Betrothal Gift

That's it!

No wonder her bodyguards acted cowardly when she ordered them to beat up her demanding guest.

How could they? 

True that they are throwing their life away to protect her. But their real boss is the guy right here. Her dad Theo, hired bodyguards from the Empire Dragon Agency, owned none other than by the Williams family, managed by this annoying guy in front of her, grinning like a mad dog.

The last person she wants to see in this life is the one who often shows up in front of her like a mushroom. She wondered if there was a place on Earth that didn't belong to this man.

Violet is fuming with irritation. Even so, she stayed composed and wore a solemn face, acting that he could not intimidate her.

After what happened a few months ago, she rarely visited Mainland City because she wanted to avoid crossing paths with Allen again. For some reason, this man appeared before her eyes.

Violet pulled herself together and walked toward an empty sofa across from Allen, seated leisurely on a single couch. She folded her arms and crossed her legs to show that he was not the king here, but she was the queen and ran this territory.

"Looks like you are lost, President Williams. Hurry to finish your tea and leave. I have an important client to meet, so you are not welcome to use the Tower Room as you please."

Fascinated by her snobbish attitude, Allen pulled the corner of his mouth and said, "The person you are waiting for is right here."

Violet was astounded. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm here for my appointment with you to discuss my company's business proposal. Ring a bell?" said Allen.

"You're kidding me! Are you the boss of HL Real Estate? When?" Violet knew that HL Real Estate was the biggest company in Hanford City, but not M Country. However, it is not a subsidiary company of Crow Corporation as well. 'Are they having partnerships?'

Seeing the confusion on her beautiful face, Allen smiled delightedly as his eyes had never left Violet ever since she walked into the room. He told Violet, "Should I announce to the world every company I acquired?"

'I acquire.' It means this guy bought the company! Violet scoffed. Why is she so unlucky to get involved with this man?

Violet scoffed, "Huh. President Williams, I could see you are so bored with your life that even a small company like HL Real Estate is blessed to earn your attention."

There was sarcasm in Violet's voice as she phrased this, which did not affect Allen, who only shrugged a shoulder.

"Why not? It is always a profitable investment to buy companies. It will multiply my assets."

Violet clenched her jaw. Now this man wanted her territory? There is no way she would allow him to gain a right in the White House Garden. Even with the enticing business plan proposed by HL, she would not give in.

"You can leave now, President Williams," she said coldly, scowling at him. "I am not interested in having a partnership with you."

"But I am willing to invest in the project and will only take fifteen percent revenue." Allen is not giving up, which doesn't sound very pleasant to Violet.

She raised one brow as she snorted. "Are you being serious? Who wants to invest in something huge but then wants almost nothing in return?"

"Why can't I? I'm the one who will invest an enormous amount. So why worry, love?" Allen smiled sweetly. So sweet that Violet wanted to vomit blood.

"Shut up! How many times would I tell you not to call me that!? Besides, who's an idiot who would take almost nothing? That is ridiculous!"

"Well, you had just said. I am bored with my life, so I am just throwing my money away." Allen retorted. He winked at Violet, which caused her to fret.

There is pride in his tone, which annoys her the most. She snapped. "Even if you are giving it to me for free. I'm still not interested!"

"Is that so?" Saying this, a playful smile appeared on Allen's lips. His following sentence made Violet spit with blood. "How about this? I give it to you as a betrothal gift."

With what Allen declared, Violet dropped her mouth open. "Stop spouting nonsense! Why would I want to marry you? Over my dead body!"

She growled at Allen, causing her breathless, heaving her chest up and down. Violet was struggling to keep her sanity intact. She was fretting in her seat, but the guy across from her enjoyed seeing her infuriated like this.

'Sh*t! Why am I letting him bully me like this?'

'Proposal is not bullying, dear.' Violet could hear her inner self giving grandiose remarks, which she quickly scolded, 'Shut up!'

However, Allen only broadened his smile, which pissed Violet off. She was startled when Allen suddenly rose from the single couch and leaned over on the coffee table. His face is too close to hers.

She leaned back, burying her body on the sofa, and embraced herself. She heard Allen chuckle after seeing how defensive she was against him.

"My love, even if you become a rotten corpse. I'd be your ghost groom. Then we would be eternally lovers. Besides…" Allen paused and trailed the rest of his sentence while scanning her body. "It's like I've not seen anything yet."

Violet almost spat out a barrel of blood. She freaked out, concerned that someone might hear him saying that and would misunderstand his phrases.

Anyone who would hear Allen having that statement would think they were sleeping. But he only accidentally saw her nude body because of what happened on Hiryuu Island a few months ago during his 28th birthday.

Violet raised her hand to slap Allen in the face. However, she was too readable in what she had in mind. Allen grabbed her hand to stop it from landing on his face.

After a couple of minutes, Violet was left breathless and shocked, staring at Allen with disbelief.

"YOU!" She could not believe that Allen had stolen her first kiss!

Violet could feel her blood boiling from anger. She wanted to explode like a volcano and burn the guy. 'How dare he!?'

Violet keeps shuddering from anger, watching Allen go back to his seat. She never imagined Allen would go this far to bully her. Clenching her palms into fists, she desired to punch him; however, she knew she had no chance of winning.

She tried that countless times in past encounters, but the guy would hug her instead, so she stayed away from him as far as she could.

Violet could not stay longer in the same room as Allen. She rose from the sofa and left without another word.

Anthony and Mike were startled when the door suddenly opened. Though they did not enter the room, they were eavesdropping outside the door, and their boss caught them red-handed.

The two men instantly sprang to their feet, stood straight to the side, and acted as if nothing had happened. Violet ignored them, knowing that even if she ordered them to beat the guy inside, they would not obey her.

Violet went back to the residential area and headed straight to her bedroom.

The bodyguards followed her but kept their mouths shut as it was not their job to comment something such as comforting words to their lady boss. Although they were concerned about her; however, they could not lose their jobs, so they remained expressionless, watching her disappearing silhouette at the entrance door.


At Violet's bedroom, she summoned Flora.

"Flora, connect me with Aunt Erika."

"Hello, sweetheart?" A sweet voice came from Violet's mobile phone.

"Aunt Erika…" Violet tried hard to suppress her tears from falling. But her voice sounded like she was on the verge of crying.

"What's wrong, Violet?" Erika suddenly becomes concerned, hearing her niece's shaky voice. The first thing that came to her was something had happened to the older woman. "Is your grandma alright?"

"She is, Aunt Erika."

"Oh, I'm glad to hear that. So, what happened?"

"Aunt, could you send the best Martial Artists from the He Academy?"

The He Academy is a reputable Martial Arts school inherited by her step-grandma Nina Li from her ancestor, and now she has passed it down to her son, managed by her daughter-in-law.

Erika was surprised by this sudden request. "What happened to your bodyguards? I thought they were the best in the world?"

Violet frowned, listening to her aunt emphasize the words "Best in the World".

In her mind, 'What's the use of having bodyguards known as the best in the world when there is a person they were afraid of?'

She needs her own bodyguards that would not be afraid to challenge that guy—someone who doesn't fear even if that man is known as the king of the world.

But the question is…

Is there someone who could be greater than that man?