower. It was on the right wing of the second floor." Angela offered.

"Oh, are you sure? Sorry to bother you. Many girls occupied the common shower and the ones in the guest rooms, but it can't wait." Violet showed her arm, which had reddened from the itch.

"It's okay! Go ahead!" Angela beamed, and Violet failed to notice the meaning of her playful smile.

"Thanks!" Violet sprang to her feet and hurried to the guest room she shared with other girls.

Following a loud bang, Violet can hear a voice coming from the room.

"Layla, hurry!"

Layla Hamilton was still inside the toilet room, and it's been half an hour that has passed. Still, she was not coming out.

"Layla!" Kyla Lawrence has been knocking on the door as she needs to use the toilet badly. "Princess, are you still breathing in there?"

"I'm almost done!"

"You've been saying that a hundred times!" Kyla cursed but did not say it out loud because her mom Jean would spank her every time she heard her trashing words.

Violet grinned and shook her head, listening to the girls shrieking at the door.

The villa has many rooms. However, the house was crowded with their numbers. The boys may have stayed on the yacht, but they didn't allow girls to hang out with them.

Violet had already guessed why. Everyone here is mainly siblings and cousins. The brothers feared that the "men's stuff" would be ruined by them, especially by a nagger sister like Angela.

Anyway, Violet was okay with this set-up because she avoided someone bumping into her.

'Right-wing…' After she took her things with her, Violet headed upstairs.

She felt relieved that Angela let her use her shower, and she didn't need to wait longer for the girls to finish using the bathrooms.

'I should have booked a hotel.'

She wanted to do this. However, Angela said it was no fun if she was alone in the suite and didn't want to be called out as KJ.

Violet halted now that she had reached the east corner. However, she had had another problem. There are two doors facing each other.

'Gosh! I didn't ask which door I should enter!'

Now she was lost.

Hence, she debated with herself which door she should enter. Coming up with nothing, she decided to knock on on both door and she choose the door on her right. However, after waiting for a while, no one replied.

'Is someone inside?'

She pressed her ear on the door. She could hear a heavy metal rock sound from the room.

With that, Violet doesn't want to waste time anymore. She could no longer stand the itch in her arms. Thus, she turned to the opposite door and banged on the door before turning the doorknob. Good thing Angela did not lock it.

Violet peered inside and scanned the room before entering reluctantly. She sighed with relief when it was empty.

"This bedroom is..."

The bedroom was lovely, but it looked plain for a woman's taste. It should have a few decorations with a feminine sense.

But all she sees is a white bed, a black leather couch, a coffee table, a console table in the corner, and a simple ironwood deck.

She saw a sliding glass door she guessed was a closet next to a door she presumed was the bathroom.

Violet went inside the other door, and she guessed it was correct.

'Finally, I could wash off!'

Elated, Violet hummed as she placed her small bag on the washstand and took out her specialized shampoo, hair conditioner, body wash, and other personal stuff.

She had sensitive skin and needed special attention to all the products she had to use.

She is grateful that her parents are good friends with the owner of Davies Cosmetics and Skin Care Institute. They specialize in cases like hers, and since then, they have produced her own skincare products.

She actually hated how she had these skin problems. She felt so unfair when her twin brother, Seth Lindsey Shang, had no problem.

'Ah.' Violet snapped out of the daze and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Although she was blessed with curves, and they were all in the right places, she had less confidence to act boldly. She could not dare to wear a bikini in front of the men, and she could not help but compare her one-piece black swimsuit to what her friends were wearing.

Well, she is indeed conservative because her father is that kind of man. He is too protective of his princess.

'Alright!' Looking at her figure, Violet pushed down her pink shorts and placed them next to her bag. 

Violet pulled down the straps of her swimsuit and was about to take it off when the shower room sliding door opened.

She was frozen on the floor, looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes widened when a naked man came out of the shower room, and he was also shocked to see her in the bathroom.

"What are you doing here?" He queried.

However, instead of explaining herself, Violet screamed. The guy rushed toward her and covered her mouth.

"Don't scream!"

"Hmmm!" Violet's eyes remain closed. She dares not open them when this naked man is now standing behind her, his hand covering her mouth.

'Ugh. Why is this guy in Angela's bedroom!?'

Violet struggled to be free, but the man hooked his arm around her waist and warned her.

"Stop struggling! I will let go of you, but stop screaming!"

It took a long time before Violet could process his words. He was standing so close. His warm breath tickled her ear, and his presence shut her brain down.

But for some reason, all of her nerves were alive and being pressed into his body.

'Ah! This guy is a pervert!'

"What are you doing here!?" she asked with a hint of irritation in her voice.

The guy was stunned and said, "Huh? Is it me who is supposed to ask you that? What are you doing in my bedroom?"